Alex Grey - Ganesha / Shiva Blotter Artwork LSD

have these same exact Ganesha alex gray hits, everyone has them worldwide it seems there was a SHITLOAD of these made. however I persoally think it may be an rc due to the taste on the paper and the somewhat speedy effect. crazy everyone has these now everywhere
have these same exact Ganesha alex gray hits, everyone has them worldwide it seems there was a SHITLOAD of these made. however I persoally think it may be an rc due to the taste on the paper and the somewhat speedy effect. crazy everyone has these now everywhere

Hate to sound dumb, but what is rc?
Hate to sound dumb, but what is rc?

Research chemical.

These ganeshas are lsd. RC's take a 2-3 hours to kick in. thats what i have heard.
Can anyone tell me about the potency and quality? My guy must have some more left.
i've heard ganesha's and shivas doseed low and havea taste, yet still are lsd. to me this is highly disturbing that the lsd has a bitter taste..
I recently volunteered at a small local festival, and had as many Ganeshas with me as I was able to afford. Over the course of the festival, I must have had about 30-40 hits, and a quadruple drop just before my last shift on Sunday night. The only feelings I had were an incredible sense of happiness and gratitude, as well as a clarity of mind that I had never before experienced. When I was communicating with other people, all emotional attachments to a specific result were stripped away, and I was seeing things as they were, and not distorted by the usual misperceptions we human usually succumb to when we are unable to distinguish facts from opinions.

At times I had slightly trippy visuals, for example when I was on my litter picking shift, dancing among the crowd, and I left tiny bits of coloured paper, fragments of neon feathers etc. lying where they were (lots of people there were dressed up as different kinds of animals), and the sight of the otherwise clean field gave me the impression of glancing at the Universe, with the bits of colour in between resembling galaxies doing their mystical dance ...

Any other substances I took (for example ketamine, some 2C-I etc.) didn't seem to have much effect on me at all, which shows how strong the overall effect of the acid must have been to mask the effects of those psychedelics – some people there had incredibly intense reactions to those chemicals!

Unlike the common belief that acid makes people ‘mad’, I was experiencing exactly the opposite. In fact, the organisers told me that every one of the volunteers had done an amazing job, but that they were particularly impressed with me (and towards the end they even gave me a little bit of money for my efforts!). I know that to be true because I was very aware at all times of how to perform my job in the best possible way, and I was constantly feeding back information about what could be improved (it was only the second year the festival was being held, so obviously not everything was perfect, but I was incredibly impressed with the atmosphere they managed to generate). Obviously I was doing things which would have been considered ‘mad’ by the uninitiated, but which every intelligent person would easily have recognised as simply being uninhibited.

I have since then stopped smoking, not had any alcohol (except on one occasion – see below), and even weeks after the experience I keep finding myself overwhelmed with happiness and gratitude, to such an extent that I have to fight back the tears in order to not have to re-apply my make-up all the time! :) Another positive effect is that at the age of 38, and a lifetime of indecision as to what to do with my life, I have made the decision to study as a psychotherapist, as it gives me great pleasure to help others, and I have been able to put that interest to use on various different occasions. In the past, whenever I had an idea about what might be suitable for me, I always ended up thinking “Well, maybe not ...” after talking the idea through with friends. This time I am able to implant the idea more firmly in my head, the more I talk about it to friends (including a good friend who took lots of acid during the sixties, and then became a psychotherapist in the 1970s), and I have taken the first steps towards achieving that aim.

How potent the drug is was made very clear to me on another occasion a week later, as I was at a party and I lost my phone after having taken just one single blotter. I had had two pints of cider before (I usually very rarely drink) and it resulted in a lot of anxiety, which I was unable to get rid of all night. I returned home pretty soon afterwards, and it took me hours until I was able to relax enough to sleep, although when things go smoothly I seem to be able to sleep after any amount of acid. Luckily I got hold of the person who found my phone the next morning, which put my mind at ease again. I too have noticed their bitter taste, but I can't think of any chemical which would have such a profound effect on the brain in the kind of doses which fit onto a little bit of paper.

I'd definitely recommend them to anyone who is interested in experiencing the therapeutic effects of high quality LSD, and who has at least a basic understanding of set and setting. Happy tripping! 8)
That's an incredibly nice thing of you to say, HeatlessBBQ, and I very much appreciate it. Life itself is already overwhelmingly amazing, but it is people like you who provide the so-called ‘icing on the cake’ (although I currently feel more inclined to call it the ‘organic olive paste on the bruschetta’) :)

I am equally grateful for forums like this one, and the people using it, because it means a lot to me to share these experiences, and to read about what other people have to say. On the other hand, no words could possibly describe what it feels like to have achieved this stage of enlightenment, after having experienced a lifetime of depression, fear, guilt, feelings of inadequacy and inferiority, worries about other people's opinions, addictive behaviour patterns, sexual insecurity, confusion, delusions, anger, shame – to name just a few ... words can be all but an approximation to describe in the best way possible the intricate workings of the human psyche and their result on a person's emotional state. But if just one single person can learn from them and come to their own conclusion that everything is possible if they just want it enough, and they are willing to accept responsibility for their own life, then it was already more than worth it.

Lots of love to all of you.

Every man and every woman is a star!
I ate five of these a wakarusa and they were bomb. Its for sure a different crystal than the family stuff we get from Oregon but still very good. I noticed more of a body effect than I usually get from the WoW. The family WoW seems to produce a more clear minded high and those classic LSD visuals. Someone at All Good explained to me that all this alex grey this summer came from europe and while its still good LSD it may be a different crystal than Im used to eating. Either way I had a great time and totally blasted off on 5 hits of this stuff.

I am very jealous of all the harvest fest talk in this thread. I want to go sooooooo frickin bad! its an 17 hour drive from where im at so we only make that trip once a year for waka... oh well we are being blessed with a SCI tour so that makes me happy enough :)
^ It's still from family..... but not grateful dead family. :mrgreen:

These are real LSD guys. I'm tired of explaining everything. Ganeshas range from 100-180 ug depending on the batch. I've been told they taste bitter because of the ink, or something that preserves them. I was skeptical as well...... you can mail some to EU to be tested if you don't believe me. They are real, and from the same people that make other bitter tasting blotters that are REAL lsd. I won't say all the types, but you've damn sure heard of em.

It's a different bitterness than RCs.
Where did u get those? Some guys brought a bunch of those from amsterdam..remember the same pattners and they where called ganesh.

When i took it we went into an abandoned building and up at the top we could sit on the top of the elevator (on top of the concrete) that had a sort of temple cover above our sunrise i have ever seen simply amazing stuff..

i also remember that the birds flying by in the morning looked like blue pixels flying around.

I live in the netherlands, and I got some of those...indeed here they are called ganesha.
I personally find them quite soft. Took them 3.5 in a EXIT festival (0.5 frist, followed by 1 each hour), and i can say that they were quite manageable, with very nice visuals...however, tried only one in another festival, and similar effect...great visual, but very clear mind.
Positively I found them very amphetamines involved, as on the other hand is quite normal to find in other blotters...for examples the fat freddy's cats!!!

End of the story, these ones are not so strong ... and who tried perhaps hoffmans (anniversary), fat freddy's cats, or perhaps liquid drops, knows what I am talking about.

Anyway, here it is possible to find also Shivas, and now that these I got are called ganesha, I am curious to see what is the difference, since they claim the shivas to be much stronger.
I have a little experience with Molly and never thought I would venture off course but I took advantage of a recent opportunity to try something different. After careful thought and wisdom of those who have gone before me, I took all precautions and set sail. My first thought was it was slightly bitter, nothing a drink of water couldn't fix, and about 30 minutes later I had the onset of giggles like my first bong hit. The shag carpet was amazingly interesting like Mayan writings and every painting I stared at, and I mean STARED, looked like a 3-D hologram on a black light poster board. TV was fun...

Physical sensations were like I never quite knew if I was hot or cold though it was pleasant enough (reminded me of a bad pipezedrine a few times), seemed like I had to pee quite a bit or maybe each visit to the bathroom was like getting lost in the Smithsonian. Toward the end of this voyage, my lower back kinda ached and my leg muscles are kind of tight, though I am hydrated and vitamin-ed pretty well. My vision was amusing to say the least for 12 hrs though now, it's sharp on the come down. Never felt speedy, like I heard others describe. NO appetite for 8 hrs, then ate for my own good though couldn't taste a thing. Then I found out I had accidentally taken 2x more than a newb should, though I survived LOL!

I've heard people describe insight and soul-searching episodes of a voyage, guess I am not different. Got a couple issues out in the open and settled on the spot and now feeling mentally exhausted but not like a Molly hangover where every thought is kinda painful. I feel like my operating system had a reboot and things are actually moving smoother for some reason.

That being said, I think the voyage is probably best a once or twice a year kind of thing or the ritual just loses it's meaning. I really can't see how someone would want to stay on the voyage non stop. It's too exhausting and you just have to recollect I guess. Thanks for reading this:-)
I have a little experience with Molly and never thought I would venture off course but I took advantage of a recent opportunity to try something different. After careful thought and wisdom of those who have gone before me, I took all precautions and set sail. My first thought was it was slightly bitter, nothing a drink of water couldn't fix, and about 30 minutes later I had the onset of giggles like my first bong hit. The shag carpet was amazingly interesting like Mayan writings and every painting I stared at, and I mean STARED, looked like a 3-D hologram on a black light poster board. TV was fun...

Physical sensations were like I never quite knew if I was hot or cold though it was pleasant enough (reminded me of a bad pipezedrine a few times), seemed like I had to pee quite a bit or maybe each visit to the bathroom was like getting lost in the Smithsonian. Toward the end of this voyage, my lower back kinda ached and my leg muscles are kind of tight, though I am hydrated and vitamin-ed pretty well. My vision was amusing to say the least for 12 hrs though now, it's sharp on the come down. Never felt speedy, like I heard others describe. NO appetite for 8 hrs, then ate for my own good though couldn't taste a thing. Then I found out I had accidentally taken 2x more than a newb should, though I survived LOL!

I've heard people describe insight and soul-searching episodes of a voyage, guess I am not different. Got a couple issues out in the open and settled on the spot and now feeling mentally exhausted but not like a Molly hangover where every thought is kinda painful. I feel like my operating system had a reboot and things are actually moving smoother for some reason.

That being said, I think the voyage is probably best a once or twice a year kind of thing or the ritual just loses it's meaning. I really can't see how someone would want to stay on the voyage non stop. It's too exhausting and you just have to recollect I guess. Thanks for reading this:-)

yep that's how it goes!!!!!! :)
I believe YOU should EAT Some LSD Immediately SIR !!
OR ALL is Lost 4 EVER for YOU ... !!


No one gets coronary from LSD !!
