All I want are some "Fucking Incredible" seeds...


Active Member
And a little hash would be a nice treat. ;)

Strain: Fucking Incredible

Lights: 384 Watts / 34200 Lumens of 48" Flourescent Tubes (12) @ 4100K

Space: 10sq. ft. grow area with 3.5 ft. of available height. Painted flat white.

Medium: Seedlings - MG Seedling mix / Veg/Flower - MG 14-14-14/Perlite 66/33 Mix

Nutrients: Nothing but water.

Hello again! ;) Welcome to my second grow!

First off, I know the specs of the grow are not exactly mind blowing. But I think my first grow (in my

sig) proved that this setup will indeed succeed at growing some O.K. marijuana. However, it is not the

buds that I am after on this quest. This grow's sole purpose is to supply myself with a nice collection

of viable seeds for future grows. A bonus, is that I will be making hash out of everything that is not


So here is where I am at.
I placed 6 seeds in spring water for 12 hours. 4 sank and 2 remained floating.
I then planted them in MG seeding soil (.0-.01-.0) in 4" round small pots covered in plastic wrap,

where they will stay for 2 weeks after sprouting. The wrap will be removed immediatly after the seeds

have sprouted.
They will then be transplanted into 9x9x12 or so square pots.

They will be topped once and LST'd to look exactly like this pic.

(curtisy of LBH and his 4-way LST tut that can be found here:

Once at that stage, they will begin their flowering cycle which will last until the seeds are mature.

I am hoping that out of those six seeds, I will get at least 1 male and 1 female. I would really love

to have 2 males and 4 females though, so I could choose the best male and 2 best females to continue

the grow with. But as of now, I am just hoping that I see something in the next few days or so.

Pics will follow in a few days provided that there is something to take a picture of...

Wish me luck!


Active Member
hello sir, glad to see your back at it again. goodluck to you
im pullin up a stump for this one!!!


Active Member
Hey thanks guys!
At this point, I got curious. What I can say, is that F-I S-4 (Fucking Incredible - Sinker 4) has cracked and is developing a tap root. I was very gentle when I was looking and never made contact with it, so I hope I didn't cause any harm. I didn't look for any others. The good news is that the environment I am providing them is allowing them to take! Looks like we may get to see a show!
All I need is 1 male and 1 female to survive to make this whole grow worth while. An extra female would be nice, but who knows. Maybe I will keep them all and do a mini SOG style quick grow, we will see how many sprout.
Again, wish me luck ;)

Edit: S-3 has begun to come through! I am betting the two of them will be here by the morning!


Active Member
S-3 broke the surface last night, and by the end of the day S-4 will join her. No signs of movement from the rest yet.

Same box, yes. Slightly modified to contain light better by adding another wall, but same thing.


Active Member
hey sativus, just curious as to where you picked up your fluoros, i've been looking around but they are a little pricey at the hardware store...
i mean like 30 bucks each for a 2-tube fixture,
anyway thanks and goodluck to you im excited for this your last grow was awesome!


Well-Known Member
Very cool. You just turned me onto a strain that i ended up buying ;) +rep for you.

(not gonna lie it was the name :-D )


Active Member
Yeah m8. That's where I got them and that's the price... But consider the cost of replacement bulbs... pretty cheap.
I am sure you can find them for 25, but I wanted it then and there, so you pay for convenience I guess...
Good luck and thanks man!

The pun in the title had nothing to do with it? LOL
I didn't choose the strain, it was a gift from a friend. Looks promising though.


Active Member
Two have sprouted thus far. I fear that they were too close to the light, coupled with the fact that I did not mist them since that broke the surface. I assumed the moisture in the soil was enough, but I think being too close to the lights was hurting them. I moved them further from the lights, and I misted them. I also misted the soil of the other pots. I them placed a clear plastic lid over all the pots to raise humidity for a few hours to see if they react well to that.
One still has not opened properly, the cotyldon leaves are still attached. I am praying the added moisture will help their conditions, as well as assist those seeds that have not yet germinated or broke the surface yet..
I am so sad right now :(


Active Member
Bad Bad Bad. One is pretty much dead. Took me by surprise, it was the best looking one from sprout. It's like, it just gave up over night. The other one, still had not opened its cotyldon leaves as of this morning. They were stuck together at the tips by what I assume was a piece of seed shell. I freed them the help of a pair of tweezers and they promptly sprung open to my surprise. It's only been a couple of hours, so I can't tell yet which way it is going to go. But I got my fingers crossed. If it dies too, I need to sit back and evaluate what the hell went wrong. If it survives, I will germinate 3 more seeds of unknown strain and hope for the best. Either way, my goal of "Fucking Incredible" seeds is hanging on whether or not either of those 3 un-sprouted seeds sprout in the next few days. Tonight will be five days.

kush fario

Well-Known Member
dont worrie man some seedlings die it could be temp or light or humidity i would keep the lights fairly far away. I find seedlings quite robust they can survive there first 3 days of life withought any light and can also be put on 24/7 for 1 week is there any nutes present in the soil? they dont like nutes when thye are young ( this is what i find. ) maybe try to give your seeds a pep talk call me crazy but if you out love into your plants they will love you back. Just let nature do its thing to be too forcefull and best of luck man! :bigjoint:


Active Member
Well, it is only day 5. Anyways, I examined the un-sprouted cups further. 1 seed was white and rotten and soft and dead. 1 was black and hard, and 1 was cracked open. I mixed fresh seeding mix with 30% or so perlite. I think the soil was too waterlogged. I replanted and watered the seeds that may still have a chance, but I didn't touch the seedling that had already sprouted. I don't think it will survive a transplant. I'll give it another 5 days or so for those other seeds to pop before I examine again and call t.o.d. Hopefully something will take in the next couple days. Otherwise I will be terrified to try again lol.

Edit: No, there are no nutes in the seeding soil I don't think.

kush fario

Well-Known Member
i dont know what there issue is i would guess you randomly got a hole bunch of bunk seeds it happens i tryed growing an unnamed kush a few years ago i had problem after problem untill they all died. I still dont know why they dident grow but i just stayed persistant sticking seeds in soil everywhere i hope you can feel out the problem and best of luck witht the other 5 that havent poped yet!


Active Member
Ok. I transplanted the surviving seedling into a larger 2-liter bottle with a better mix Potting Mix/Perlite and watered it. My concerns are that the pots are too small so the seeds were too shallow (maybe 2 inches to bottom of pot) and the soil was too waterlogged. Everything is now in better mix except the seedling which was just surrounded in a better mix. I think she is going to make it, but I don't know about the other *3* (1 seedling died mysteriously for no apparent reason, and 1 seed was rotten) seeds that have not popped yet. I will know better where everything stands in a few more days. For now I am just crossing my fingers that something survives.
I wouldn't be sooo heart broken if I knew what the other strains were. If I can't get a male and a female F.I plant to make seed, then I will never know what I am smoking... :(
Anyways, let us see what the coming days will bring.

Edit: The seeds I got from an acquiescence that I met on a forum not related to marijuana. I do not know how he stored these seeds. I can say though, that the "Mix" seeds do look good.
Maybe he did not store them properly or something, I don't know. And you know, Maybe, just Maybe,,, the seeds I planted were not even the F.I. seeds at all. They were all very non-uniform, so maybe he mixed them up when replacing them back in the package after he removed some for himself. The only way to tell would be to grow them out and see the differences in them.

Wish me luck!

kush fario

Well-Known Member
once again luck and that sounds like those seeds arnt all f.i they in my experience seeds of the same strain or batch look quite alike


Active Member
I mean, the little thing they came in had 2 slots. The label made it look as if the FI seeds were on the bottom, but anything is possible. Time will tell. Thanks for your wish of luck! I shuld be able to tell in the morning whether or not that little seedling is going to pull through.

kush fario

Well-Known Member
true anythng is possible if it the real F.I i cant wait to see how purple she gets and whats with this male and fem thing you want a crazy stalk of seeds or are you trying to create your own strain?