I haven't

literally no one has posted a picture of it yet, maybe there's one on his instagram. I'm only repeating what he said during his interview on The Pot Cast.
I grew a few Fast Vintage Blueberries outside this year. Sorry photos aren't the best. A little hard to review because my outdoor garden had a fusarium issue throughout flower and we had 4 consecutive days of frost mid-september so I can't say whats really possible under perfect conditions. I can say they're very resilient plants and I ended up with minimal mold and rot all things being considered.
#1 and #2 were equal in Vigor and size, topped twice and they got around 6-7 feet tall but #1 had fatter leaves and a taller lankier structure, #2 more elegant laves and grew naturally more candelabra-like or bushy. AKBB told me #2 was a "Thai leaner". It def did resemble the blueberry Thai male on his IG. #3 Just never got big, maybe 1/2 to 2/3 the size of the others but did have beautiful pink pistils.
#1 and #2 came down I think Oct 10th. #3 I let go until Oct 16.
#1 Terps - Very blueberry in flower, then very plain later on and trimming. sweet cinnamon terms are coming out in cure, it smelled like atomic fireballl candy today when I opened the jar.
#2 Terps - also blueberry in flower, cheesy sweet and perfume, floral end of flower and still now.
#3 Terps - floral, savory herbs, onion, dank funk
Haven't smoked em much but doesn't seem that hard hitting, but like a pleasant heady functional daytime thing. Cool plants to grow, I am almost more curious about hybrids with it but def something by itself I'd be happy to grow again.