All kinds of issues. Please respond


Active Member
Sounds like a nice lab. 75 degrees with 60 degree res temps is what you want. In fact, spot on with my temps. I use tap water with mild nutes without much worries.

I have recently noticed best growth results ever so far by keeping my res temps down into the low 60's. Hopefully that change is what was needed for you as well.
when I started noticing all my problems, which was around 3I weeks in, they were closer around the 70forums mark so I pu a hose going from the intake on y air pump to the attic which is cold so ever since its been like 60. Im ho


Active Member
Yeah cool but I still don't know why my roots are slimey. Think kitty gave up on me, im too dumb for him/her D=


Well-Known Member
Root pics on page 7.
What is your Rez Temp? Should remain 60-75 degrees I like mine around 64-65. What size pump do you have and adequate stones? If you don't have enough dissolved oxygen in the rez especially during flowering when the roots get thick and long. Healthy roots equals healthy plants. I would also suggest putting covers over your net pots for extra protection because if any light gets into the rez it can cause problems with slime. With DWC or Hydro I have learned that the more it is left alone the better off it is. Dial it in and leave it alone. With a proper working system you should not have to change the water but maybe once or twice during an entire grow. Keep it simple!


Well-Known Member
Aah, I see the pics. THey were small ones, the other pics were big in size, I skipped over them. I have no idea why they look like that. If you just use g/m/b, h2o2 and cal-mag, nothing can make your roots slimy from that.


Active Member
Aah, I see the pics. THey were small ones, the other pics were big in size, I skipped over them. I have no idea why they look like that. If you just use g/m/b, h2o2 and cal-mag, nothing can make your roots slimy from that.
The brown is from another brand of nutrients I was just hoping the pic would catch the slimey look. That's def what ima do with my 29 I have cloned.


Well-Known Member
So I just add a cap full of regular hydrogen peroxide every time I mix my nutes? That it?

29% H2O2. Not Hydrogen Peroxide from Wal-Mart. Use the stuff designed for Hydroponics and plants. ;) You add x/ml/gallon as the jug indicates. I dont know how big your reservoir is, but you'd use the basic math yep! BUt you add it every 3 or 4 days, not every time you do something nutrient specific.


Active Member
29% H2O2. Not Hydrogen Peroxide from Wal-Mart. Use the stuff designed for Hydroponics and plants. ;) You add x/ml/gallon as the jug indicates. I dont know how big your reservoir is, but you'd use the basic math yep! BUt you add it every 3 or 4 days, not every time you do something nutrient specific.
None of my hydro stores got it. Guess I have to order it eh


Well-Known Member
I'm sure they have it. Otherwise it isnt a hydro store. If they sell Humboldt Nutrients but not Liquid H2O2 that would be a huge shocker......... Most stores online dont sell it, however, since its a hazardous product to ship. If you get it on your clothes it can instantly catch them on fire, as an example. Fun huh! A one gallon sized jug should run you about $30. If your store really doesnt sell it, but sells weed nutrients, tell them to order it for you, they probably get deliveries a few times a week from their national supplier warehouses........


Active Member
They said nobody will sell it to them and they can't find it. Every store in my area said it. Shittyyyyyyy


Well-Known Member
That's fucked up. What area are you in? If your in the USA call they will for sure ship it to you.......


Active Member
Hey Kitty, you say 5ml per gallon, so i have a 55 gallon res. but only use about 35 gallons so i should be using 165ml every 3-4 days seems outrageous to me. I been using 2 caps full thinking i was doing just fine.


Well-Known Member
Hey Kitty, you say 5ml per gallon, so i have a 55 gallon res. but only use about 35 gallons so i should be using 165ml every 3-4 days seems outrageous to me. I been using 2 caps full thinking i was doing just fine.

Using Bio-Bizz @ 60-80 snaps a pop is outrageous!

Using 30 bucks worth of H202 every other month to keep roots happy, not so much.

Welcome to Hydro, just wait...


Well-Known Member
They said nobody will sell it to them and they can't find it. Every store in my area said it. Shittyyyyyyy

Your Hydro stores blow. Sorry, but every 1 was thinking it. There is a second route, however.

"Medical grade" H202 might be available through a LAB or Walgreens or Rite Aid. I know it's on E-Bay. Similar strengths ranging from 30-40%, Same prices. Don't buy a barrel. 5 Gallons is plenty.


Well-Known Member
Hey Kitty, you say 5ml per gallon, so i have a 55 gallon res. but only use about 35 gallons so i should be using 165ml every 3-4 days seems outrageous to me. I been using 2 caps full thinking i was doing just fine.
Remember that the usage amounts will vary depending on the concentration. WE use 29% H2O2 as most hydro stores sell...... For that, the jugs say "3mL/gallon"..... For your 35 gallon reservoir, you should be adding 105mL-ish to the reservoir every 3 or 4 days. I do ours on Foliar days so I remember when I did it..........I use 5mL/gallon, using even 10mL/gallon wont hurt your plants. There probably isnt a huge benefit either to using the extra 2mL/gallon, but I'm one of those "play it safe" types of growers.....

The little rite-aid and walmart bottles have a stronger dillution, may not have an inactive ingredient of water, and isnt really even the same H2O2 that you would use for plants..... I would advise not going this route and to go the "meant for hydro" stuff........

And by the way permat, if you fill your res full instead of 20 gallons short each time, you'll find your ph and ppm drift a LOT less..... Makes for easier nutrient topoffs, less water topoff attention, and a more stable big batch of solution for your plants..... Max res size always!