i got a greenhouse grow going rihgt now just started vegging on 5-alaskan ice, 1-white rhino, 1-great white shark, 1- cheese, and 1- lemon skunk, had 1- trainwreck she never germed bummer, only two weeks in from seed, my next grow will be 5-super lemon haze, and 5- trainwreck, i like greenhouse seeds my only problem is they but this stuff on them that they think improves germ but it makes no difference and end up making the seed shell stick, don't help of allow to come off on it's own i probally severlly stunted growth on my cheese but that shell wasn't coming off cuz of that crap they but on, but w/ greenhouse all io can say is the proof is in the HTCC, to many to mention and who dosen't want to smoke former cup winners? and comercial growers make a killing cuz they can jack up prices on cup winning strains(thats why i grow my own), i will get back about these strains i will be having my own little CUP party w/ these greenhouse strains w/ my buddies as judges.