Alaska Fish Emulsion...

i used that shit outdors and half my plants got dug up by rabbits/coons

One time i had watered all of my plants at that one spot and went to check the other 2 that are somewhere else and when i came back a bucket was knocked over... at first i thought it was just not on even ground but i thought back on it and remember i did make sure it was steady and i also found a coon track... so right after i left for less than5 min the coon ran over there and dug it up

ballsy little bastards kiss-ass

Now we got a buncha eagles that soar around and they often will cruise up high and then cruise down low like 10-15 up through a covering up trees and pop out 50 yards later its really badass to watch... but i think they have taken care for most of the bunny problems lmao
Just had to reply to this thread, I am new to this site and this is my first post.

I have been using the Alaskan Fish Fertilizers for my last four grows, all have met with much success. It was in desperation that I even tried this as I was in a endless chemical up, down and sideways method, the "grow store method". This is where they sell you a lot of chemicals that are difficult to use at least for me. Also I was searching for a much less expensive way of growing in these days.

The soil that I use is Fox Farms Ocean Forest with about one third more pearlite added and a good size handful of bat guano. Then the girls go directly into a #10 pot, no intermediate transplanting. Then they go onto a spinner with a side light to grow the lower branches outwards.

After about three weeks in veg I start adding to the AFF veg about an ounce every second or third watering. I just shake it well and water right away, I did not know that it should sit for 24 hours, I will try that.

Then when the girls are put into bloom they start getting the Bloom version of AFF. They are then feed the veg AFF about every week or so, I just watch the girls and they will tell you what they need as all strains need some what different feedings.

Now during the last four weeks I start adding some unsulfured molasses, about a half ounce about once a week. Also during the bloom I will add an ounce of Folic Acid every week.

The results that I have had since is remarkable all of my girls are producing very well, from 6 to about 10 ounces depending on the strain. Now that I have a good track record I will now start modifying what they are fed and the schedule to see if the results can be improved.

The first picture is of a Medijuanna that is about six weeks into flower.

The second picture is the finished produce, about 9 + ounces.

Third is a Velvet Rush from lest grow, great meds for sure.


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What is the correct frequency of fertilization? Every 2-3 weeks like it says on the bottle as someone stated earlier? Because I have had more than one person tell me to mix it in every time you water the plant.

Also, when switching to Alaska Morbloom, is it smart to mix in a little bit of the emulsion with it to prevent a N deficiency?
organic taste great, my family from the big island of hawaii grow organic, with some of the best weed ive ever smoked produced in hawaii, and im from california southern, now its my turn to try my luck at growing, cant decide to grow organic or with fert. still researching
Just had to reply to this thread, I am new to this site and this is my first post.

I have been using the Alaskan Fish Fertilizers for my last four grows, all have met with much success. It was in desperation that I even tried this as I was in a endless chemical up, down and sideways method, the "grow store method". This is where they sell you a lot of chemicals that are difficult to use at least for me. Also I was searching for a much less expensive way of growing in these days.

The soil that I use is Fox Farms Ocean Forest with about one third more pearlite added and a good size handful of bat guano. Then the girls go directly into a #10 pot, no intermediate transplanting. Then they go onto a spinner with a side light to grow the lower branches outwards.

After about three weeks in veg I start adding to the AFF veg about an ounce every second or third watering. I just shake it well and water right away, I did not know that it should sit for 24 hours, I will try that.

Then when the girls are put into bloom they start getting the Bloom version of AFF. They are then feed the veg AFF about every week or so, I just watch the girls and they will tell you what they need as all strains need some what different feedings.

Now during the last four weeks I start adding some unsulfured molasses, about a half ounce about once a week. Also during the bloom I will add an ounce of Folic Acid every week.

The results that I have had since is remarkable all of my girls are producing very well, from 6 to about 10 ounces depending on the strain. Now that I have a good track record I will now start modifying what they are fed and the schedule to see if the results can be improved.

The first picture is of a Medijuanna that is about six weeks into flower.

The second picture is the finished produce, about 9 + ounces.

Third is a Velvet Rush from lest grow, great meds for sure.

That is a great setup! I love the spinner. You need to do a Grow Journal for sure. Where did you get the spinner and how well has it done for yea? Thanks
That is a great setup! I love the spinner. You need to do a Grow Journal for sure. Where did you get the spinner and how well has it done for yea? Thanks

You are right as I have the entire thing well documented and have filed for a patent on the system. I do not mind sharing this concept of growing with the community.

The spinners I made in my garage, this is the results of a study I did on light distribution. You all know what a can of worms that can lead into so my plant spinners have made an inroad into this area. I consider this system the best for light distribution that is currently possible as the leaves are constantly moving out of the way. All of my girls develop good size buds right out of the bottom of the plant. No other system can come even close.

So basically this new system has nothing to do at all with one's preferred growing method just a great way of light distribution.

They have served me very well as I am now taking from 7 to 10 ounces per plant. This is great and have just about doubled my production. I have learned to grow the bottom branches, you know the ones that only produce popcorn buds at best. They now grow very long and produce buds that are just about as large as the top bud. I have documented a full 3 ounces more buds are produced from just the lower 1/3 of the plant. Now that I and my patients are very happy for.

This also produces more bud per dollar spent on that cursed electric bill that comes in every month.

Here is a picture of what I mean by the bottom branch production.



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I use Alaska 5-1-1 and 0-10-10 emulsions every time I water. They work well. I've never burnt my plants with them. I've given very small plants full strength (2 tsp/quart) and they respond well. Right now I'm experimenting with it in a DWC bucket at 1/4 strength. It gets really foamy, which is supposed to be good, but it probably gets real dirty. It stinks like a mother fucker too. I've spilt it on my shoe, and the smell lingers. As I type my fingers smell like it.
ok so to clarify a bit, cause maybe im a bit slow.

im in australia, using indoor hydro chems and i wanna move to organics that are simple and cheap, not the hydro store crap.
smell doesnt bother me at all, i have extractor fans.

in veg i figure that seasol and powerfeed will be great. (seaweed and fish emulsion)
in flower i suspect that i may need more P and K. (dont think i can get bigbloom here)
not sure if molasses will work in my topfeed drippers, but it might if i mix it into hot water and make sure its dissolved, that will be good for late flower.

any suggestions for how to get more P/K organically cheaply in australia?
just use at 75% you can always add more i heard that grogen by bloom is pretty killer it has blue fin tuna
AFE is great! Just a 1 tbl per gallon every watering has my plants shiny green! That and the big cheap gallon of Western States B1 is the best way to go. Beats that synthetic nute crap that's too easy to either burn or under provide (unless you do hydro then you're stuck with them). But don't forget the B1, stuff makes the roots grow like crazy. You don't need the expensive B1 (over $40 for a small amount), the cheap stuff works just as well and cost next to nothing. I think that's why this forum won't start a nute forum, because then you would know how well these work, actually much better then the synths which are way too easy to burn/screw up your plants. Next, I'm giving my plants Earth Juice 0-3-1 to bloom. Maybe on half I'll use the expensive stuff, high phosphate/potassium stuff (painstakingly mixed) to see if it makes any difference. I'm betting the natural stuff turns out way better and easy to keep the plants perfect.
AFE is great! Just a 1 tbl per gallon every watering has my plants shiny green! That and the big cheap gallon of Western States B1 is the best way to go. Beats that synthetic nute crap that's too easy to either burn or under provide (unless you do hydro then you're stuck with them). But don't forget the B1, stuff makes the roots grow like crazy. You don't need the expensive B1 (over $40 for a small amount), the cheap stuff works just as well and cost next to nothing. I think that's why this forum won't start a nute forum, because then you would know how well these work, actually much better then the synths which are way too easy to burn/screw up your plants. Next, I'm giving my plants Earth Juice 0-3-1 to bloom. Maybe on half I'll use the expensive stuff, high phosphate/potassium stuff (painstakingly mixed) to see if it makes any difference. I'm betting the natural stuff turns out way better and easy to keep the plants perfect.

Here is the nutrient forum that you thought did not exist.

I know you dont like synthetic ferts, but they perform on par or better than organic ferts if you know what your doing. You can even over do it with organic ferts if you apply too much, so its not like their superior. You just have to know how to feed your plants the right amount regardless if its synthetic or organic.
So when did that forum start? I know I started a poll awhile back and it was favorable. I guess because it's a sub-forum but it's hard to notice.

Sure, synthetics can certainly be done well. But for the average person just trying to grow some plants and not have to be scientific and expensive, organic pulls it off pretty easy with less chance of a screw up, and did I mention cheaply :)
I'm not aussie, But you have farms an such. I would think you could find a recipe to make your own. Like alfalfa
and pot ash, calcium, mag and some type of micro nutes. I looked into it a little but said screw it. To ez to just go to the store.
So when did that forum start? I know I started a poll awhile back and it was favorable. I guess because it's a sub-forum but it's hard to notice.

Sure, synthetics can certainly be done well. But for the average person just trying to grow some plants and not have to be scientific and expensive, organic pulls it off pretty easy with less chance of a screw up, and did I mention cheaply :)

Its probably been around a couple months. I can't quite remember when it was introduced.

You got a good point about it being harder for people to fuck up organics. New growers are known to over do things, so maybe they should cut their teeth on organics first :).