AK's Back Yard Organic 4 Strain Extravaganza

Checked on them this morning and the leaves are still clawing but, there is lots of new growth around the nodes where I topped and Fimmed as well as some pre-flowers but, they are to small to tell just yet but, I am pretty sure I have at least one boy :( oh well.
Hey Guy's AK here again with a pic update and lots of pics. I woke up this morning and decided to rearrange my garden and fix my green house. It was looking like a shanty for awhile and had no room. So i fixed that, add another fan to cut back on the heat, was 90 at 1100 am. Took some good pics and found some ways to digitally zoom in to get better views. I also was able to get a a couple kinda clear shots through the little 20X part of a magnifying glass with my camer zoomed all the way in. I just cant afford a macro lens. All pics shot with Cannon EOS Rebel XSI. Now on to the grow info,

Temps have been cooler past couple days due to June Gloom but the sun broke free today. I started to brew another batch of tea, this time adding a bit more mollasses to feed them longer cuz I want to try and brew for a few days. I dont want to water again till sat-sun. Strain #2 nickname bannanas because of its skinny, spindley look looks to have male pre-flowers but am not 100 percent sure yet. It is still showing quite a bit of deficiencys but if its a male he deserves it for sneaking onto my garden. I noticed the compost tea has attracted flies to my yard so I bought some fly baits and they are working like a charm, but them smell is pretty bad. Anyways soil PH's are all around 6.6-6.7 which may be a little to high should I some lemon zest or peels to the tea or will it kill all the bacteria. anyways enough of my babble lets look at some pics!


P.S. I miss named some, the ones that say mblaze fim are actually topped and the topped is fimmed...Im baked.
Mexi-Brick Bag Seed, good middies i like to cook with middies more because it is not as crippling.
Today's temps are not much different than previous. The added fan kept the afternoon temps around 90-95 in full sun and around 85 in the shade. C'mon guys I wanna hear some feed back on this. The curl looks a little better in one plant but only a tiny bit.
you should do fine with thoes contaniners, you should get a pice of wood 2 divide them though. this way they wont fight eachother for neturitents untill they are already big.
you should do fine with thoes contaniners, you should get a pice of wood 2 divide them though. this way they wont fight eachother for neturitents untill they are already big.

what containers? if you mean the bins then your a little late if you would have looked at the pics.

Strain 1 still has major clawing including all new growth. I am going to completly dry them out and hope they get better. they are so clawed that they are starting to roll :( I just do not know whats wrong
Todays Temps

Morning 65F 53%
AfterNoon 90-100F 41%
Evening 63F 67%

Leaf Curl is still a problem, soil is still fairly wet after 3 days of high heat. I am not using grow bags again they do not seem to drain as well. I am going to let these plants get bone dry before another watering. Anyways the New Growth on plant dubbed "BEasT" is starting to look like little green burritos. I hope I can take care of this I really want some healthy plants.
i have plants with curling leaves as well. i have no idea what it is. they are all side-by-side, in the ground so they get the same everything. one out of 8 in one plot has leaves curling. the others are fine. same thing in my other plot. it think it may be due to the high temps. the leaves curl to try to hold in some moisture. i'm guessing.
i just looked at the pics. my leaves curl the other way. never mind.

could it be over watering. they don't look too bad. i'd say they need a little nitrogen more than anything.
I would be worried about that temperature. If you are looking for a HPS set up I think rollitup has a page for trading and selling equipment. But you need to be a premium member, which I am still not.
Yeah it may be overwatering due to the bags. They don't seem to drain well, I saturated the soil on Sat evening and they are all still very wet so I am going to wait untill they are bone dry. Thanks for the input guys and to FDD I added a bit more High N bat guano to my tea this time so maybe this will help, I just hope they dry out before the tea goes bad.
Todays full sun temps once again reached over 100 and this is with 2 fans blowing and exhausting air on an open door green house. I felt so bad one looked like it was just straight heat exhausted kinda slumped over at the top. They will survive except #3 but I am almost positive its a male, I looked at it today and it is not doing so well at all, lots of dead spots on leaves, really spindley. I also noticed that all my main stems are turning purple/dark maroon. Is this because there is usually a 50 degree difference between highest temps and lowest temps. If so very cool I always wanted a purple plant, if not that to bad I wish it was a purple plant.
I cant unfortunatly my neighbors cannot be trusted I am going to move them inside, I am buying a hps this weeked. The outdoor thing is just not good here I guess.
Ok I was mistaken, they are looking better today, leaves are starting to straighten out. I think it was too much water and improperly brewed tea. According to my soil meter the moisture level is about where it should be after a watering and this is day 5 no water. can I add root 66 to my and bc grow to my tea?
temps stayed under 100 today still looking a bit better. The empty pots are finally geminating they are, Lemon Balm, Sweet Basil and Fennel.
Temps stayed relativly mild this weekend, staying under 100. I talked to a family member who has been growing soil for 30+ years and he told me def too much water. So I decided that I made some rookie mistakes and planted in to big of pots with soil that retains to much water to early. I decided to do a trans plant into 8' pots. I thought it was going to be hard but war not to bad, I think the over water ihibbited the roots cuz they pulled right out. The roots them selves were very white but also very thin. So the runt and #2 were transplanted into smaller pots and I added More pearlite to the soil. Strain #1 had to many deep roots to even try, I started to and her a couple roots break so I just let it stay in the other bag. It is improving, there are on day 7 without water and the soil is finally starting to dry. I foiler fedd them all with tea yesterday. Strain #3 which was the suspect male was given the death penalty for suspected rape. It was def a male and it was sick and dying so I just gave up and killed it. My sweet basil has sprouted but nothing else so I used the pots to do the transplants. They took it pretty well. I will post pics tonight.