All Females?


Alright since this is my first gro ever I am asking, you the people who know what your doing to help me identify the sex of these babies.. first let me say they have been in dirt for 5 weeks this Sat. All these pics are diff plants.. 3 total... looking straight down into top of plants



My nodes directly on the stalk its self are not quite big enough to tell yet. All though I got one good pic of the one you though might be a lady. This pic is actually of a node on a branch that is about two or three sets from the top.



Well-Known Member
2nd n 3rd deff fems, 1st looks fem as well but not too clear on it. you can see the white pistals already pushing out on the 2nd n 3rd. nice job, not everyone is so fortunate. what strain?


Actually its some mediocre bagseed. I have aquired some Sweet tooth seeds, but I figured for my first grow I would keep it simple and plant in pots and keep outside. Well the plants are doing very well! Better than I thought I could ever do. They are actually easy to grow. Just have to be attentive and alert to pests and nutes. After this I am going to do a CFL grow by the directions of Garden Knowm and his Buds for Less book. And of course with all the help I receive in this quaint community of fellow enthusiasts.


What is the point in creating something meaningless? If I was to pick. If I couldn't create something with meaning I would spend my time destroying that wich is meaningless. To destroy something that has no meaning gives space to create something that is meaningful.


Well-Known Member
But isn't meaning relative? What has meaning to one may not have meaning to another. Who has the right to judge? Does anyone? My point being that you cannot know whether something is meaningless or not. I do not believe anything is meaningless, and that means SOMETHING coming from a determinist.


Well-Known Member
What is the point in creating something meaningless? If I was to pick. If I couldn't create something with meaning I would spend my time destroying that wich is meaningless. To destroy something that has no meaning gives space to create something that is meaningful.
Just blew my mind... Haha good read my friend


Well-Known Member
The universe is infinite. There is always space. Just because something may make sense in your mind doesn't mean it's true. Destroying is far too easy to have value. Don't be fooled.


Active Member
You create what is meaningless through what has been destroyed.
Everything has a meaning and purpose.
Destruction is a form of permanence.
What on earth is created that is meaningless in your minds eye.
I can think of alot of created useless stuff, (mostly things you can buy at Wal*Mart), but meaningless and usefulness are 2 different things.

"It is better to destroy, than to create what is useless."


Well-Known Member
I don't think anything is useless either. Down to the tiniest amount, everything must have some usefulness to someone somewhere. If you factor in scenario and get realistic, you may be right. But in its purest form, that statement is false and no matter how you argue it I will beat it every time.

However, practically, it may be right. But don't confused real-world practicality with idealism.


The point in my quote is not to judge. It is mearly an observation I have made in my life. If something is meaningless in my life I would rather it be destroyed than to take up valuable space that could be consumed with something that has meaning. Ie. The terrible marriage I was in.. I had to destroy that bond cause it was meaningless.. it was going nowhere.. so that it opened up space for the woman I have now.


Active Member
Being a little sarcastic there. I fully agree with you. I really hate Wal*Marts.
The Tibeten Monks make their paintings with grains of sand. And once finished with one gesture and wave, it's swept away as if it were dirt.
Yet, it is a destructive manner or act, it has much meaning. Nothing lasts forever, but there is meaning and purpose behind it all.


Besides the fact your reply to this post was "meaningless" you never answered the original question nor did you ever mention anything about a tip or trick you might have learned here wich would be "meaningful information" so here again I sit with time waisted. MEANINGLESS!

Get the point... have a quality day sir.


Well-Known Member
The point in my quote is not to judge. It is mearly an observation I have made in my life. If something is meaningless in my life I would rather it be destroyed than to take up valuable space that could be consumed with something that has meaning. Ie. The terrible marriage I was in.. I had to destroy that bond cause it was meaningless.. it was going nowhere.. so that it opened up space for the woman I have now.
Makes sense to me. I tend to argue idealistically rather than practically.

Besides the fact your reply to this post was "meaningless" you never answered the original question nor did you ever mention anything about a tip or trick you might have learned here wich would be "meaningful information" so here again I sit with time waisted. MEANINGLESS!

Get the point... have a quality day sir.
Meaningless to you, maybe. But meaning is relative. It seems you still need to "get the point".


No sir you are not getting the point I think I explained that it is my life I am talking about it is a personal quote meant for personal gain. Not a quote for society to take as a collective!. You tend to argue ,cause you like to argue, again this is meaningless in my life.... have a quality day!