You don't imagine? I do imagine, just that. I'd rather be alone in the universe. I'd much rather be, considering the viciousness of human beings based on monkeys. Read Niven's Footfall for a discussion of beings based on Elephants. Vicious and large. There is no way in my mind there can be civilization without viciousness. Look at the ants, for crying out loud. All aggregations of beings we see here on Earth, include the Dolphins are vicious survivalists. There are no peaceful species of Hunter beings.

Niven's, Kenitae are beings based on Large Cats. Very un-freindly. No one in his right mind will propose peaceful spacefaring. There is only one reason and is the only reason we do it.

Survival of the species.

The chances are there being even one other civilization out there, is exactly the same as the chances there is NOT EVEN ONE other civilization out there. I am very glad of that fact.

You are only pay attention the math answer you like. That is the statistics of imagination, not the math of science. :)

And to think I was skeptical of your willingness to discuss the possibilities- couldn't have said it better, myself.

So your assessment squares with mine; they'll be coming to take what we have. It might be technology, ideas, genetics, raw materials or to enslave our planet. They aren't coming to say 'hi, we were just in the neighborhood and thought we'd stop for tea!'

So how do we defend ourselves against them?
The Elephants were Class 1 Civilization, when they got here. (in Niven's book) After our water, I think. They had gravity tug technology and just rained down asteroid pieces, quite accurately from beyond the orbit of Mars. Footfall is the name of the Book and the name of their tribal execution technique, etc.

We had to fuck with them like the little monkeys we are, after the Conquest. We could not defend ourselves, at first.

I remember one book where the Sauropods got here and took over, but we sent frozen cadres of human vermin soldiers, back to their home planet.

"To Serve Man" remember that Twilight Zone? This book was the poison pill idea.
Doer think about about all the intelligent life on our own planet , other than humans. Elephants,whales, dolphins,cuddle fish, octopus, apes,crows,ect. You don't think something could be out there similar to us?
Doer think about about all the intelligent life on our own planet , other than humans. Elephants,whales, dolphins,cuddle fish, octopus, apes,crows,ect. You don't think something could be out there similar to us?

I can think yes, I can think no.

Absolutely no way to tell, one way or another at this point. It all looks pretty dead and deadly out there so far.
And let me ask you this. If there were these humanoids, similar to us, don't you think we would be killing each other soon after we met?

The Forever War. Joe Halderman

It deals with relativistic effects on weapons development. Space Rangers go out at .7 c, dealing death and only a few years pass for them. They blast home and get re- equipped with weapons 100s of years advanced of what they had. They blast back out there, and find the Creatures have cottoned to the same trick. Now their Tech is more advanced. So, the Space Rangers eat it this time. But, they get them next time. Forever War.
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the last few years i've been forming alliances with birds.
interspecies communication is at the top of my list of fascinations!
Dude! I found a crow it was a fledgling. It didn't know how to fly and was hurt . I hung on to him for about two weeks and started tossing it up getting its wings to flap. I carried him around for about three weeks. I got him to fly and he followed me for two years. I think he died I guess they have a rough life. They do have funerals apparently. The weird thing is they teach their offspring. And I always have crows following me.
It is an important point that separates us from all other beings. Only humans teach.

For the rest, they only allow the young to watch.The cub either get it or it doesn't. An ape might let a youngster watch him get termites with a stick, but he will never correct the yout, That is not really what is called teaching. :)
I had to stop that "anti-gravity" video when the guy started saying "supercooling" at 173K.
But when he was talking about the Bell experiments, and the violet, glowing metal, it immediately brought the following to mind.

That is the original. And that "cop" is a very bad, over actor. Youtube is today's
Flim-Flam Man.
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Anyone know what these guys are saying?

That is a Slavic language, but, not Russian, I don't think. And why do you say that can't be fake?

It looks like a drone that had blue fireworks in it, command detonated for film.

You know, when we were inventing all this and youtube was not owned by google yet, we said, let there
be no restrictions to content. And mostly that concept has prevailed.

We in the know, (me 30 years in the bowels of Tech) KNOW that you cannot believe a word of a youtube video
without independent verification.