Tyler, I have experienced a few things myself that I cannot easily explain, or explain away.
I am not troubled by this because I have no faith in the capacity of the human mind to comprehend all of it ... to posit such is in violation of Gödel's theorem imo.
Of course I have scientifically plausible explanations to hand, but they are tentative, and I suspect them of being facile. So I won't commit to a pure-materialistic worldview ... but I'll be a rather tough customer in re ideas of spirit. I have noticed that people in general have an amazing, driving, at times desperate need to have it all make sense. Imo this drives some into a sort of hard-bitten materialist antitheism ... and others in pursuit of the mystical.
A consequence of this that i have seen is that many people will latch onto ideas or philosophies that Explain Stuff, but they will do so without keeping their faculties of discernment in play. How else explain the massive support for such proven scams as homeopathy, astrology and the doings and sayings of men in black robes? With so much noise, i don't see signal ... but I'm not entitled, or so arrogant, as to say that there is definitively no signal from something genuinely spiritual, not-self. But my capacity for credulity is sharply restrained by my knowledge that we humans have a talent for sensing magic and spirit where there often is demonstrably none. It's my nature to err on the side of caution.
So i live in a world that contains, and has presented, experiences that I cannot fit into an internally and externally consistent world-concept without applying some force. So I content myself with ... not doing so. Some may see this as quitting. I prefer to present it as humility. I may or may not get some answers before my time is called ... but I do have faith that once it is, I get to have an unlimited carefree rest from existence. Let the youngsters take the reins, and hope that they don't run the whole team off a cliff. cn