Algae Question


My plants have been in a bubbleponics container for 12 days. I went to clean and put new water in and found algae on my air stones. I guess im letting in light but thought i had it sealed out . I think i can fix that and not get algae again . My plants look ok to me but i really don't know what to look for. Could i have problems im not aware of?? If so, is there anything i need to do for my plants? thanks for any help!!!


Active Member
Well if you can get rid of the light leak then you should be OK.

I think algae is a problem just for the fact that it will feed on the nutrients you are trying to give to your plant(s).

Just check your air-stone after a few days and see if the problem continues.


That sounds great, i was afraid that i might have a big problem . However i just read that to high of water temp can cause algae. That could be my problem. I didn't know water temperature being in the 70's could cause algae.
Well if you can get rid of the light leak then you should be OK.

I think algae is a problem just for the fact that it will feed on the nutrients you are trying to give to your plant(s).

Just check your air-stone after a few days and see if the problem continues.


Active Member
Well, higher temps might help algae growth but algae *needs* light to survive so get rid of the light leaks and you'll get rid of the algae. If you run inorganic nutrients you can also use food grade h202 (29-50%) in your rez every 3-4 days to help.


Thanks guys, my roots look good as far as i can tell, they're white and just starting to grow through the starter cubes. I have a light green reservoir, it has color but you can see into it so i totally wrap it in gray duck tape on the outside . the 1st few days i didn't have tops on my netpots, i waited untill the plants got up to about one and half inches before putting the lids on so, thats probably when most of the algae grew.Now i have covered every little crack so maybe it won't come back.