Ak48 organic grow journal


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone !

After quite a bit of time away i am back to do a little grow and see how things go with ak48.


80x120 grow tent (bit small)
Bio bizz range. all mix, grow and bloom.
300w marshydro LED
carbon filter
intake fan
positive attitude :)

Day 1

So here we are again. Day one getting the seeds ready and keeping my fingers crossed for a good grow.
I have found these seeds do quite well using the cup of water method however only 3 out of 4 have cracked so far... but i will get them all in the soil and see how things go.

I will be updating this journal quite often so please feel free to roll a big one, stick some reggae on and come along for the ride!
There has been some problems in the tent, carbon filter fell down killing 2 seedlings....... but all is not lost, i have a spare ak48 seed and a northern lights auto seed to replace them, not sure if the nl is fem but i have put both between wet paper towls and they will only be a few days behind.

One of the remaining seedlings has just shed its shell and the other is sitting on top of the soil waiting to shoot up..

I would post pics but i dont think anyone needs to see anymore seedling pics.
Some life in the tent !!

So there have been some problems, some ups and some downs but there is now life in the tent, 3 seedlings (2x ak48 1x northern lights auto).... just a couple of pics for now, i will update much more once real growth starts
Cant believe how unlucky i got with my seedlings this time.. i dont know if its nirvana/seedsman or both but the ak48 seeds were rubbish. Out of 10 seeds i managed to get one to germinate, the others sprouted and dies or were dead and turned to dust between your fingers........ BUT im not one to be beaten by some shite seeds, so now i will be doing a grow of : 1× AK48 1× NORTHERN LIGHTS AUTO 1× SIN TRA BAJO 1×AMNESIA AUTO... the ak48 and the nl are alredy a few days old and the sin tra bajo seed has just been put in its final pot, the amnesia has just cracked so fingers crossed with this one.... sadly i will have to stop this journal because i am no longer just growing the ak but for anyone interested i will leave a link to the other journal soon and then you can still see how the ak48 grows,