The government isn’t holding alien tech. They also aren’t holding up free Tesla energy.
I wouldnt bet my ass on that.

There are for sure governments holding using and reingeneering Alien Tech. If its not your government... the russians do.
If it doesn't jive with main stream media then it must be "bullshit" right Rrog? If you don't agree with it then it must be "bullshit". If anybody points out the "bullshit" you believe with compelling evidence then all you can say to retort is .... you guessed it "bullshit". Why someone with such limited mental capacity is spending SOOO much time in the science & tech forum is unusual because you obviously don't fit in. The simpleton word "bullshit" you lean on again and again exemplifies your inability to produce anything thought provoking. How can anyone have a intellectual discussion with a mouth breather when all they can say is " bullshit".
All of the bullshit is a by-product of the lunar plasma generators, you complete nitwit. You know, the self filling moon operated by little gnomes you told us all about?
Do you have even one shred of evidence to support this claim?
I just dont believe in farytales.
And if government is saying "we dont have it..." , you most of the time can bet money on that this is a lie ;-)
You know the game is all about propaganda.

All Governments are liars until hard evidence is leaked by insiders.

In my country we know one or two things that happened about 75-80 years ago.
Remember operation paperclip.
Why should your government have stolen whatever information they could find if it wasnt far beyond any of their technologies and all others on earth at this time including our own? You think we are uber genius? We are not.
The vril society ... a esoteric circle of women that channeled knowledge from a place in space where no humans live. They walked on a path that most people take not even serious, and found people to invest money in their plans/ideas. They started a company for alternative drive technologies at this point. Oh and yes how was Hitler intrested to get them into his Team. But the vril worked mainly for their own goals. They just gave the Nazis what they were forced to give. At the end the half of the vril society disapeared from earth. Now tell me where are they. They claimed aliens gave the channeling women the plans for the aircraft so vril women can visit those Aliens. Thats the point where we loose track on vril.

The vril invented the schumann levitator as a master piece using the channeled information. And they built aircrafts using this technology.
That was the technology they all were behind after war, like Satan behind the souls Bro. USA and Russia. But what they got were only some hanebu prototypes.
The vril society people werent like ordinary scientists or even compareable with f.e. strange mister Schauberger who was strange enough himself. They were just far ahead Schaubergers or Teslas or reichs technology and anything else at this time.
Remember even Tesla stated that he was in contact with a Alien Race.
Ok he got hit by many lightnings when he was a child and survived. That maybe cooked his brain but hey look at his technology.... isnt it strange enough what he did a hundret years ago Bro?
He invented wireless transmission of signal and energy a hundret years ago. Now we have cellphones and routers using his patents/tech.
Why should he claim that he is in contact with Aliens?
He knew this claim would break his neck in scientist circles.

Like I said ... what we see now on earth is mostly man made, but a small percentage is at least not ingeneered by humans. Maybe built yes but not invented by humans.
keep in mind bro.... when you ripoff alien tech from humans its still alien tech.
Same with sightings most are very easy to explain but a small petcentage is not.
Its all mixed up now strange human tech, alien tech, channeled tech.
Hard to say who is who.

And one thing just to say....I absolutly have a very hard time to believe in channeling realy.

But I believe in natural levitation for example.
I dont believe in that water always runs downhill.
Why? Because we have one or two places on earth where this is just wrong.
Look at spring water... why the water flows out the top of a mountain how does it come up there? Levitation. Ask Schauberger.

Funny is that the only thing they got from all reingeneering is the stealth effect of some geometrical structures originating from "single wing aircraft". We dont call man made UFO's soucers, its just called single wing aircraft.
They never understood the engine.

We should all look way more on earth than into space. All answers are here. Check project rainbow and project montauk. And we should understand that the resulting technology is our times sodom and gomorrah.

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The government isn’t holding alien tech.
I think what happened over time starting in the 50's is that the feds started to game the system by hiring contractors to handle certain issues so that the feds can maintain plausible deniability with the public, and their political rivals. So it's not "the government" that keeps and researches that shit, it's a contractor WORKING for "the government" that's responsible for keeping and researching that shit. This way senator Asshole, Congressman Shitstain, and President Douchebag can all cry about "rogue contractors" when the feds are the ones actually funding and directing them through special access programs hidden from the public, and largely from congress as well.

Because we’re human and can’t keep secrets
Dead men keep secrets very well. So do men that get federal security briefs every 6 months and sign statements of non-disclosure reminding them that security violations may result in loss of job and benefits, expulsion from military/government service, long term federal incarceration, huge federal fines, and in some cases, execution for treason.
Keeping a spy mission a secret amongst a few is one thing. A massive clandestine program encompassing thousands of people over 75 years... nope. That’s not happening The dead men tell no tales thing is just part of the fabricated logic to make the whole conspiracy float.
I just dont believe in farytales.
And if government is saying "we dont have it..." , you most of the time can bet money on that this is a lie ;-)
You know the game is all about propaganda.

All Governments are liars until hard evidence is leaked by insiders.

In my country we know one or two things that happened about 75-80 years ago.
Remember operation paperclip.
Why should your government have stolen whatever information they could find if it wasnt far beyond any of their technologies and all others on earth at this time including our own? You think we are uber genius? We are not.
The vril society ... a esoteric circle of women that channeled knowledge from a place in space where no humans live. They walked on a path that most people take not even serious, and found people to invest money in their plans/ideas. They started a company for alternative drive technologies at this point. Oh and yes how was Hitler intrested to get them into his Team. But the vril worked mainly for their own goals. They just gave the Nazis what they were forced to give. At the end the half of the vril society disapeared from earth. Now tell me where are they. They claimed aliens gave the channeling women the plans for the aircraft so vril women can visit those Aliens. Thats the point where we loose track on vril.

The vril invented the schumann levitator as a master piece using the channeled information. And they built aircrafts using this technology.
That was the technology they all were behind after war, like Satan behind the souls Bro. USA and Russia. But what they got were only some hanebu prototypes.
The vril society people werent like ordinary scientists or even compareable with f.e. strange mister Schauberger who was strange enough himself. They were just far ahead Schaubergers or Teslas or reichs technology and anything else at this time.
Remember even Tesla stated that he was in contact with a Alien Race.
Ok he got hit by many lightnings when he was a child and survived. That maybe cooked his brain but hey look at his technology.... isnt it strange enough what he did a hundret years ago Bro?
He invented wireless transmission of signal and energy a hundret years ago. Now we have cellphones and routers using his patents/tech.
Why should he claim that he is in contact with Aliens?
He knew this claim would break his neck in scientist circles.

Like I said ... what we see now on earth is mostly man made, but a small percentage is at least not ingeneered by humans. Maybe built yes but not invented by humans.
keep in mind bro.... when you ripoff alien tech from humans its still alien tech.
Same with sightings most are very easy to explain but a small petcentage is not.
Its all mixed up now strange human tech, alien tech, channeled tech.
Hard to say who is who.

And one thing just to say....I absolutly have a very hard time to believe in channeling realy.

But I believe in natural levitation for example.
I dont believe in that water always runs downhill.
Why? Because we have one or two places on earth where this is just wrong.
Look at spring water... why the water flows out the top of a mountain how does it come up there? Levitation. Ask Schauberger.

Funny is that the only thing they got from all reingeneering is the stealth effect of some geometrical structures originating from "single wing aircraft". We dont call man made UFO's soucers, its just called single wing aircraft.
They never understood the engine.

We should all look way more on earth than into space. All answers are here. Check project rainbow and project montauk. And we should understand that the resulting technology is our times sodom and gomorrah.

Cool story. Still waiting for evidence.
I'm thinking that the kinds of alien tech we might be likely to acquire would be that which would logically be found in a spacecraft:

Power generation
Climate control

I rather doubt that we'd find weapons technology. Those aliens would have to be as stupid as Captain Kirk to bring anything we might be able to reverse engineer and use against them.
Cool story. Still waiting for evidence.
Show me evidence that you can love somebody.

If I would have evidence I would be behind bars or dead or even worse.
I think you agree that knowledge and evidence can create serious disaster for the publisher.

I hear novadays about a engineer who rebuilt schaubergers mini powerplant for homes.
He was stupid enough to
Couple of days later a company asked/forced him to sell all his work to them for big money so they can lock the technology away. He refused. He invested his entire money in his project. The next thing that happened was that shady agents from security service came to him to set him under pressure.
The last thing we know that he fled to a northern country. As the legend goes he lives in a wooden house in the middle of a large forest where nobody lives except him. No electrical supply there but he has electricity. And he is ruined. He has to hide for the rest of his life or he will be........

As long as they can sell their dirty oil products to us there will be no alternative energy source.
You could just use water to produce energy. Water will be the new oil.
Nobody is intrested in having something free for everybody.
Bro they even tax solarpower in spain wtf???

So evidence is a sword with two blades.
And it cuts always off the wrong heads.

I only can say read about the Montauk project this will give you a grip about the "ancient astronaut" Theory.
I think all this is the result of disaster and mistakes in the early montauk project. They became better with time. But until that many people were lost into nowhere.

Send a present engineer or a scientist 4500 years back in time and you have the guy responsible for using our modern todays techniques in the building of the pyramids ffor example.
No need to move this giant stones around when you use modern building techniques.

Another one.....
There is a isolated tribe in africa who since 1000 years know that sirius has a lil brother. And they know a lot more about constellation in this galaxy. About irregular gravitation and why it occurs.
Its a big event they have every 50 years or so to celebrate this.
The problem is that the human race has discovered that constellation and galaxy only a short time ago.
Now how can this primitive tribe have this knowledge since centuries???
You think they had a hughly effective Telescope 1000 years ago?

One could just use the information we have available and come to the conclusion that they got visited and told about that. By whom?
By Aliens? No.
Every todays student could tell them.

At Montauk there went a few things wrong in the early days. People were send into nowhere and never came back. No one knows what happened to them.

If I would send you to 5000 B.C. with all you know now, they would believe that you are a god.

Just my two cents Bro.

I dont want to make anybody believe me.... I want you to research and find alternative theories to the Alien story.
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I'm thinking that the kinds of alien tech we might be likely to acquire would be that which would logically be found in a spacecraft:

Power generation
Climate control

I rather doubt that we'd find weapons technology. Those aliens would have to be as stupid as Captain Kirk to bring anything we might be able to reverse engineer and use against them.

You are right.
I think the only way to acquire alien tech is by an accidently crashed spacecraft.
Or a malfunction in their shieldings that made it possible to get one down by weapons or emp or so.
They for sure dont want us to use anything they have.

What you think about the alien satelite hovering close to earth?
It periodically sends out signals so its not just a rock in space.
Are they watchung us ir is that a communication system?
E.T.' s phone for a homecall?
Because it's cheaper to simply take shit that's already been through some kind of R&D, actually works, and has a track record, than it is to start from scratch yourself.

Stopped reading there...
Your government did not stop reading there :-D

Btw. That was the same point where I had a hard time to not stop reading Bro.
I am sooooo suspicious when I hear about channeling. Lots of charlatans there.
But fuck they ran a entire successful company based on that???
If all they did were shit how they got people to invest into their technology?
And as it seems it was.pretty impressive what they got.
So impressive that Hitler would want to set them under contract.
Untill the majority of the vril organisation disapeared to nowhere.
Or Aldebaran?

Your government could tell you more about it. They captured/ripped all the paperwork and evidence they left behind. This was not much but.... ;-) enough to get an idea.
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