
Experience says otherwise, but even then you can label us as delusional because you assume what we experience is a trick of the mind, jumping to conclusions, or desperately trying to give meaning to something that we want to be true. But this is one of those classic arguments between atheists and theists that will never end because our experiences mean nothing to you, doesnt prove anything. Its pointless to continue discussing because we both are convinced that our point of view is the more accurate one.

You must acknowledge that anecdotal evidence isn't applicable to modern science. It isn't us assuming anything, there are very good reasons why we simply can't take someones word for something, and if we did, the science that followed would be inherently flawed. It has nothing to do with anything else, we wouldn't end up with accurate science if that's how it was done.

Experiences are 100% subjective to the person experiencing them. You walk into a room and you're cold, I could walk into the same exact room and feel hot, depending on many different variables. What you are proposing atheists and critical thinkers do is dismiss objective observation in favor of subjective interpretation. You would end up with thousands of different viewpoints (consider how many people have how many differing opinions about something like politics or economics) that wouldn't lead to anything useful.

Do you understand that explanation?
You must acknowledge that anecdotal evidence isn't applicable to modern science. It isn't us assuming anything, there are very good reasons why we simply can't take someones word for something, and if we did, the science that followed would be inherently flawed. It has nothing to do with anything else, we wouldn't end up with accurate science if that's how it was done.

Experiences are 100% subjective to the person experiencing them. You walk into a room and you're cold, I could walk into the same exact room and feel hot, depending on many different variables. What you are proposing atheists and critical thinkers do is dismiss objective observation in favor of subjective interpretation. You would end up with thousands of different viewpoints (consider how many people have how many differing opinions about something like politics or economics) that wouldn't lead to anything useful.

Do you understand that explanation?

I said that our experiences prove nothing, because thats what they are, OUR experiences, not yours.
Me and my buddy looked up one night and seen that the star Sirius was not there, like what the fucking fuck? I almost shit my pants when I seen that. Sure enough the next clear night it was there... I seen a lot more shit but thats the only one you'd have a chance at believing lol.

i am no scientist...i assume there could be an explanation from a scientist ?....i know nothing about the stars..perhaps you were looking in a different direction?
clouds sounds plausible ....if you watch some of these people tell their bigfoot stories/photos...they actually believe it, most are not crazy people...they are just mistaken
i am no scientist...i assume there could be an explanation from a scientist ?....i know nothing about the stars..perhaps you were looking in a different direction?

Nah I know basic astronomy (very basic) I just know the position of most of the major stars so theres no way my eyes were mistaken. The three main stars in Orions Belt point down at Sirius and Sirius is always in that area. Sirius is one of the brightest stars in the sky so it should of been clearly visible when viewed from 20 minutes out of town on a clear night. If you have access to clear skys than I suggest you start star gazing more, crazy shit has been happening up there recently, talking about it proves nothing, people just need to look up. gonna go smoke and take a peek in the sky....just moved to michigan from chicago so i should see things i could not is raining here though
I said that our experiences prove nothing, because thats what they are, OUR experiences, not yours.

It seems like you're implying that personal experiences are as valuable to the pursuit of truth as objective observation and experimentation. It's not an 'us v. them' kind of thing, it's a 'one has valid evidence v. one with no valid evidence'; evolution v. creation for example.

Can something be true without any evidence that it is?
Nah I know basic astronomy (very basic) I just know the position of most of the major stars so theres no way my eyes were mistaken. The three main stars in Orions Belt point down at Sirius and Sirius is always in that area. Sirius is one of the brightest stars in the sky so it should of been clearly visible when viewed from 20 minutes out of town on a clear night. If you have access to clear skys than I suggest you start star gazing more, crazy shit has been happening up there recently, talking about it proves nothing, people just need to look up.

Why didn't you take a picture of this? If I noticed a star missing in the sky, first thing I would do is take a picture.
If they prove nothing, how can you be so certain of them being true? The truth is, you can't... can't handle the truth.

It proves nothing to YOU, especially you lol the lucid dreamer. If something like lucid dreaming cant open your eyes to anything then Im guessing it would take something quite astonishing for you to consider the possibility of spirit... But like I said, this argument goes nowhere and it never does.
Me and my buddy looked up one night and seen that the star Sirius was not there, like what the fucking fuck? I almost shit my pants when I seen that. Sure enough the next clear night it was there... I seen a lot more shit but thats the only one you'd have a chance at believing lol.
much more likely it was cloud cover. Of course you would still believe it went missing in spite of no reports from any astronomers, amateur or professional because you know the spiritual realm and you are an unfallible observer. Do you honestly believe something like that would go unnoticed?
much more likely it was cloud cover. Of course you would still believe it went missing in spite of no reports from any astronomers, amateur or professional. Do you honestly believe something like that would go unnoticed?

No clouds my friend, just clear skys. You'd think this tiny invisible cloud you speak of would move out of the way after a while. And I was shocked that this went un-noticed, it had to of been seen by at least one astronomer. My explanation for that is maybe they are told to keep their mouths shut so they dont want the population freaking out. I think people would start believing that dec 21st is really the end (which I dont believe) if they knew that stars were flying around.
No clouds my friend, just clear skys. You'd think this tiny invisible cloud you speak of would move out of the way after a while. And I was shocked that this went un-noticed, it had to of been seen by at least one astronomer. My explanation for that is maybe they are told to keep their mouths shut so they dont want the population freaking out. I think people would start believing that dec 21st is really the end (which I dont believe) if they knew that stars were flying around.
How can you be sure there wasn't a cloud? If you really watched the skies as often as you claim, you would know that most clouds are indeed invisible at night and yes, it might move out of the way after awhile but you said you left to go get a camera? Which is it? Did you stay and observe for an hour to see if the skies got progressively worse supporting the idea that clouds were moving in (or sirius made a sudden appearance when the cloud moved) or did you leave the viewing area and go get a camera?

So now the stars are flying around? It didn't just disappear?
How can you be sure there wasn't a cloud? If you really watched the skies as often as you claim, you would know that most clouds are indeed invisible at night and yes, it might move out of the way after awhile but you said you left to go get a camera? Which is it? Did you stay and observe for an hour to see if the skies got progressively worse supporting the idea that clouds were moving in (or sirius made a sudden appearance when the cloud moved) or did you leave the viewing area and go get a camera?

So now the stars are flying around? It didn't just disappear?

lol calm down man, I got nothing to prove, Im just talking about what I seen. Me and others seen much more as well, this is one of the less astonishing things we witnessed, I just figured this would be easier to talk about.