AK47 Double Layer Harvest Jurnal


Well-Known Member
I will be watching this with interest, I've not tried multiple harvests before, but am considering it with my current crop :)

Mr Green Man

Well-Known Member

But I will lower it more tomorrow. based on the fact that the branches getting light now arn't used to it being so strong and the fact that the plant, having been starved for a week and it's head chopped off, probably isn't feeling the best.

Mr Green Man

Well-Known Member
Well I lowered the light to 10" which is as close as I can get it.
I was pleased to see some new growth on maybe 50% of the buds. Hopefully This time tommorrow this trend will have spread to the rest.

The plants look suprisingly healthy considering there trorma.

I will update again in a few days with some photos.


New Member
Nice dude. I love ak-47.. have you heard or tried ak-48?

Also that jordann guy needs to change is damn picture.. it's making me fucking sick! I'm mean come on are you fucking serious??

Mr Green Man

Well-Known Member
God dame put me off mr dinner. well thats what I get for eating at the computer. oh the joys of living alone.

So back to bissness.

I am wondering about drying. At the moment I am mainly taking note of humidity, trying to keep in the 40 / 50 range. I am mainly doing this by keeping the air cerculating. Is this okay.


Well-Known Member
Nice dude. I love ak-47.. have you heard or tried ak-48?

Also that jordann guy needs to change is damn picture.. it's making me fucking sick! I'm mean come on are you fucking serious??

yes, i'm with SilverRabbit ak47 is dank, i have one growin on my room, not sure which one cause it was bag seed :*( and Jordann lmao your avatar ewwwww


Well-Known Member
Nice dude. I love ak-47.. have you heard or tried ak-48?

Also that jordann guy needs to change is damn picture.. it's making me fucking sick! I'm mean come on are you fucking serious??
Shit like that sure does make it easy to guess a persons age bracket.

Isnt an avatar supposed to reflect something about the person using it,maybe he has a nasty zit popping fetish,fuk i dont know but it sure is nasty,i now skip directly over every one of his posts without reading them cause im not looking at that any longer.

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
what ever happend!!! I followed intently! I wanna know the yeild- looks good for sure... I have a very similar set... tell me!


Well-Known Member
Shit like that sure does make it easy to guess a persons age bracket.

Isnt an avatar supposed to reflect something about the person using it,maybe he has a nasty zit popping fetish,fuk i dont know but it sure is nasty,i now skip directly over every one of his posts without reading them cause im not looking at that any longer.
lol... I am 24... haha it made me sick, too. but it's all about the reaction.. lol like 2 girls and 1 cup.. haha.. or 4 girls finger painting...

have you considered a dehumidifyer? they're expensive.. i'll get one for my next grow....

Mr Green Man

Well-Known Member
Yep I have a De humidifier going as well. I turned down the fans today to as humididty was down in the low 40s. The small buds are not far off. the end of stems are starting to crack insted of bend. I will go threw tomorrow and possibly start to cure some.
I want it to tast as good as possible.

Don't worrie I will be posting all the details on my havest. I should have a dry wight for havest 1 by the end of the week and a total dry wight for the crop in about 16days.

I will also let you know what it's like.
I smoked a test piece last night. It was quite strong but not as strong as I would have liked. It kinda creeped up on me. But really I'm not to worried at this starge. It was a bottom green bud that I smoked (One of the ones I should have left behind to mature, but cut by accsedent). I hope the main buds are a bit stronger. All the same I was very stoned and it was plesent uplifting high.
I am also hoping that the second havest, being 11 days older than the first, will be more of a heavey couch lock stone. It will be nice to have two highs from the same crop.

Any way once, it's properly ready I will write a propper review.


Well-Known Member
that definately looks liek sum tree there bruh... heard that was supposed to be the strongest tree on earth, is it true?

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
Can We Get A Pic? Sounds like all is on track, what was your humidity in veg state? did you use humidifier, I am having humidity issues now in veg with the lamp heat... IDK but yours look dank.

Mr Green Man

Well-Known Member
Early veg was very low. like less than 30, and I had wet towls hanging in the room and every space was filled with trayes of water. Once the plants got big this was not a problem in fact it went the other way.

I had 8 plants under a 400W HPS. but there are are few problems.
1)I should have veged longer or used 4 more plants in my grow.
2)The person who gave me the clones, resently killed the mother beacuse of the fact that in prduced low yeilding clones.

I should have a dry wight today or tomorrow. I will post the results.

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
Very similar to my set up, 400 watt hps, 11 plants, still vegging, and since i hung the hps, actually its MH right now for the veg, my humidity went from 60 to 35-40 and i am hanging shit around the room as well... glad to know the low humidity isnt disastorus- I was concerned and felt like an idiot hanging wet towels everywhere, but thanks- and good luck, following intently, lets get them pics and weight!

Mr Green Man

Well-Known Member
I have a quesion.

Some of the small budsa re starting to get dry.

The stems are starting to snap at the end but are still bendy about half way down. Is this time to start curing?


Is it okay to cure in a tupperware container, or does it have to be glass?

Mr Green Man

Well-Known Member
Here is a pic of a top bud. This is a middle sized one.

Any ways.

They are not far off dry now, I have turned down all the fans to slow the drying process and I think I will be taking the smaller buds out tommorrow afternoon to start the cure.
The drying time has been a little fast, they where hung on saturday morning and it is now wednesday afternoon. so thats nearly 5 full days.

The smell is good, there is still a sweet weedy smell off them but is now a more dry smell.
I would say that they have lost around 65% of there wet waight.
The very outside stuff is dry while the middle of the buds still seems soft but deffinatly dry. I think it must be nearly done.

I will update with pics of the plants still growing later this evening.

Oh and these are the new babies.
I am looking for a mouther ICE plant for my next grow, I will grow all these plants out and pic the best. They where topped about 3 weeks ago. they are under a 120W CFL a 35W CFL and 29W CFL, but they are crying out for the big light.


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