Alaskan Peas


Well-Known Member
Hey all first post here in the gardening forum,
i have a problem with some bottom leaves on my alaskan peas and i was hoping someone could chime in and help.

they are 15" tall about half their projected height, i have fed them small amount of nutes, i was just wondering if these bottom leaves look like nute burn or mid afternoon sun?

other than these bottom leaves on this one plant, they are very healthy.

any help would be great.



Well-Known Member
thanks for the reply, i have just recently read that mid afternoon sun can sometimes burn the leaves, i was just wondering if that is what happened to mine. since my other plant is fine.

after watching the plant grow i think there is nothing cooler than the 3 pronged "feelers" that rise up and try to wrap itself around anything to keep on climbing. Sometimes i wish MJ was a vine-like plant and could support itself like these alaskan peas do.

maybe a sativa/pea hybrid J/K, but if its remotely possible please let me know.

dont worry not nute burn they will die and fall off just leave em bee