Things are real dry around this area--but there is an upside

-my flowering room hi's never go over 60 R/H so I don't have mold issue's
I have to treat-my avg R/H is 52%.
I guess you wouldn't! Most growers would kill for a constant 50%.
Let me know when the FUCT ENG. goes public---I will make sure to get in on the initial offering

You'll be the first on the IPO notice list.

I'll offer a squillion shares at a penny apiece and head for Guataburkinastan like every other capitalist tool.
side question--what ppm range does that sweettooth like in veg and flowering?.
1800 veg, 1400 flowering.
----back to our original FUCT program----I guess your the man with many job titles at the FUCT CORP. It's a great bus model---I know who the hell to call when I have a complaint...
Oh no- we
do have a customer satisfaction assurance department. Just dial 1-800-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. We'll take care of you
tout suite.
all the new growth at the top instead of being normal leaves with 7,5,or even 3 blades, they only have 1 single blade?
It sounds like you have taken a clone from a plant that was in flower.
Clones should be taken only from plants in full veg growth mode, never having been exposed to 12/12 light. If the mother is in flower and the clones are to be vegged, they will take several weeks to return to veg state. In the meantime, they will throw out mixed habit growth, single bladed fan leaves, webbed fan leaves, may have large seed bracts at the nodes and may gain vertical height slowly, which appears to be what is happening for you. You can look at a re-vegging plant like a very elongated bud.
can fully revert plants like this to veg mode, but it takes a while, at least 4 weeks and usually more like 6-8 before veg habit growth fully re-establishes. The plants must be kept in 18-24H light (pref 24h) and pruned back a few times until all the new growth is coming up in the full vegetative habit with 5-7 or more bladed fan leaves and quick vertical height gains.
This re-vegging process takes a long time because it's a circumstance that the plant isn't evolved to handle. Cannabis is an annual, sprouts in spring when days are getting longer, grows vegetatively in the long summer days and flowers with the shortening days in autumn, going to seed and dying off, relying on the seed to start the next generation. It doesn't normally encounter lengthening days as plants normally die off in winter.
Sorry about this if you were in a hurry!