Thanks for bringing some truth along with your post! The reason why I started this post is because there are still many people that believe 911 was not an inside job. Last time I checked it was over 1/3 of the population believes 911 was an inside job, the other 2/3 of the population are most likely sheeple that are spoon fed all their news via the main stream media.
I do not know who was exactly behind 911. I don't know if it was a Zionist job or not, but I'm sure the people that are reaping the most profits from 911 were more than likely involved. For example, Larry Silverstein-the owner of the WTC complex that received eight billion (I'm not sure the exact amounts here) dollars in insurace money after only investing ~100million dollars when he leased the building less than a year before 911.
So, you believe that the buildings were demolished ... as in a controlled demolition and that the planes were just a smoke screen yes?
Damn those pilots must have been good then. Crashing the planes in the exact same location as the explosives, but crashing in such a way as to not make the explosives go off straight away. The explosive must have been good too. The heat from thousands of pounds of fuel didn't affect them one iota!
The design of the towers lent themselves to collapse in the fashion that they did by the way the heat affected the internal structure. The blueprints for the building show that the design had its internal weak points that would cause an internal collapse as happened.
But no, everyone who knew about this conspiracy has kept their mouths shut too I guess. I have no trouble believing that US government
inaction in the months before the 9/11 attacks was a contributing factor. But to suggest that they played an active role in these events is plainly laughable.
I certainly don't trust corporate greed or governments with obvious agendas, but please, get real here. From what I've read in the 'underground' press, even al qaeda didn't expect the buildings to collapse. They were as surprised as anyone.
Next you'll be telling me man didn't land on the moon We

Oh, arabmobster. The Bush and bin Laden families have a business relationship. The bin Laden family and their associates in Saudi Arabia have some 4 trillion dollars invested in the States. If the US govt pisses them off, they could send the US completely bankrupt. This is why Osama bin Laden will never be 'caught'. Osama is the black sheep of the family, but will be protected anyway. Not finding him is also a very good reason to maintain occupation of Afghanistan. If he is caught, the US forces have no reason to stay there.