-Alaskan Ice-having trouble *PICS*


Well-Known Member
:leaf:Sup guys, i re-made my profile for security reasons with a different name. Anyways, i got a small Feminised Alaskan Ice sprout. It's in a small pot with MG Seed Starter. I've used this before and it's worked great. I'm having it outside when the sun comes up so it can get it's few hours of direct sunlight. At night i put it in my grow closet with much over 600W of cfls.

:leaf:Well, it's looking a little yellow at the stem. I'm thinking that may be the fan i have on it. And there is withering parts, i'm afraid it may be half pot bound, since it was planted on the side. Also, it had about a week of natural light before i started night lighting it. But, i don't think it is in shock.

:leaf:I may be overreacting but this was the only of 5 seeds to sprout. It's feminised so i'm not worried about that. What do u guys thinik so far? I think it may start growing a bit faster now it's in more light.



Well-Known Member
lay off the nutes for a while might be a nute burn

also feminized seeds ant always 100 percent but more than likeley it will be

also are you using anything for ph if not try malt vinegar and buy some litmus strips or a ph meter online also hope it dont get to stressed matey as it may turn hermie

wannabe grower

Well-Known Member
It's hard to tell when they're so young. Some times one plant to the next is just different. Like children. Never good idea to over feed when at the early stages. Same goes for watering. These things grow so fast and change dramatically in a short time. Change to larger pot and new soil. Then slow down the watering schedule. Don't feed until they seem ready to receive again. Make sure enough light and right timing then go from there. I have no idea if this helps, but patience is a virtue when growing anything. :)


Well-Known Member
Dude your pot size is fine, you do not need a transplant for another 2 - 3 weeks, at least.

Lay off the nutes, and water less.

What are you temps?

What is your ph?


Well-Known Member
i planted 3 seeds in the pot, and 1 survived/ the temps are around 70-74F. I have to go find my ph strips. But, i give them distilled water.


Well-Known Member
the other 2 seeds did they sprout at all or just not crack

if they sprouted they might have left some root mass behind and could be infected


Well-Known Member
One was cracked and it's still in the soil i'm sure, the other sprouted but didn't grow so i took it out. They are getting nutes from the soil. Should i replace the soil from MG to organic? I have some with no added nutes? or do you think i could flush with water and when i transfer, use no nute soil?


Well-Known Member
If roots were put down from the other plants, their dying roots can now be rotting causing some infections in your living plant....
You may be wind burning the plant as well, lay off the fan fow a bit. Move the lights a bit closer, it seems a little tall....


Well-Known Member
the truth is, your growing great genetic in a very weak manner... until the sun come out for long AND it warms up above 70* and u can put it outside u need to get a few mini flouros from home depot and keep them on 18/6 unitl its warm enough

forget trying to catch wat little sunlight there is........ what latitude are u on, like, north us, central us, south us... or get a nice high intensity discharge lamp, aka HID lamps, they come in a few kinds, most common 400-1000watt metal halide, or MH... and HPS, high pressure sodium lamps... MH is good for veg, HPS is for flower but can be used for veg.. uses a lot of energy too...

but cheep way is to use miniflouros from home depot, get like 2 100w 6500k (kelvin) and keep them an inch or 2 above them


Well-Known Member
ok, well now that it's been under the lights for a while, the new leafs look fine. I'm keeping it inside since it seems to be growing faster here.