
It's more rational to you that a star vanished without a trace than your senses may have been momentarily fooled?

That compelled me and my friend to start looking up more, and the other things we witnessed after that tell us that we were seeing what we thought we were seeing. Like when a stationary bright star all of the sudden starts to move across the sky to meet up with a pair of stars to make a perfect pyramid like triangle with them then shoots off into space like loosing sight of a well struck golf ball... Three of us witnessed that lol But we must of been fooled though... I'll let you and your fellow champion of truth have the last words =)
lol calm down man, I got nothing to prove, Im just talking about what I seen. Me and others seen much more as well, this is one of the less astonishing things we witnessed, I just figured this would be easier to talk about.

Calm down? Are you implying that asking questions somehow make me excited? I am in fact quite calm. If I believed a single word you say, I might be excited to hear that a star, actually the brightest in the night sky, can just disappear and other people besides some stoned dude and his friend actually noticed it too. Sorry, but I don't have enough respect for your powers of observation to actually get excited over anything you tell me you say or experienced. Now you play games by saying, "calm down man..." to defect from the actual questions that I asked because you are unwilling to acknowledge them since they would destroy your idiotic belief that something actually happened to Sirius rather than the infinitely more reasonable conclusion that your viewing conditions were not as perfect as you think they were (or you completely fabricated the story).
Calm down? Are you implying that asking questions somehow make me excited? I am in fact quite calm. If I believed a single word you say, I might be excited to hear that a star, actually the brightest in the night sky, can just disappear and other people besides some stoned dude and his friend actually noticed it too. Sorry, but I don't have enough respect for your powers of observation to actually get excited over anything you tell me you say or experienced. Now you play games by saying, "calm down man..." to defect from the actual questions that I asked because you are unwilling to acknowledge them since they would destroy your idiotic belief that something actually happened to Sirius rather than the infinitely more reasonable conclusion that your viewing conditions were not as perfect as you think they were (or you completely fabricated the story).

I got nothing to prove, yet your still typing like I do lol Im not surprised you were once an alcoholic, oh how miserable you must be... Lets see how many breaths you waste by responding to this.
Life on other planets? Most likely. Intelligent life? Still probable. Spending 100's of years to get here. Not likely. Any race capable of breaking the speed of light would consider us mere animals and would have no hesitation to wipe us out if necessary to acquire our resources. Why do people, when observing something they don't understand, always choose the most unlikely explanation? "We've eliminated all the other possibilities, so it must be space aliens, ghosts, God, magic...." Just means they haven't actually eliminated all the other possibilities, just the ones they know about. Illogical: If "A" is true, then "B" is false. Therefore, if "B" is false, then "A" must be true. NOT!! Example: "A" It is raining right now(true). "B" The road is dry(false). Therefore, If the road is not dry, then it must be raining right now. No, I just pissed in the street. "A" is not true.
That compelled me and my friend to start looking up more, and the other things we witnessed after that tell us that we were seeing what we thought we were seeing. Like when a stationary bright star all of the sudden starts to move across the sky to meet up with a pair of stars to make a perfect pyramid like triangle with them then shoots off into space like loosing sight of a well struck golf ball... Three of us witnessed that lol But we must of been fooled though... I'll let you and your fellow champion of truth have the last words =)

I'll reiterate from a previous post; If you can't prove it, what does it matter? What value does it hold?

Why haven't you attempted to record any of it, or conduct any experiments to support your findings?
I'll reiterate from a previous post; If you can't prove it, what does it matter? What value does it hold?

Why haven't you attempted to record any of it, or conduct any experiments to support your findings?

What does taking pictures do? "hey guys, heres a picture of a missing star that you'll pass off as photoshop" "heres a video of a moving star just like the hundreds of recorded UFO accounts on youtube that no one takes seriously" ... Its really impossible to prove anything to skeptics, you guys gotta have your own experience but even then you will convince yourself that your senses are being fooled because what you witness will go against science. You people are impossible to reason with, just like you think spiritualists are impossible to reason with, these arguments go nowhere, but I know you're going to feel compelled to keep this argument going, even though it goes nowhere and it never will.
I'll let you and your fellow champion of truth have the last words =)
So now we know you are a liar. You still need to be the one to get in the last word it appears.

I got nothing to prove, yet your still typing like I do lol Im not surprised you were once an alcoholic, oh how miserable you must be... Lets see how many breaths you waste by responding to this.
Now you are resorting to slander? I have never been an alcoholic although if I was it wouldn't change anything. Unlike you, I am not prejudiced against alcoholics as they have the same addiction problems that I had to deal with, just different substances. I see though that you are a judgmental prick and nothing I say will matter to you since you have already made up your mind -- the definition of close minded.
I'll let you and your fellow champion of truth have the last words =)

I know you're going to feel compelled to keep this argument going, even though it goes nowhere and it never will.

What does taking pictures do? "hey guys, heres a picture of a missing star that you'll pass off as photoshop" "heres a video of a moving star just like the hundreds of recorded UFO accounts on youtube that no one takes seriously" ... Its really impossible to prove anything to skeptics, you guys gotta have your own experience but even then you will convince yourself that your senses are being fooled because what you witness will go against science. You people are impossible to reason with, just like you think spiritualists are impossible to reason with, these arguments go nowhere, but I know you're going to feel compelled to keep this argument going, even though it goes nowhere and it never will.

Chief, you can see the implications if we were to take every single video or every single photo as direct evidence of "aliens" instead of "ufo's" as they are, right? Hopefully you can see the value of having a mechanism to determine using the best available estimates (via the scientific method) what's likely true and what's not.

The one making the positive claim "I saw a ufo, therefore, aliens" has to prove that claim. You can't make the claim and expect it to be taken as fact until proven false. Do you see the problem with that rationale?

^^ See what I mean mindphuck? You guys LOVE arguments that go nowhere lol What is your guys mindset when approaching these arguments? "I know I wont convince this idiot of anything but Im gunna throw reason in his face anyways! so we can have a back and forth argument that accomplishes nothing!" ... once again... *facepalm*
^^ See what I mean mindphuck? You guys LOVE arguments that go nowhere lol What is your guys mindset when approaching these arguments? "I know I wont convince this idiot of anything but Im gunna throw reason in his face anyways! so we can have a back and forth argument that accomplishes nothing!" ... once again... *facepalm*

That has absolutely nothing to do with the fact you don't understand the implication of offering the last word then actually, NOT. The reason the argument goes nowhere says more about the level of your credulity than it says about the argument. The fact that you cannot understand the idea of anectdotal when you offer a response to a post about not believing anyone has seen aliens. Unless it is clarified ahead of time, any reasonable person would take that as an implied answer to that post, i.e. offering your 'experience' as de facto evidence for seeing aliens. Trying to brush it off by trying to act all caviler, 'not trying to prove anything' only makes you look more like a douche. You're like the guy that interjects about a discussion concerning football, that he would have played pro if he didn't get injured, yada yada.... Even if we believed your sorry ass, it in no way proves you know anything about anything and you said it just to make noise. IOW, two stoners NOT seeing a star that's supposed to be there is no more evidence for aliens than it is that your mom dropped you on your head as a child...many times.
That has absolutely nothing to do with the fact you don't understand the implication of offering the last word then actually, NOT. The reason the argument goes nowhere says more about the level of your credulity than it says about the argument. The fact that you cannot understand the idea of anectdotal when you offer a response to a post about not believing anyone has seen aliens. Unless it is clarified ahead of time, any reasonable person would take that as an implied answer to that post, i.e. offering your 'experience' as de facto evidence for seeing aliens. Trying to brush it off by trying to act all caviler, 'not trying to prove anything' only makes you look more like a douche. You're like the guy that interjects about a discussion concerning football, that he would have played pro if he didn't get injured, yada yada.... Even if we believed your sorry ass, it in no way proves you know anything about anything and you said it just to make noise. IOW, two stoners NOT seeing a star that's supposed to be there is no more evidence for aliens than it is that your mom dropped you on your head as a child...many times.

Oh wow... yet you keep going... Poor oblivious robots of rationality feel they got something to prove all the time... What miserable people.
What does taking pictures do? "hey guys, heres a picture of a missing star that you'll pass off as photoshop" "heres a video of a moving star just like the hundreds of recorded UFO accounts on youtube that no one takes seriously" ... Its really impossible to prove anything to skeptics, you guys gotta have your own experience but even then you will convince yourself that your senses are being fooled because what you witness will go against science. You people are impossible to reason with, just like you think spiritualists are impossible to reason with, these arguments go nowhere, but I know you're going to feel compelled to keep this argument going, even though it goes nowhere and it never will.

What taking pictures and videos does is twofold:
1) It provides a physical record of an occurrence with claimed physical (in this case, optical) manifestations.
2) It provides a certification of intent by the claimant: "cool or weird or scary stuff is happening, and I'm not just spouting off here".

Regarding point 1, it is true that digital images are highly manipulable, but it is very very difficult to make the manipulations invisible to professional photoanalysts. But being witness to multiple violations of consensus reality and NOT carrying detecting/recording equipment along ... not even a handycam or middling canon digicam, strikes me as either awfully slipshod ... or admission that the stories are not honest. If I were in those shoes, I'd always be carrying film cameras, both still and cine, bevcause negatives are very hard to hoax, and the people who have those skills are few, quite old and all know one another. They could instantly spot an image changer's "fist".

regarding point 2: That is the key difference between natural philosophy (of which "science" is the most vigorous component today, but there is more to it) and the very human and equally useless desire to have a story believed as told. It is a basic moral/philosophical duty of EVERYBODY t6o not believe in random "reality busters" unless/until a body of plausibility has been assembled. This kills anecdotal evidence. My main beef with a certain sort of spiritualist is that sort's insistence that "I experienced it" is identical with "I experienced it correctly" is identical with "it is true what I saw and then deduced from the experience" and which usually gets distilled into that last refuge of fools, "the establishment is suppressing something big, and I know a dangerous truth". I was bemused by the claim that the world's astronomical community would SEE something like a missing star (indeed the brightest stellar object in the sky, not counting el Sol) and then unanimously agree to SHUSH about it! If you want to see a community of amateur astronomers whose diversity, passion and overall impossibility to be told stuff meets or exceeds that of the RIU community, explore I would lick my chops to see what experienced, educated stargazers from all walks of life would do to a claim like "the star disappeared in a cloudless sky, and for minutes!"
i really belive there are aliens on other planets out there but they are so far away getting to or from is damn near impossible. I just looked up info about the voyager ( the furthest manmade object in space)

"At this velocity, 73,600 years would pass before reaching the nearest star, Proxima Centauri, were the spacecraft traveling in the direction of that star. Voyager 1 will need about 14,000 years at its current velocity to travel one light year, therefore 40,000 years will pass before coming anywhere near other stars or planets."

so pretty much in a really really long time after we have evolved into a new subspecies we might get some communication from another solar system. I mean 14,000 years to travel one lightyear, its just a long time off is all im sayin.
Dudes! This one time i was camping/canoeing in northern michigan, and i was looking up at the stars... and unbelievably, i caught glimpse of one moving, and it was moving FAST! I fallowed it aaaaalllll the way across the sky until it disappeared into the horizon. I was like, omfg... Zaehet, you just saw a fuckin alien space craft! I was all struttin about thinking i saw an alien when i told a friend about it and he was like dude... quit thinking with your emotions and think reasonably and rationally about what that might have been. I was like... damnit, ok. Think think think think, what could that have been other than an alien space craft, think think think, WAIT! Could it have been a satellite!? I know that there are thousands of satellites orbiting our planet!

Come to find out, after careful analysis, and reasonable thinking taking emotions out of the equation, it was indeed a satellite. Not an alien, no matter how badly i wanted it to be true, it just, fuckin, wasn't.


Some can't handle the truth, some just plain don't want it.

A star just dissapearing, and then reapearing... fuckin really yo? Fools and fanatics my friends, fools and fanatics.