AK Bean Brains

I bought a pack of his TK NL5Haze based on his potcast episode. I've got a good feeling about him and that cross in particular.

Hah...I was writing this as your post popped up.
yo have you grown those? would love to hear what's up thanks in advance! I also listened to the pot cast and he seems legit as can be
Huge shout out to @Dankortowne.

I had a pack of Americanna/Durban that germinated, but refused to come up in the soil. Emailed him and he did some testing on this end. Once he confirmed my experiences, he offered to replace the pack with THREE packs of the same cultivar or I could choose another.

He just sent out the replacement pack, Schrom/Romulan. So stoked for this unique pack and super thankful for his great customer service.
I don't have the Kentucky Skunk anymore... Sadly. Not sure if you had been keeping up with any of my posts or threads but I let it be known. I got raided year before last and literally lost everything i had. They got me at the right time, I will say that, when I did not have anything hid and stashed away. Lost every bean the old man gave me and I had a small pill bottle FULL of the Ky Skunk beans. They're gone... forever.

I got out of jail and stayed on the DL for a while then couldn't resist popping more beans and getting back in the game... well, in my case lifestyle. I have been doing this for 18 years and I can't and won't just stop growing regardless of the situation. I also lost all of my cuts. I have so far obtained 2 of the local cuts I had lost thanks to a good friend of mine that had them. As far as the old sensi, sssc, sacred, etc cuts I lost them all.

Anyway, after a few months i was going to go pay the old man another visit. So I contacted his daughter (he doesnt have a phone) and she said he was in bad shape again. Hes been so sick I just can't bring myself to go ask again. However I am fixing to check with one of his brothers and see what I can come up with.

On a side note, I did get lucky and scored a pack of Heime Cheebas Roak Kill Skunk. He released only 21 packs and only a one time deal on 420. Someone told me on insta that he had already sold out of them, so I messaged him hoping to maybe get a pack eventually. I got lucky, he had one pack left and this Friday when I get paid I'm going to send him $500 for a pack. AKBB told me they're legit, this man does in fact have the real deal RKS. He sent me photos and they look pretty much identical to the Ky roadkill. Probably from the same source back in the early 80s if it were to guess... As far as I know, Heime Cheeba will not release anymore beans of the RKS until full legalization happens I'm guessing on a federal level. He said too many people have been busted with it during veg... So that sounds identical to the ky skunk too. Hopefully I'll have them and pop them by next week. The price tag is worth it in this case...

Edit: I will work with it and make some crosses, etc. I am also slowly regaining my losses, going to have several old KY cornbread cuts as well, eventually.
Damum they still trying to sell RKS to the ignorant lol. $500 pack of deception frfr. I’m going to say AKBB is full of shit vouching for HC’s RKS.
I guess as long as a known name is selling RKS their will be ignorant saps who are going to buy before seeing if it’s legit. Smdh silly stoners abound.

Probably from the same source” is exactly the type of conjecture in these stores that others will read and then Miraculously forget the “probably” = sheer guess/conjecture and then run with the story trying to make it seem legit.

heime all of a sudden does not want a huge profit now because he’s so caring about growers who do not use proper air scrubbing. Get the fuk outta here with that BS HC. He needed to be slapped saying that orally if he ever did. Which btw Iikely at all and chose a written story of total nonsense!

how you folks do not have critical thinking skillz or the ability to identify bs like this still entertains me. Some of us are dumb and stupid as fuk combined and we prove that by what we say/co-signed/do all the time.

After 17 yrs online starting on Overgrow the original not the silly fake new one and history keeps repeating itself. Ask yourselves why this is.
most of I have internet access to old threads and info even if you weren’t in the game back then. Yet, the newer gullible folks keep rehashing the same bs/lies/stories.
Does this read like I’m frustrated? It should cause I’m almost 61 and a curmudgeon who still has a good brain !
For the most potency...

*Black Domina x tknl5haze
*CG/PR x tknl5haze (Darien's Gap)
Blue Steel

If you can find Black Domina crosses with SoHum instead of the 95, the sohum is the most potent Black Domina. The 95 is too, but the SoHum is unmatched...

You have a responsibility to say things that make since and aren’t convoluted/confusing etc.

Sohum is the most potent … = agreed/concur.
so you can’t then say “the 95 is too”
Cause they both can’t be which is just common sinse !
then you say Sohum is unmatched = agree/concur.

The issue is how you speak on the 95’ BD which is misleading! I’m not saying it’s malicious to be clear but you should say/post shit that is simple and direct. You don’t need to hype this shit in a subtle way because you have a dog in the fight imho.

thx for listening. Now, will u get salty by my post ? Probably but I’m used to talking to grown men who don’t respond like they are on the boards now. It’s their call not mine how they react or not. ☯️
Damum they still trying to sell RKS to the ignorant lol. $500 pack of deception frfr. I’m going to say AKBB is full of shit vouching for HC’s RKS.
I guess as long as a known name is selling RKS their will be ignorant saps who are going to buy before seeing if it’s legit. Smdh silly stoners abound.

Probably from the same source” is exactly the type of conjecture in these stores that others will read and then Miraculously forget the “probably” = sheer guess/conjecture and then run with the story trying to make it seem legit.

heime all of a sudden does not want a huge profit now because he’s so caring about growers who do not use proper air scrubbing. Get the fuk outta here with that BS HC. He needed to be slapped saying that orally if he ever did. Which btw Iikely at all and chose a written story of total nonsense!

how you folks do not have critical thinking skillz or the ability to identify bs like this still entertains me. Some of us are dumb and stupid as fuk combined and we prove that by what we say/co-signed/do all the time.

After 17 yrs online starting on Overgrow the original not the silly fake new one and history keeps repeating itself. Ask yourselves why this is.
most of I have internet access to old threads and info even if you weren’t in the game back then. Yet, the newer gullible folks keep rehashing the same bs/lies/stories.
Does this read like I’m frustrated? It should cause I’m almost 61 and a curmudgeon who still has a good brain !
I’ll admit I vouched for Heime Cheba’s rks because people I know found skunk in it at that point I bought a $500 pack myself as well as 10 people that asked my opinion on it 4 locals and some in various other states, after I germed mine and only a couple lived ,I told him and he replaced it wit’s a fresh batch ,this time I sent half to blue grass and grew my half next to blue sky’s Vienna skunk lines 1,2,3 ( a gift from a friend also a $500 pack), plus 2 packs of the Mell Franks 96,and 2000 skunk 1 from Todd McCormick
that was summer before last it consumed my entire summer outdoors light dep
shearching for some decent skunk !
after I Finished them I told everybody the full results and if anyone asked I told them I found no skunk at all in any of it except one ACC rks male it had skunk not rks ,I used it in a couple of crosses ,all the VBS rks was garbage some herms some that rotted in flower same with the skunk 1 from Todd herms ,rot and zero skunk ,although all 3 of them did have some good flower it was not as advertised
I didn’t go on line and blast anyone on that shit but have given my honest opinion on the subject through hundreds of emails and dms I don’t hold back
I’ll admit I vouched for Heime Cheba’s rks because people I know found skunk in it at that point I bought a $500 pack myself as well as 10 people that asked my opinion on it 4 locals and some in various other states, after I germed mine and only a couple lived ,I told him and he replaced it wit’s a fresh batch ,this time I sent half to blue grass and grew my half next to blue sky’s Vienna skunk lines 1,2,3 ( a gift from a friend also a $500 pack), plus 2 packs of the Mell Franks 96,and 2000 skunk 1 from Todd McCormick
that was summer before last it consumed my entire summer outdoors light dep
shearching for some decent skunk !
after I Finished them I told everybody the full results and if anyone asked I told them I found no skunk at all in any of it except one ACC rks male it had skunk not rks ,I used it in a couple of crosses ,all the VBS rks was garbage some herms some that rotted in flower same with the skunk 1 from Todd herms ,rot and zero skunk ,although all 3 of them did have some good flower it was not as advertised
I didn’t go on line and blast anyone on that shit but have given my honest opinion on the subject through hundreds of emails and dms I don’t hold back
I'm not close to Jim at all but things seem to have really changed since he went down. I've been told his son has taken over. I bought from Jim before and had no questions about his gear. Thank you for your honesty and it saves a lot of people a lot of time and money. I'm not trying to bring down ACC.
I’ll admit I vouched for Heime Cheba’s rks because people I know found skunk in it at that point I bought a $500 pack myself as well as 10 people that asked my opinion on it 4 locals and some in various other states, after I germed mine and only a couple lived ,I told him and he replaced it wit’s a fresh batch ,this time I sent half to blue grass and grew my half next to blue sky’s Vienna skunk lines 1,2,3 ( a gift from a friend also a $500 pack), plus 2 packs of the Mell Franks 96,and 2000 skunk 1 from Todd McCormick
that was summer before last it consumed my entire summer outdoors light dep
shearching for some decent skunk !
after I Finished them I told everybody the full results and if anyone asked I told them I found no skunk at all in any of it except one ACC rks male it had skunk not rks ,I used it in a couple of crosses ,all the VBS rks was garbage some herms some that rotted in flower same with the skunk 1 from Todd herms ,rot and zero skunk ,although all 3 of them did have some good flower it was not as advertised
I didn’t go on line and blast anyone on that shit but have given my honest opinion on the subject through hundreds of emails and dms I don’t hold back

Agree... The RKS I grew out from Heime was basically trash and a waste of space. One was a full blown herm. None had any sort of skunkiness whatsoever.

I've got a wicked skunky Fourway male atm and finally getting him rejuvenated. He went through hell... My fault.
You have a responsibility to say things that make since and aren’t convoluted/confusing etc.

Sohum is the most potent … = agreed/concur.
so you can’t then say “the 95 is too”
Cause they both can’t be which is just common sinse !
then you say Sohum is unmatched = agree/concur.

The issue is how you speak on the 95’ BD which is misleading! I’m not saying it’s malicious to be clear but you should say/post shit that is simple and direct. You don’t need to hype this shit in a subtle way because you have a dog in the fight imho.

thx for listening. Now, will u get salty by my post ? Probably but I’m used to talking to grown men who don’t respond like they are on the boards now. It’s their call not mine how they react or not. ☯

No sir, no hard feelings. ;)

They are both fire and potent in their own unique fashion.

Sohum BD is much different than the 95.

95 takes the cake for being the most narcotic. Sohum gave me a strong head high. Sohum smells like a citrus plastic factory, very unique.

The 95 is more earthy, bland and spicey imo.
I’ll admit I vouched for Heime Cheba’s rks because people I know found skunk in it at that point I bought a $500 pack myself as well as 10 people that asked my opinion on it 4 locals and some in various other states, after I germed mine and only a couple lived ,I told him and he replaced it wit’s a fresh batch ,this time I sent half to blue grass and grew my half next to blue sky’s Vienna skunk lines 1,2,3 ( a gift from a friend also a $500 pack), plus 2 packs of the Mell Franks 96,and 2000 skunk 1 from Todd McCormick
that was summer before last it consumed my entire summer outdoors light dep
shearching for some decent skunk !
after I Finished them I told everybody the full results and if anyone asked I told them I found no skunk at all in any of it except one ACC rks male it had skunk not rks ,I used it in a couple of crosses ,all the VBS rks was garbage some herms some that rotted in flower same with the skunk 1 from Todd herms ,rot and zero skunk ,although all 3 of them did have some good flower it was not as advertised
I didn’t go on line and blast anyone on that shit but have given my honest opinion on the subject through hundreds of emails and dms I don’t hold back

It's not your job to be the skunk police.

You keep calling them as you see them and I'll keep listening. ;)
Which is how new folks seem to choose what to buy usually. These folks see a picture and know zero about the strain aside from name. Next thing you know the wallets open and very few of these folks will ever show/write a smoke/grow report on their choices.!

I’m old school and pictures only don’t make me buy usually. I need to know some legit strain info to spend coin which is hard to get
As far as "new folks" comment I have no idea what you are talking about. I popped my first seeds over 40 years ago so I don't think I'm new folks.
I dig what you are saying, but if you want to try something new or different to what you been doing then sometimes you gotta lay out that coin. Notice I implied nice looking plants not fucking swag that nobody in their right mind would want to give a try. I don't care what name is on a plant, if I can't smoke it first I have to go by looks. I've found my eyes are usually more truthful than other people's words anyway. To each, his own.
I've said it before but AK'S Black Domina/PNWHP X Super Skunk is really excellent.

Never had pure Black Domina so I can't comment on how dominant the Black Domina is in this cross, but that one checked all the boxes for me.
I have the black domina super skunk they were some of my favorite plants to visit in the garden and water smelled so good the high is very good also.
I recently got to try some DNA Chocolope and really liked it, so I went on the hunt for some. I was able to find an old pack of DNA's Chocolope that I knew would be "iffy" to germinate, so I grabbed that and a pack of AKBB's Chocolope. I started two of the AKBB, and all six of the DNA. Only one of the DNA seeds germinated. They are three weeks in to 12/12 now and I can't tell them apart. AKBB's look identical to the DNA.


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