Aleppo is FREE!

What are your sources? Have you seen the bus loads of people being evacuated? Or the thousands of civilians fleeing to western aleppo where the syrian government is providing food, water and medical care?

Or do you just watch #standwithaleppo ?

You are getting your news from the rebels who fire upon civilians and have killed thousands of women and children.
My source was the video you posted you fucking dimwit.
I don't know what to believe other than its a complete clusterfuck. What I do know is that George W Bush and Dick Cheney caused this by attacking Iraq for no apparent reason. Under normal circumstances I would support the position of minding our own damn business and staying out of the shit storm in the Middle East, but being that we caused this mess I feel that we have an obligation to help undo it. Blaming Obama for attempting to mop this up is ridiculous though Pie.
Obama is just continuing the bush policy of regime change. Sending 250 million to syrian rebels is sick.

Fuck them all.
I am curious you flaming pile of shit (@Flaming Pie )

Who would you believe more, or Amnesty International?

Here is Sputniknews:

Here is Amnesty International:

I already know which you believe because you are very stupid and thrive off of betraying those you live with.
  1. Cz0LoPCXAAEL_RU.jpg




    Western Aleppo feeding the people. Guarding, housing, and giving medical care.

Plenty of photos of Syrian Army helping civilians, saving children, and so on.

You keep believing the propaganda about the peaceful rebels tho.




Looks like Assad is much more tolerant than ISIS. Maybe we should stop trying to get ISIS to take over?

Maybe we should support the government that protects it's citizens against terrorism so that they can live free?
Did it ever occur to you guys that the US is funding extremists to drive out the REAL moderates?

The more moderate arab nations are being terrorized and you all turn a blind eye when obama is responsible yet criticize bush for the same actions!

let's see, a youtube video from "tyranny unmasked".

his page links to ""

literally the most idiotic propaganda for dunning-kruger afflicted individuals i have ever seen.

Screenshot 2016-12-16 at 2.51.07 PM.png

when you can convince americans that this propaganda is better information than mundane, fact-based reporting, then trump is only the start of how bad things can get.
Once a cuck, always a cuck. Pie won't ever post her sources anymore because it proves that every time.

i'll do that for her with a simple reverse image search on images, a few seconds of research on the leanings of the makers of the youtube videos she posts, or a quick google search of any text she spews out.

i'm guessing her husband's "business trips" have become much more frequent as of late.