washington,DC on saturday,july 19 1952. At 3:am air force jets arive as the jets got close the objects all disappeared from radar an the pilots saw nothing.When the jets went back to base the blips appeared again this time some were over the white house and capital building. air and ground crews continued seeing the lights [/QUOTE

...In that case that was us, but already both east and west have been playing with minimizing radar signal for years, both sides achieving outstanding results, also both east and west have been going lights free in favor of 'night vision for the last 20 years, so even if kiddies of the future retured to the 21st century their tech just sucks
blame the Chinese ...lo
i think you miss read it , i knew i was dreaming, while i was asleep?

No. That is a lucid dream, my friend. Ekanari....Soul Travel. :)

Directed dreaming is something to practice. One technique I use is, when you know you are dreaming, bring your hands up in front of you. Now, just keep you hands in view. That is you in your dream being you.

With practice, it is said one can become completely Lucid in their Astral Existence.
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So peckdiggity askd a vato ta Run a search on Google for his name Dr. Pecker and I found several drink recipes for making alcoholic beverages. And also a product I had to have and image.jpg ordered
No. That is a lucid dream my friend. Ekanari....Soul Travel. :)

Directed dreaming is something to practice. One technique I use it when you know you are dream, bring your hands up in front of you. Now, just keep you hands in view. That is you in your dream being you.
With practice, it is said one can become completely Lucid in your Astral Existence.
what's a natural lucid dreamer?
No. That is a lucid dream my friend. Ekanari....Soul Travel. :)

Directed dreaming is something to practice. One technique I use it when you know you are dream, bring your hands up in front of you. Now, just keep you hands in view. That is you in your dream being you.
With practice, it is said one can become completely Lucid in your Astral Existence.
Hahaha stretch yer mind vato ends up thinnr hahaha
No. That is a lucid dream my friend. Ekanari....Soul Travel. :)

Directed dreaming is something to practice. One technique I use it when you know you are dream, bring your hands up in front of you. Now, just keep you hands in view. That is you in your dream being you.
With practice, it is said one can become completely Lucid in your Astral Existence.
Wow dude it's like you've really lost yer virginity n urthang
Lets be civilized and help each other through this journey. aliens didn't become so advanced by bickering over differences they became advanced by having a hive mindset (all thinking alike and getting the job done).