AK47 CFL Closet Grow


Well-Known Member
So i have a small issue...it seems that only a day goes by after watering that my plants get pale and lifeless and the top soil is bone dry but moist underneath..Could this be the lights being to close? They are about 2-3 inches away most of the time..


Well-Known Member
2-3 inches from the top of the plant is optimal for CFLs. Those little cups might not have the ability to drain as well as the plants need. When will you be transplanting?


Well-Known Member
i was planning on transplanting in a week or so. Now is it ok to start nutes the day of transplant or should i wait till next watering?


Well-Known Member
When transplanting I like to use a little Super Thrive, which is great for preventing stress. Not too sure about standard nutes. What will you be using?


Well-Known Member
I'd like to say that should work no problem but as I said I am not too positive, and don't want to be responsible for the deaths of any plant. Hopefully someone else can come along and clear things up.
Good luck with the rest of the grow brother.


Well-Known Member
is this from overwatering or under?? Droopy pale leaves 2 days after watering....also they def seemed to have stopped growing no big change in the last 3-4 days..



Well-Known Member
Things are looking good after the transplant any thoughts? Im going to start nutes at next watering for sure most likely on 4/20 which will be week 3 from germ. One of them seems to be streaching a bit at the sides and a lil leaf curling going on is this heat stress?

keep it about 75 nt 80 nd
stop worrying bro mine looked just like ur wen they were
babies and i got 4 nd a half oz of 5 plants
bt depends how long u veg 4 nd shit but they look greeeaaatt

Jack Larson

Active Member
keep it about 75 nt 80 nd
stop worrying bro mine looked just like ur wen they were
babies and i got 4 nd a half oz of 5 plants
bt depends how long u veg 4 nd shit but they look greeeaaatt
OK i'll be more specific, you're right air temps should be 75-77 but for optimal root growth your soil temp should be 80 but sense most growers don't use heat mats. the binefit on the root growth of having higher air temps is greater than negative effects on veg. growth
per Jorge's "Marijuana Grow Basics"