yuck. i finally tried the tea. i'll stick to toss n wash! it took some trial and error... but now i hardly ever taste or feel the kratom go down. I take a sip of a drink, but don't swallow it... then I take a spoonfull of kratom (not a huge spoonful until you get used to it)..... tilt my head back with the drink still in there, and pour the kratom on top... then swallow it all as quick as you can. then take a few more drinks to make sure it's washed down. that's the toss n wash.
I should also mention the best way to keep kratom tolerance down is to use different kinds. I don't do it as much anymore (it constipates me), but when I did, I had like 5-10 different kinds at all times. for morning buzzes, i'd do white and green veins, and then after work, all about the red veins
It's fun shopping around different places. kratom is awesome
I'll be very sad if it ever becomes illegal in the states.