

Well-Known Member
oh lol. i dont have the book so i had to take pictures with my phone. ill find out in a little bit whether or not i was doing it correctly. luckily the assignment isnt do until tomorrow. thanks everybody. and purge i dont understand you posting whatsoever if it isnt helpful. whats the reason for being an ass? but if you get pleasure with that attitude, more power to you.


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Staff member
There is a very simple formula for finding the GCF. Just like I illustrated above but it's not a brute force method. What happens if you have to find the GCF for five different numbers? Brute force becomes confusing.

First you break every number apart into it's prime factors. Let's use an example of three numbers 42, 60 and 90
NB: ^ operator used to denote to the power of

42 = 2 x 3 x 7
60 = 2^2 X 3 x 5
90 = 2 x 3^2 x 5

So all three numbers share:
2 and 3 no other factors are shared amongst all the numbers so the GCF = 2 x 3 = 6


Well-Known Member
No matter how bad it gets, at least you won't start crying with snot running down your face during class cause you feel like you are looking at a foreign language.

I've just been there done that, dropped the last three days of class cause I knew I couldn't pass the final. Never felt so useless in my life. I took it hard. I don't like to feel stupid and I really did. Feel free to read the beginning posts in 2RS coffeeshop and know that you are far more advanced than I was in doing algebra so things aren't as bleak for you as it is for me. I literally start to get anxiety reading the page trying to solve these stupid tricky word math problems and stressed myself out far more than I should have.

I had just really made up my mind I was going to try to start a new career at mid life and saw that at this later age that I have a lot of limitations I didn't once have as a youngster.

Annie dragged me thru those days when I felt so miserable. I will never forget that.

Heart you Annie!

Good luck to you BALLS <<<<<------- this makes me laugh just typing it. I was going to call you BOR but I am sure you are far from boring :twisted:


Well-Known Member
2X+6=4x+ -2

basic but good, should be able to do it in your head fairly easy. Faster than the "proper steps" actually. My mental shortcuts screwed me later though as the steps and laws became more involved.


Well-Known Member
12x(2)y - 42x(2) - 4y +14. the 2s in parentheses are squared. im trying to factor it out but not getting the right answer. id like to know what im doing wrong. i keep getting (3x(2)-1) (4y+14) i know its wrong but this shits pissing me off lol


Well-Known Member
ugh nevermind i got that one. fuck this algebra shit lol. it would be a lot easier and much more explanatory if i had the book.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
...........snip........ Faster than the "proper steps" actually. My mental shortcuts screwed me later though as the steps and laws became more involved.
That's it. Everyone thinks it's about getting some number. The real point is to be able to show your work and rational. It's later when things get more confusing these basic bits of grammar are necessary.


Well-Known Member
That's it. Everyone thinks it's about getting some number. The real point is to be able to show your work and rational. It's later when things get more confusing these basic bits of grammar are necessary.
So when Algebra starts back up for me in a couple weeks I can ask you for advice? lol


Well-Known Member
Algebra and Statistics, I still don't know why I took Statistics in collage but just for fun, weird huh??