AK's 2011 Veggis


Well-Known Member
Ok so this is my first real garden and I started it about 3 weeks ago. Veggis in the garden this year are

Pear, cherry and oxheart tomatos
Asstd Bells
Jalapenos and Poblanos
Walla Walla
salad greens
strawberries, black berries, rasberry and water melon
Various herbs

So I tilled the plot which is 12 by 25 and everything seems to be going well. I water about once every 2 days unless there is rain. So far everything but my artichokes have come up but I am out of seeds to retry so I am just going to wait and hope as they were what I was looking foward too most.

Got a green garden fence up around the whole thing as well as buil kind of a ghetto style compost tumbler but it still needs some things.

Problems I noticed so far.....SLUGS everywhere. I tried a small container of beer where I think they are coming in and it only got a few. I have resorted to just going out everynight after dark and hand picking them off the plants. I also find lots of earwigs, pill bugs and centipedes(tiny red ones) and red worms. I know this means my garden soil is good but my poor baby veggis are not liking em. The slugs especially love to eat my pepper plants. So I will post pics soon, I sold my digital camera and all I have is a shitty flip phone with like 6yr old tech. So good luck to all you veggi gardens this year.
sounds like you off to a good start man.
as for slugs well i would keep doing the beer thing but add a few more trays and place them near where the most damage is being done. during the day look under dark wet spots cuz thats where they will hide in the day. i use the beer and i get about 20 a night andn ow the numbers are going down ive got at least 100 so far.

also what i do is i buy copper tape, theni use about an inch of it and wrap it around the base of the stock, slugs will not go over copper so it will keep them off.
another way is to take washed egg shells that are not crumbled to much and put them arounf the stock ont he ground, the slugs wont slime over as much cuz the egg shelss are sharp to them.
or just try all three.

a 25 ft roll of copper tape is about 8 bucks
Thanks for the slug info purple. I have been just hand picking em and have already noticed a drop in populations but I think it may be a bit late for my pepper plants. I know at least one of my green bells is toast but I am going to leave it there as I always find 4-5 on it and maybe one on the others. Still pissed about my artichokes not germing does anybody have any experience in growing them?
Thanks for the slug info purple. I have been just hand picking em and have already noticed a drop in populations but I think it may be a bit late for my pepper plants. I know at least one of my green bells is toast but I am going to leave it there as I always find 4-5 on it and maybe one on the others. Still pissed about my artichokes not germing does anybody have any experience in growing them?

i have not grown artichokes before but i am trying to get some, i cant find them any where around here.
and in the futuere for slugs, it would be a good idea to find out when they bigger slugs breed in you area that way you can set out traps to catc teh adults before they breed or while they are still prego this way no babies are made and the large ones are gone.
Thats a good Idea and I will research that. Today I get home and I notice soemthing flopping in the grass. I get closer and its a baby hummingbird, Im guessing he fell out of his next trying to learn to fly, (it was like watching a drunk driver lol). Well I pick it up thinking its dying and try to take care of it. It was clinging on to my hoodie took me forever to get it off me. I think it found its way back to the nest because its no longer in the show box I had placed it in. Hope the mom found it, I will feel bad if it dies.
are you sure it was a baby, humming birds are always small.
if it was a baby the mother might not take it back if you touched it cuz it now smells different and like human and the mother might reject it, i hope not, but if so then shit happens some times.
yeah i did a lot of research and actually found out that humming birds do not smell anything. Who knew.
. Still pissed about my artichokes not germing does anybody have any experience in growing them?

Hey man, this is my first year growing artichokes. I used a small tray, with individual cells and a lid, and they popped about a week later. What method did you use for germing your seeds? Here's a few pics of the starters. Good luck man.


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well I have only had two pop but there are both in the same spot(planted 3 seeds per spot) and none in the rest So I am going to have to figure out how to transplant it. I did my garden old school, I just tilled and plowed the land then planted the seed.

Update: The slug battle seems to be leaning in my favor, I have been out every night picking them. The first night it was hand fulls. Now its only 2 or 3 in the whole garden. Been raining for a couple days and I see that my plants are loving it so maybe I need to water more heavily.
glad your getting the slugs under control, mine are disappearing as well, i had about 18 cans of 2 year old busch that tasted like shit so i use 1 can a week to get rid of them. and transplanting the 2 seeds should be easy enough just carefully septate the roots and re plant id some roots tare then it is ok, root grow back with ease
Thanks man, Saw you sent me a COD BO invite the other day, sorry I didnt join. I cant play Black Ops any more, I get to much lag as I share a connection with others in the house. I was in the middle of a KZ3 Match tearing it up!. I was thinking about Salting the outer perimeter of my garden as they seem to come from outside of it rather than from inside.
haha dont worry about it man, i didnt even realize i sent a game invite, whats your PSN name?
and sat works to, i did it last year as well to try it out but my area got wet every time i watered so the salt just soaked into the ground.
Epson salt is alot cheaper for much more product.
sounds like your taking care of them slugs though
Found another artichoke sprout, starting to think I planted to early and the ground was to cold or something even though I live in San Diego.
Found another artichoke sprout, starting to think I planted to early and the ground was to cold or something even though I live in San Diego.

should be warm enough down their, i just planted my choke seeds the other day, they have not come up yet but i am sure they will, al the others have came up
Well since the divorce I no longer have a plot, all the plants are still at my ex's and are all probably dead by now since they prob don't water. Fuckin Waste of money, so pissed about it. At least I was able to save my fig tree.
sorry to hear man.

for some people it can be even if they dont realize that at first.
any way keep your head up and stay positive as much as possible