All fan leaves dead, will she fatten up? PICS!


Active Member
Well all the fan leaves have been dying and easily fall off when you touch them. They were tiny little fan leaves. The calyx's are still small, and mostly all white hairs, and nothing is real dense. I want to know if you guys think these will still get nice and fat, or since the fan leaves are gone it will just ripen as is, and not get much fatter. I hoping it will get nice and fat! Using a 400 w hps, I might give her some nutrients, been on 12/12 from seed. Bag seed also.



did u cut off all nutes? bc if u did then thats y its all dying off. Not sure what will happen i mean its ur plant and whatever u think is best i would give it a carb of somesort so that if it is going 2 grow it will have a good energy burst!


Well-Known Member
looks like a HORRIBLE case of lack of nitrogen, but i dont kno. they all fell off?? HOW!? wat the hell happend? wats ur temps? r those cups of water in ur flowering chamber???


Active Member
Well, it's obvious that your plants lost all their foliage from poor health. I would expect that whatever condition(s) caused this are still present, so don't expect any miracles. They look either completely starved or completely nuked. I'm leaning toward nuked. Whatever the case, you should re-evaluate your feeding regimen for next grow.

What are you feeding them? and what is the deal with all the water cups?


Active Member
did u cut off all nutes? bc if u did then thats y its all dying off. Not sure what will happen i mean its ur plant and whatever u think is best i would give it a carb of somesort so that if it is going 2 grow it will have a good energy burst!
They have been getting molasses and water for the past 3-4 weeks since they were badly nute burned. Now water only, I might feed em some nutes.

looks like a HORRIBLE case of lack of nitrogen, but i dont kno. they all fell off?? HOW!? wat the hell happend? wats ur temps? r those cups of water in ur flowering chamber???
Temps have been 80-85, they were badly burned a month ago form what I think was bad nute burn, but they have been getting water and molasses only since then. The cups were do battle my humidity, it was very dry in my chamber.

Well, it's obvious that your plants lost all their foliage from poor health. I would expect that whatever condition(s) caused this are still present, so don't expect any miracles. They look either completely starved or completely nuked. I'm leaning toward nuked. Whatever the case, you should re-evaluate your feeding regimen for next grow.

What are you feeding them? and what is the deal with all the water cups?
They were definately nuked about a month ago, since then I have given them only molasses and water, and starting this week it's been water only. I was really worried about nutes since I burned them so bad, but I might give her some nutrients for a week or two, then molasses and water til harvest. I had fox farm tiger bloom, and big bloom. The water cups were to battle my dry humidity. They evaporate then I fill them again.


Active Member
So that still leaves the question, will she get fatter and the calyx's still swell, or am I looking at the finished unripened product?


Active Member
and also low humidity in flower is good those others look liked you nuked em how much nutes did you feed at a time?


Well-Known Member
No they will not get "fatter", your pretty much fucked. I dont mean to be rude but those plants look absolutely terrible. Looks like they were severely nute burned, now they have a deficiency and i'd be willing to bet a nickel your room is SCORCHING hot. I'd read a grow book and start over. Don't mean to be harsh but its the honest truth.


Feeding it nutes and giving it all it needs won't help I am pretty sure. At this point there are no leaves for it to capture the light, therefore it's not going to grow. Light is a very vital part of photosynthesis.


Well-Known Member
No they will not get "fatter", your pretty much fucked. I dont mean to be rude but those plants look absolutely terrible. Looks like they were severely nute burned, now they have a deficiency and i'd be willing to bet a nickel your room is SCORCHING hot. I'd read a grow book and start over. Don't mean to be harsh but its the honest truth.
bit harsh lol but good advice id say.

and even if you might have messed em up a little this time at least your getting some kind of yield.

could be worse.


Active Member
and also low humidity in flower is good those others look liked you nuked em how much nutes did you feed at a time?
I made the noob mistake of after slowly introducing the nutes, I gave them full strength without any flushes inbetween for a long time, after they were nuked I had realized the problem.


Active Member
No they will not get "fatter", your pretty much fucked. I dont mean to be rude but those plants look absolutely terrible. Looks like they were severely nute burned, now they have a deficiency and i'd be willing to bet a nickel your room is SCORCHING hot. I'd read a grow book and start over. Don't mean to be harsh but its the honest truth.
Yea everything I have is good, except for the part where I nute burned them. The only reason I didn't catch the nute burn at a good time, was because I was used to seeing the yellowing of the leaves first, and that would indicated me nute burn. With all but one, they were perfectly healthy, but then in a 4 day period, they just got crunchy and clawed. It was my first time at this and I did feed them full strength for amonth with no breaks and that is what caused this mess. The room isnt horribly hot, never above 90. I know all my shit, but experiencing this one time, is more knowledgable than all the reading i have been doing for months prior. When you read about how good pizza is, that's nothing compared to tasting a slice for yourself. :)


Active Member
Feeding it nutes and giving it all it needs won't help I am pretty sure. At this point there are no leaves for it to capture the light, therefore it's not going to grow. Light is a very vital part of photosynthesis.
That's what I was assuming. This plant was a bit weird though, all the fans leaves were really really tiny and uniform. They are all going bye bye. I have about 10 left but they are yellowing and dyin off, think if I gave em some nutes it migt save a couple fan leaves?


Active Member
bit harsh lol but good advice id say.

and even if you might have messed em up a little this time at least your getting some kind of yield.

could be worse.
Yep, I still got some good shit from this, definately enough to make the investment worthwhile, but next time I guarantee I wont even look like the same grower haha.
IMO.... its too late man. Everybody learns the hard way at least once ;) Take it a little easier on the nutes next time and you'll do ok, till then, you can never learn enough.