Al B Whats wrong PLease Help

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
If they're male, they're compost.

I wish you had organised your plants into pots some time back when they were small. It's much easier to remove a male or a plant which is not thriving when they are in pots as opposed to all being planted in a single tub of pellets. You'd want to move a good plant into that empty lighted space, but it's kinda hard now...

Flooding 3x for 5mins each - during lights on only - is fine.


Well-Known Member
I want to start hydro some time one day.
I am all soil right now though, not looking forward to so many variables.
Seems like soil is a more stable medium.
Props mosberg for efforts!!


Well-Known Member
its funny to see this thread develop and see how wrong you were about it being misting in high heat.

Straight after telling me i was wrong you told him to increase the nute strength to around 1300+ and start flowering.

So basically you told him to do the same thing i did.

Good method to tackle a problem caused by misting in high heat.


Well-Known Member
So guys do you think i will get some good buds out of these big plants. The one huge widow is a female and the leaves are fine she is huge i still might have 4 females total out of all of them. If i got this far i should be able to pull it off with some great buds


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I just got done reading the whole thread.I think there was a cobination of things that were going on maybe more but thtas not known.The ppm count was low for plants that size.When bumped to flower they definatly needed to go up.The misting was a bad thing maybe even caused the leaves to lock up and not be able to releae or intact from the air as needed.The watering cycles not on a constant time setup is a bad idea also as mentioned.Do you have good air movement a fan blowing in the room on the plants circulating the air? A good intake bronging new air from outside the room and a good exhuast fan getting old air out of the room?Bud yield has so many factors other then size.Lights, correct nutes, stress,co2,expirence,strain genetics,room, air,grow area size, these all are very important.If you veg big plants and want best results you need 2 sq meters per plant for max yield .Thats alot of room.If you have less room maybe a sog is right fore you.You have to research and plan well in advance before sprouting some seeds or taking a clone.Knoiw your grow are and its limits then fit the grow within its limits and maximize the variables and your yeild will show.Toss 9 plants in a 3 x 3 closet and not know the right process you might get a quarter bag in 5 months.Read learn plan then plant.Dont start and add as you go.Know before you grow..


Well-Known Member
bro i did everything right look at the plants when they were younger i did everything perfect correct temps air movement everything just didnt have the pumps on a timer i should get great results my huge female is untouched nothing wrong with her at all it was the misting the nuts are about 1300 right now in flowering ill add some pics but overall this so far was almost a perfect grow i just messed it up with the misting and water scedule i should get mad buds we will see

That pic is the female white widow isnt she fine?
if it was nuts woudnt they be all screwed up


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I was going off the pictures you posted.I didnt see any lights or co2 equiptment and it looks like they are crowded unless you cahnged the area so thats what I was basing this on. I assume you have at least a 600 watt hps light and twice the room shown in the pics then if its a perfect grow.The nutes at 1100 were low though I assume you figured in the ppm of the plani water before nutes meaning most tap water is 400ppm so of the 1100 your nutes were only 700 ppm counts?That good for seedlings and cuttings.For flower the ppm count should be closer to 1550-1600 so your light feeding right now.I was saying the fan questions as I didnt see an intake, exhaust or circulating fan in any pictures so thats why I put that out.Did you use co2 injection tank or a generator for the co2 in the perfect grow?I assume temps never clibed about 78 in a no co2 setup and no more then 91 degrees with co2 as those are perfect optimols for each setup? Just curious as you wanted to know how much you will yield and these are the main variables that will decide the final yield.I was just getting to the formula for you to figure out estimated yeild without having any of the needed info to make a figure staement.Hope it goes good


Well-Known Member
To me it looks like it could be a deficiency but i havent really misted in that kind of heat, i only do it on the babies, so I havent seen the effects of that before, it does look like some nutrient trouble i have had before

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
its funny to see this thread develop and see how wrong you were about it being misting in high heat.

Straight after telling me i was wrong you told him to increase the nute strength to around 1300+ and start flowering.

So basically you told him to do the same thing i did.

Good method to tackle a problem caused by misting in high heat.

Did you just come in here to raise your post count? You're certainly making no sense.

Yes, mos has some problems caused by high heat and misting during lights on- but what has that got to do with whether or not he should flower now? Do you think I proposed switching to flower now to solve the cooked leaf margins? It was time for mos to switch to flower about a week ago. Of course, this is completely unrelated to the misting/hi temps problem.

I thought you were going away. Didn't you just disingenuously wish us all 'good luck?'

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
bro i did everything right look at the plants when they were younger i did everything perfect correct temps air movement everything just didnt have the pumps on a timer i should get great results my huge female is untouched nothing wrong with her at all it was the misting the nuts are about 1300 right now in flowering ill add some pics but overall this so far was almost a perfect grow i just messed it up with the misting and water scedule i should get mad buds we will see

That pic is the female white widow isnt she fine?
if it was nuts woudnt they be all screwed up
Nothing wrong in that pic, mos. All looks fine.

You still need to get on top of pruning those plants back.

Got a clone box going yet?

Are the suspected herms still looking herm or are they going to surprise us?

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
I wouldnt listen to al though he clearly doesn't even know enough.

He's got some idea in his head that because he got this fancy nutrient meter and he's spoken to mr canna that he knows best well i dont think so.

I think you will need much higher ppms than he has sugested
Now it's plain and obvious that you came here to be disruptive.


Well-Known Member
To me it looks like it could be a deficiency but i havent really misted in that kind of heat, i only do it on the babies, so I havent seen the effects of that before, it does look like some nutrient trouble i have had before
see this post here, i stated that i dont mist after babies and that i dont know what it looks like to mist plants that big, i also said that it has looked like nute def's that i have seen my own plants.

After having checked with someone, they said it might not be a def's because the lower leaves dont look to be suffering.

If you want to be nasty about things al thats fair enough, i dont feel i have been disruptive though

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Either you or a mod deleted the post I quoted- nothing invented.

C'mon, show us a bit more of your brilliance to make the mods feel better about banning you.

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
If you want to be nasty about things al thats fair enough, i dont feel i have been disruptive though
You came to this thread to post bad information in retaliation for being told off for posting bad info elsewhere.

Keep it up- mods here don't ban without a good reason- and you're giving them plenty.

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Yeah, I know you don't care.

You're not here to use the board for the intended purpose, you're just being a vindictive little cow because you were proven wrong.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I know you don't care.

You're not here to use the board for the intended purpose, you're just being a vindictive little cow because you were proven wrong.
proven wrong on what, you still havent proven me wrong, it is ok to leave a tank change 4 weeks and top up, you dont have to change it every 2.

so how did you prove me wrong, i dont get it

you might have proven to me that its probably overall marginly better for the plants but you didnt prove to me why i should dump the tank every 2 and dump the nutes.

thats whats going on here, you couldnt take it that we were both right, you have to be right overall cus your best and you know everything and thats fine i've met loads of people like you before in life