
Well-Known Member
Hi everyone this is my first grow so I'll appreciate all the help and support possible : ) I'll need a bit of luck too. We'll here we go starting with 4 ak48 and two random freebies. 10 days old. They'll be going outside we they can handle it.


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California, I only have access to 5 hours a day because of the shade in the early mornings. I get sun from 3-8 just wondering if that will be enough for them
Week two: we didn't get too much sun this week but I'm happy they still look healthy. I did see some fungus knats flying around my tomatoes this morning I killed all I could see and separated them but I'm a little worried about it. Here's a couple pictures they grew a little bit this week. I don't think they're ready to be moved outside yet I think a couple more weeks. the third picture is a random bag seed from some fantastic bud I had this year it's growing really slow and strange tho


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Week 3 update:

I was battling a little white mold on the surface of my soil and some pesky fungus gnats. I used some cinnamon and really let them dry out. I haven't seen any signs of the gnats lately. The plants are still alive so far. I've noticed their leaves drooping a little bit I don't know if it's normal or due to being really dry but I'm watching them for signs if gnats I'm going to kill those bastards. I'm giving them 20 20 20 fertilizer but a really low dose about half a tea spoon in a liter of water. The little bag seed is starting to grow now aswell I'm curious to see how it does. This is their last week until they move to their new home outside.


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Week 4 update:

So far the ak48 plants have no smell except for one plant. It has a strong skunk smell and it's still really small. The others have no smell whatsoever.

Anyone ever has this phenotype? It smells fantastic, strong sweet skunk smell. hopefully it turns out nice.

This week I battled white mold again the top of the soil and i cleared it up with cinnamon and more soil on top. I haven't seen any pests around I think the cinnamon worked for them too.

When I move them outside I have some hair from my last haircut and mothballs I'm going to try and use to keep deer away. I also bought some green netting to put over them for the first couple weeks. It should blend in and keep the rabbits, deer etc away. They will be outside tomorrow I'm happy to have them out of my house and into a safe spot. Im going to do a night time planting later tonight so no one is around. The next update will be in two weeks from outside. We'll see if they survive.

Here are the pictures I love watching them grow!! The first pic is the really smelly one.


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Here they are in their new home. I got about a thousand mosquitoe bites, but they look happy. I did all I can do for them now they just have to grow on their own. I'll be back to check on them in two weeks. There's one sativa looking one. I read that they produce the best buds for smoking. I have about another 3 months if I'm lucky for them to mature. I spread some moth balls to keep the deer away. The soil looked great it had lots if worms and was a dark black color. They will receive about 6 hours direct sunlight and another 3 hours through the leaves of trees. They still don't have much smell except for the one it smells like a strong skunk I have big hopes for that plant. I fed them a diluted amount of 20-20-20 fertilizer a day after transplant.


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It's been almost two months since I updated this thread. I just left them on their own. I went to check in them this weekend not expecting much. I discovered four ten foot tall males which I ripped out and three four foot females. They are stretchy and not the greatest but I can't complain they have started to flower. I know I won't get much off of them but it's better than nothing and I put in minimal effort. I hope they fill out a little bit. Just for anyone growing this strain the veg plants that smelled really skunky and I had high hopes for all turned out to be males although it may have been a coincidence. I'll be back soon with an update on how they fill out. At least I can make some butter. It's suppose to go to -2 this week I'm hoping they survive.

How much longer do you think they need to finish?


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It's been almost two months since I updated this thread. I just left them on their own. I went to check in them this weekend not expecting much. I discovered four ten foot tall males which I ripped out and three four foot females. They are stretchy and not the greatest but I can't complain they have started to flower. I know I won't get much off of them but it's better than nothing and I put in minimal effort. I hope they fill out a little bit. Just for anyone growing this strain the veg plants that smelled really skunky and I had high hopes for all turned out to be males although it may have been a coincidence. I'll be back soon with an update on how they fill out. At least I can make some butter. It's suppose to go to -2 this week I'm hoping they survive.

How much longer do you think they need to finish?
It's supposed to get to -2 degrees this week you said? That sucks. These girls need a long time still....I'm guessing 6 more weeks.
Oh no that bring us to the end of October. It's possible come on warm fall! I hope to smoke the largest in and bake with the others. Anyone in canada ever left plants out until November 1?
They're still alive and starting to fill out nicely keep the nice weather coming! Picture update coming soon with harvest.
It had been about a month since i last visited and we had had some really cold weather. I didn't expect to see the plants alive. There's nothing better than walking to the grow spot and seeing the large coalas blowing in the wind.

It really wasn't a good year but i managed to get just under 3 ounces. I also crossed an ak48 male with an unknown freebie female plant that had some amazing colors. The result was great 100-150 seeds.

The ak48's smell varies between fruity Flintstones vitamin smell to a rotten fruit smell. I haven't smoked it yet so I'll report back soon on that.


I made butter with the trimmings and fluffy buds. I did have a chance to try that and it was an intense experience. When it kicked in i couldn't even walk and i found myself laying on the ground looking at the clouds laughing like it was my first time being high. I spent the next 2-3 hours stumbling around the forest taking pictures. It was an awesome day. I can't wait to smoke some. The butter tasted great from this plant , you get the fruity aftertaste.

I would definitely try this strain and recommend it to other people. I looked at my plants only 3 times the whole year very little maintenance. Smoke report coming.


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I looked online and to me the purple hue plant i crossed with the ak48 is blue majestic.

Ak48 / blue majestic

Citrus and berry flavors might be a good cross ill find out next year