Alcohol vs Marijuana ((which one is safer))

I also believe that most studies that have been done have been bombarded with LIES to keep the truths about Marijuana hidden because the Pharmaceutical company's don't want everyone to be able to help themselves at a reasonable cost!
I believe without a shadow of a doubt that pharmaceutical companys are worse than Enron in their prime. when are we as americans going to stand up and say enough of the bullshit, give it to us straight foward. you don't have to protect us anymore. trust me, after seeing the pics of britany spears crotch, I need no protection from anything anymore. lol! skunk, the reason that I brought up the remarks about improving vision is I believe smoking to be the opposite on vision ability. I was bless, if you can call it that, with 20-10 vision. my family doctor has a hard time believing I have it and checks my vision everytime I go to see him. now when I smoke, my vision changes to bad. I have to squint to see things and I do not drive at night due to fear of possibly crashing into somebody. but this is only when I smoke, other than that, my vision is perfect.
no typo. 20-10 is better than 20-20. 20-20 is what you can read on the optomistrist board (the thing with the big E on the top). there is a line on that chart that seperates vision. the letters on that line signify that you have 20-20 vision. well, there are 2 lines below that. one is for 20-15 and the bottom line is for 20-10. I can read the bottom line. it is starting to become more common that people can read the bottom line due to corrective eye surgery. but there are freaks like myself that can do it naturally. I think if they had more letters I could read them also, lol
I may well go for that test myself. I've always prided myself on having excellent vision. Indeed, people are often amazed at my ability to read words that seem blurry to them. Thanks Allmeat'.
the way the vision thing works is 20-10 is you see something at 20 feet most people can only see at 10 feet away.

and as for marijuana compared to alcocohol you never heard of someone getting high and going home to beat his wife and kids have you !!! i think that is one of the big ones. i think that marijuana is really only impairing if you are someone who does not smoke often or someone who is new to the whole smoking thing it is a totally different when you smoke for the first time compared to know that i smoke everyday.