Actually now that i look at it that last one mightve been a different night, but still right down the street from my house haha, but never the less i believe what u saw was real. Look up ufo shapes and youll see plenty of charts that show the triangle shape, or look up the phoenix lights and see if theres any similarities. Like someone said before, all the trained pilots and submarine workers that have seen ufos and usos from different countries around the world cant be lying or making it up. I think the aliens have been here longer then us honestly and most likely the reason why weve advanced to the point we have. I also think the fact most people still wont awknowledge their existance makes me wanna believe they have some kind of control over the information trickle down. Anything intelligent enough to build aircraft that can break our understanding of physics could keep itself hid if they wanted.
WTF is this?
LEDs on balloons or...?
Apparently this happened over SanDiego yesterday (maybe day before?)

Interesting. I have a couple problems with this video, Its only a few seconds long and seems to repeat why? why not keep filming? I say ocean mist drowning out a high rise building under construction. Two red lights one on top blinking is a crane. Is that a construction fence? The fence keeps this shit from happening
Or its a ufo I need to see another camera angle.
So your saying what I seen was a drone? Funny I don't recall you being there. no sound flying very slow . Matching my speed exactly. I know quite a few people in the airforce and they have no idea what it is. Perhaps you could find a picture of said drone. Ive looked for several years and could find nothing remotely close.

Asks for answers, replies "you weren't there man" when answers are given
can't tell if troll, stupid, crazy or all the above
save the tinfoil for lining your veg closet

Between the Fermi paradox and the Drake equation science has pretty much proven that there has to be aliens out there just as dumb as us.
Asks for answers, replies "you weren't there man" when answers are given
can't tell if troll, stupid, crazy or all the above
save the tinfoil for lining your veg closet

Between the Fermi paradox and the Drake equation science has pretty much proven that there has to be aliens out there just as dumb as us.
You sure i'm not telling the truth? does this look like a drone to you summerfag? grow pics 039.jpg
Asks for answers, replies "you weren't there man" when answers are given
can't tell if troll, stupid, crazy or all the above
save the tinfoil for lining your veg closet

Between the Fermi paradox and the Drake equation science has pretty much proven that there has to be aliens out there just as dumb as us.
looks like one quacks like one.