Ak47 & strawberry cough


Well-Known Member
Got any pics a little more zoomed out? From what I see those long white hairs coming out of the calyx are pistils. Yes this is a female, very nice big homie ;)


Well-Known Member
I'm not certain...cause I'm high..

Ru8fru I'm not sure if this is the shot you wanted but it's all i have for now. iBasically it's the first picture without zooming. I'm just wonderin why this one and maybe another one as well maybe showing sex (female) both Ak47. Does this mean they're automatic Ak47 and not the original ones? Description says they start flowering after about two weeks. I'm almost a month since I've planted them. Can someone tell me what's going on?



Well-Known Member
That is a female. Congrats on that. As for the strain, I know that some strains are autoflowering, although im not really sure which ones lol. You say its ak47? What ak47? Serious seeds ak47? Is this the only strain you have right now? So are you still trying to veg em or wha? Some will show preflowers in veg, some...


Well-Known Member
They were vegging I'm about to put it to 12/12 . Yea they are AK47 from Serious seeds. I also noticed one of the strawberry cough is showing pistils too. I have 4 plants showing sex (female) now. No male yet.


Well-Known Member
Short and Stout, just like you want em. Youve introduced them to the nutes already right?? hehe


Well-Known Member
Bushy bushy. Cut lower branches on some as I thought it was getting too crowded. Been giving nutes but i cant find the right dose for some of em they jsut want more it seems. The fan fell on them as well was a disaster for a few seconds. otherwise all is good.


Well-Known Member
After reading alot of grow journals on ak47 and ak48 one thing that Ive noticed is the ak line likes nutes.Im only 17 days in and gave a healthy dose of nutes last night checked on them today and no nute burn at all...


Well-Known Member
Im growing ak48 not ak47 but after reading the rumors about nirvana using Serious ak47 genetics I read up on both. hope it helps..


Well-Known Member
ak48 is dog shit compared to serious seeds ak47... one of the best strains on the plant.


Well-Known Member
Bah took down my first male, down to 3 strawberry coughs...
I think I been tripping I only have two fem for now. Put up a fan to extract too its helping the temp down. fuck i'm stressing with the sexes...



Well-Known Member
i've been bringing up the nutes too . i just hope the ph doesn't go wild on me cuz i got nothing to measure.


Well-Known Member
good looking bushes, holmes. I'm excited to find your journal as I'm contemplating the SC for my next grow...grow it big and danky, wouldja? I need to see what this strain can do.


Well-Known Member
God damn fan fell again. Oh my fuckin days I check the grow and god knows how long that fan had been on top of em. few leaves got torn to pieces , one branch broke but the plant itself is alright i guess. Anyways pictures.

strawberry cough 1

straberry cough 2

ak47 1
before fan fell

and now skinny bitch

ak 47 2

so flowering has begun.