All in a days work


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
ya it was a beautiful day 2day, how was yours. mine started off at 4 am this morning trimming up my last plant standing. then went and go a little turkey hunting in till this afternoon. didn't bag a bird but did get some nice pics out there 2day. got home installed a new window in my bathroom slash grow room. then cleand up the room and moved the girls over to the flower room. they will be under 18/6 tell the end of the month then its 12/2 baby. oh and i just now got done trimming her up. days done but the shit. shower and a shave, LOL:hump: will post pics of my girls 2morrow. here is what i took 2day.



Well-Known Member
Wow man, do you hunt on all your own land? Regardless, I'm super jealous. By the way, in what region of which country do you live(i wouldn't ask for location;) )? Because I'm probably going to buy a house out there!


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Mr JoshC2410573 said:
Wow man, do you hunt on all your own land? Regardless, I'm super jealous. By the way, in what region of which country do you live(i wouldn't ask for location;) )? Because I'm probably going to buy a house out there!
no this is not my land this is public land. i with i had my own property im here in oregon in coos bay. that's coos county. im 2 miles from charleston just off cape arago highway. if your looking for work this is not the place to come. very hight unemployment rate here.:hump:

Krayven Sumhead

Well-Known Member
I think those sheep caught sight of you and they are lookin worried. Ya know, out there where men are men..........and the sheep look worried.........


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
that's cool i love venison :p, i think its wrong when people hunt and don't eat the goods.

Freeze that up and that will last you a year at least lol.
i wish.i do give lots to many famlies here. :hump: now when i get my elk that should be a diff. storey it should last awhile. LOL


Well-Known Member
It's too bad work sucks out there, one of these days when I'm filthy rich I'll probably just buy a hunting cabin then :)