All in Pure Pare and Pure Bloom AgroMax


Well-Known Member
A little back ground, I have been using 8 4ft T5's at 6400k for my veg; and 4 3000k for my flower. I have in my opinion done very well ( Not monsters by any-means ) but as a connoisseur of sorts over the last 35 years I am very pleased. Well today I took a leap for 80 bucs and bought 8 pure Par Veg and 4 pure bloom. The video from the site shows pure veg in the range of of every spectrum and the Pure bloom is deep red and yellow and some blue. Any way I am in no way trying to sell any one but I cant find any real case studies... So here I am. for 80 bucs I will give it a shot. I did hear from another guy on another site who is raving about his buds. Any one here?
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Should just stick with 3000k t5ho bulbs for flower, you loose a significant amount of total light output with those^^^^

Remember that generally output comes FIRST.............HPS wasn't widely adopted because of having the best spectrum:wink:

good luck grower
I hear ya, well they are already paid for. I started a journal, with photos of what my set up has produced. And now since I can't find any real data, I am going to run my own test. I have no doubt that I will get smoke, its worth the 80 to find out just how much I gain or loose, I know there are variables that will come into play. I am using the same strains so the test should be close. Thanks for the input.:leaf: