AK48 germination question program HELP!


Hey guys,

In about a week I plan on germinating my 2 ak48 seeds. I plan on using 2 party sized cups filled with m.g. Organic (fox farms is way too expensive to ship). Anyway, the lights I plant on using are 2 Panasonic Light capsulses rated at 28 watts (100 watt equivalent), each producing 1200 lumens, 5000k, and cool blue, one bulb per seed, 18/6 cycle. My question is this, will these lights be adeque and how fAr from the soil should I keep them? My last grow, I just planted seeds in soil outside, and they took off, so this is my first attempt germinating manually. I also have 2 23 watt warm cfls from my last grow laying around. Should I use them too? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks....n00dle.


My main question is about lighting, not the soil I'm using. And FYI, I used M.G my last run with great results. Someone here in newbie central is doing a ff vs mg experiment, and m.g. Seems to be doing just as good, if not better than ff. To ship a bag of ff is 55 bucks to me. Seems a little silly to spend that on only my second grow. Maybe if I were planting more than 2 seeds, I'd consider it, but for my application, mg organic will do just fine. Please help with my lighting question, not ur opinion on medium :)


go look at the CFL proximity to foliage thread. im pretty sure its in the CFL section
Thanks for the advice man, I'll be sure to do that as soon as I get home today. :clap: if by any chance anyone has a quick answer to I don't have to go thread hunting, I'd appreciate it! Kindof a newb to rollitup, and it can get a little overwhelming. A LOT of opinions.

Triple S

Active Member
keep the light at 2 inghes from the leaves and after 1-2 weeks you will need more light

do you have anny pics from the outdoor grow ???

good luck

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Active Member
Putting the seed directly in MG Organic will burn the fuck out of it. Use Jiffy Pucks, bro. I'd use two lights per one seed if that is all you can afford. There's no need to grow shitty weed because you "have to grow two" you know? Look into LST also, because I think your grow would be a perfect candidate for that. Furthermore, I would really do a tad bit more research on germination and caring for seedlings. I would really do some more research on this before going much further with your indoor grow.

I speak from experience. I grew outdoors only, and just recently finished my first indoor grow. I learned far more than I had ever expected! I don't mean to knock ya or anything. I'm just saying, indoor and outdoor are entirely different elements. If you're going to use CFLs, be sure to get decent ones. Checkout the CFL forum and see what tips they have in there.

In addition, you DON'T USE LIGHT when germinating. The seeds like to be in the dark when initially sprouting. But, once they finally show some "green" go ahead and flip on the CFLs. Keep them about 9-12 inches from the seedlings (they are very sensitive... they are basically new born babies). Don't blast them with a fan yet (it isn't necessary). Wait for the seedling to get to about 4" tall, and drop the CFLs about 2 inches from them. Keep them close, otherwise you'll grow a tall and skinny seedling that can't hold itself up.

Should your plant start to fall down from being top heavy, hold it up using a piece of fishing string (or whatever other thin string you have), and tie it to a stick, twig, bbq skewer, etc. This will keep it up. But make sure that the seedling gets plenty of light.

Ultimately, I wouldn't germinate until you have read at least 3 grow journals that have used CFLs and actually produced.

Check out my grow under the stairs. I have videos, and I try to point out a lot of the mistakes I made during my first. I'm no pro, and please take all of my advice with a grain of salt. I'm only trying to help.

But seriously... get Jiffy Pucks from Lowes or any local Nursery.

My Thread:


Well-Known Member
I just had 100% success rate for 10 nirvana ak48's in rockwool cubes under a t5 almost constantly. Took most of them 2 days, so consider that. You don't have a local garden store? You probably should do anything you can to avoid miracle grow.

Triple S

Active Member
i've germinated in 18 hours and sprouted in 36 hours

this stain is a really high quality strain.

my plants are in the first week of flowering and i can't wait to see the buds :D

does annyone heve some "last week" pics to share with us ?