All-in-one DIY Aero Cloner/Veg/Flower Systems.....


Well-Known Member
Luvin your Setup epix. looking at going Aero for my next grow. subscribed. Awesome pics throughout your journal and here buddy. Keep it up.
Good day there, and thank ya sir, i try!

Hey! Let me bug ya again. I hope you don't mind.

#1. Where did you get your corrugated plastic for the tops? I looked but could not find.

#2. Why and where do you have the water pump/stone? Just put it in the reservoir to stir things up? Or do you allow some water to pool in the main unit and place them in there?(which doesnt appear to be the case based on the placement of your drain)

#3. Do you run your sprayers 24/7? Or have and on/off cycle? I know you leave the clone sprayers on 24/7, but what about in your flowering system?

also... I got regular ole 1/2" PVC.. Not the Black poly tubing you have. Any major differences?

thanks again!

Good day there ForbiddenFruit, lol, no probs on the Q's, it's the only way to find stuff out!

Q1= i got the corragated plastic from my hydro shop, but have seen it in Home depote and rona here, But, had a guy find it eacilly in a sign making shop, and cheap from them too....!

Q2= i got the pump and air stone setup so the air stone is right infront of the pumps intake, that way it sucks the oxigen in with the water....

Q3= pumps run times, well, i use 24/7 on in the cloner, and 1 min on 3 min off in the Flower systems.....

the only real difference in the black poly and pvc pipes for this use is the flexibility, aswell as the eace of cutting, adding sprayers and what have to Tap and thread pvc and just Poke thro poly...

Hope that helps!

Well, off to work so latter all!



Well-Known Member
Good day there, and thank ya sir, i try!

Good day there ForbiddenFruit, lol, no probs on the Q's, it's the only way to find stuff out!

Q1= i got the corragated plastic from my hydro shop, but have seen it in Home depote and rona here, But, had a guy find it eacilly in a sign making shop, and cheap from them too....!

Q2= i got the pump and air stone setup so the air stone is right infront of the pumps intake, that way it sucks the oxigen in with the water....

Q3= pumps run times, well, i use 24/7 on in the cloner, and 1 min on 3 min off in the Flower systems.....

the only real difference in the black poly and pvc pipes for this use is the flexibility, aswell as the eace of cutting, adding sprayers and what have to Tap and thread pvc and just Poke thro poly...

Hope that helps!

Well, off to work so latter all!

Yes sir.. thats helps a lot. Thank you for answering each one of my questions. YOU ROCK!

That's good news for me on the PVC. I already have it, so at least it is workable. More of a pain, but doable. Good enuff for me! :)

And thanks on the tip with the air pump. I will set mine the same. AND I might as well run my water pump the same as well. Based on those lovely roots you have there I will mirror as much from your set up as I can.


BTW - check out the misters I purchased today. "Option 1" in this thread: Supposedly these don't clog. So maybe you can switch your clonning misters out, since yours have clogged on you quite a bit. I'll let you know how these work once I put them to use. I'll def be going with these in my cloner.

OK well thanks again!


Well-Known Member
BTW just thought I'd share something here.

I couldnt find the corrugated plastic like you have, but I think I found something that works equally as well. AND more importantly it can be found anywhere for cheap.

Basically it is just sheets of insulation. They sell in different sizes and thickness. I got one that is an inch thick. The solid part on the net pots I have are just under 1-1/2" thick, so this 1" thick sheet will work out perfectly (though I guess I could have went with a 1-1/2" piece as well, but I didnt feel the need). Easy to cut and strong enough to hold the weight (seems so at least). The net pots push in nice and snug. Can cut the hole a bit small then push em in.

They have them 1/2" thick up to 2" thick (and a couple sizes in between). The 2" one is really sturdy and might be good for larger pots.

They go for about $13 for a 4' x 8' sheet.. And $3 for a 2' x 4'

BTW they are plain White on the back side. No writing.

OK, just thought I'd share.. I know you have yours already set up and it works well for you, but just trying to give people an option in case they can't find it.


Well-Known Member
Good day there ForbiddenFruit,

right on with the find, there is lotza stuff peeps could use,
i chose the coragated plastic because of the thickness and the strength, i used to work building greenhouses and coragated plastic is used for the roofs and walls and is almost invincible,
you can even stand on the stuff on roofs, nice and strong,
i wuz originally going to use solid plastic sheets,
but even they arn't as strong as the coragated....
But if it works, Use it! :-P

So, Good day all, here be some updates for ya.... :leaf:

I finally got the cloner cleaned out last night, the clones are now all in the Flower room Aero system, finally getting back on track! :weed:
Will be taking another clone batch tomorow,
and have desided to put the Veg Aero system into the flower room,
it'll get a clone batch after the next... :leaf:

...................................... :weed:


Active Member
Awesome. Wanna move to Australia? I could make you room in my house for you and your setup!!!
Bring on da RED EYE..


Well-Known Member
Awesome. Wanna move to Australia? I could make you room in my house for you and your setup!!!
Bring on da RED EYE..

LOL, tankz man, i'd just get in trouble there!

:clap::leaf::leaf::leaf::clap:I love the new avatar, epix!! +rep4u

Well, thank ya growinman, asked him to sign 2 for me,
Marc E Laughed when i told him i'd be using the second one for my Avitar, got one with my name on it on my wall.... :-P

Fukn cull shit deal why he's even goin to jail............


........................ :leaf:


LOL, tankz man, i'd just get in trouble there!

Well, thank ya growinman, asked him to sign 2 for me,
Marc E Laughed when i told him i'd be using the second one for my Avitar, got one with my name on it on my wall.... :-P

Fukn cull shit deal why he's even goin to jail............


........................ :leaf:
the prince going to jail??im


LOL, tankz man, i'd just get in trouble there!

Well, thank ya growinman, asked him to sign 2 for me,
Marc E Laughed when i told him i'd be using the second one for my Avitar, got one with my name on it on my wall.... :-P

Fukn cull shit deal why he's even goin to jail............


........................ :leaf:
the prince going to jail??im gnna bust him out...:peace:


Active Member
Thats gotta suck. Its one thing getting caught with a shit load of weed but selling F*&KING Seeds. What a joke.


Well-Known Member
Good day all, thought i better get some updates up for ya...

Here's the clones in there nice new clone cubby hole! lol, no roots yet, but only 2nd full day sofar.... :hump:

Man oh Man do those flower systems ever work Nice! massive bud's and the new batch has roots going everyware! :weed:

........................................... :joint:


Well-Known Member
..........slick and clean, epixbud!! I really like how that clone area turned out......

Your going to end up with a regular lab in there, place to write your book and shoot some footage, eh? Hey, you'd be the guy for the job!! And love it too.......


Well-Known Member
Good day all, here be some quick pic's from last night, get more up later i will...

........................................ :weed:


Active Member
Hey Epix. couple of Q's for you.
1 You have like a squared frame sitting ontop of your setups! Is that to be raised for support?
2 Just so I am clear did Marc Emery get deported to the US and get locked up for 5 years? I ask this because My hydroshop owner told me he got all his seeds from him and posts to Australia. When I accessed the website the pages are unavailable.


Well-Known Member
Hey Epix. couple of Q's for you.
1 You have like a squared frame sitting ontop of your setups! Is that to be raised for support?
2 Just so I am clear did Marc Emery get deported to the US and get locked up for 5 years? I ask this because My hydroshop owner told me he got all his seeds from him and posts to Australia. When I accessed the website the pages are unavailable.
Good day there grow4me, how ya doin....

The squared bamboo frame is for support when they get bigger, i didn't make the support frames till after the last few batch's were going and found it a pain, so i made it first and positioned it before i even put plants in, then when they are big enought, i'll just lift it up and use some bambo stakes to support the 4 corners..

as for Marc E..... my buetifully goverment allowed the fuk'n US feds to extridite him and charge him, his wife and 1 employee, then thro the court proccess all charges were dropped from his wife and employee if he takes a plea, wich got him 5 years in prison, he has been touring canada trying to get more peeps to keep his fight going while he's locked up, and for us canadians to get him transfered to a jail here in canada, because a new canadian law won't allow him back if he's serves his time in the USA!

As for his seeds, from my understanding, i wuz under the thinking that his seed stocks and what not were all siezed by USA officals, but don't quote me on that, but the american law requires the evidence as well as him to make the charges stay, not sure any would have got past the Feds eye's....

.............................. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Good day all, here be some Updates for ya.....

Damb near all the stems have the beggin's of roots, and 5 or so have roots already......... :bigjoint:

That new flower batch looking perfect, they got there first weak batch of fertz in the rez today, and the roots look frigin happy! :blsmoke:

The old flower batch is almost done, i just changed out the rez and brot the PPM to 500, starting to wash it now, i like to wash as long as possible... ;-)

................................................... :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Good day all, here be some updates for ya...

The clones have lotza roots and more comin, they right on track! :lol:

The new flower batch looks like they could have the PPM bumped up, but i'll wait a day, don't like to start the fertz to strong to fast! besides, the roots look way healthy too! :lol:

The old flower batch is just about done, not enough Red in the tricons yet, so i'll just keep washing them....... :bigjoint:

........................................ :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Good day all,
thought i better get some updated pics up for ya,
gonna start harvesting the old flower batch tommorow,
so won't have time to update for a few days! :lol:

So here's the clones, looking good they is with them nice white roots! :lol:

And here's some pics of the new flower batch, they are growing awsome! roots looking real good too! :lol:

And here's the last time you'll see the old flower batch standing! can't wait to see how much wieght it produces!

.......................................... :bigjoint: