Aleppo is FREE!

Why do I have to answer his questions?

He is a troll.

Did you watch the video? The UN was sending food to Eastern Aleppo and ISIS was hoarding it. The civilians were starving.

The weapons the US was sending were being fired into government held Western aleppo. Million civilians under mortar, sniper, and bomb attacks daily by the rebels.

The US is funding terror. That should disturb you. The UN was staging photo ops to make you feel for the rebels when they were the ones causing the damage. Russian doctors were caring for the victims of western aleppo.

Then why don't you ever complain about the state of Israel violating the human rights of Palestinians with our weapons and military subsidies?
Then why don't you ever complain about the state of Israel violating the human rights of Palestinians with our weapons and military subsidies?
I havent read about it as much. I do know the history of abuse the jews of israel have suffered from the arab states.

The jew and muslim problem will never be resolved. They are brothers fighting over birthrights in a sense. The palestinians have been fighting to push the jews out since they arrived.

Feel free to share anything.

By now the usual suspects will have churned out rebuttals that will make you feel better - so I will do it.

Hmm, with a name like "Global Research" it has to be real!


@Flaming Pie , thoughts on the above factual post?

@Flaming Pie , thoughts on the above factual post?

Fake news! Pie has no thoughts. She just parrots what Fox Radio says. If she thought about it, she would realize she got TRUMPed.
Extra cheese is so fab.
You forgot to mention snowflakes. Hannity loves him some snowflakes. Anybody Trump has a problem with is a safe-space needing snowflake. For a while I wondered where they got these "leftest terms" that the right is the only ones talking about. It's Fox News. I would estimate the word snowflake comes up 50 times a day.

I have listened to these assholes since '91 in Rush's case. Oh, I have taken years off but not now I don't. It is just too bad that Rush doesn't talk so much about Ruby Ridge like he did in the pre-McVeigh days. He has gotten sneakier.