All lives matter - let in all the refugees

They could be in prison.

Your pathetic white life must really suck, huh?

I have an awesome life. It's just I have this terrible disease which I can't figure out how to cure, called compassion.. And no matter how much surpluss I give to others, it only dwarfs the opression they live through on a daily basis. Where their only relief is drugs and alcohol to give them a few moments of fantasy their "life" isn't the utter shit of the reality.

Sorry you can't comprehend that.
No you do. I only doubled down when you made the bullshit completly utterly racist claim white people were responsible for your "oppression" solely on the color of their skin, who other conspiracy theorists call "white privilege."

You just don't want ME splitting people into groups according to skin color for no good reason, while YOU are exempt.
Actually do you always split people into groups according to skin color for no good reason. As shown below:

No we can't. The hundreds of black homeless in my area prove you're a lying sack of Wendy's poops on floor.

You live in white lily America, yet bitch about minorities not getting a fair shake.

Why is it that you get so angry when people point this out to you? One could say this is a symptom of rampant racism on your part that you don't even see it when you do. Your anger at people pointing this out to you is another symptom.
Actually do you always split people into groups according to skin color for no good reason. As shown below:

Why is it that you get so angry when people point this out to you? One could say this is a symptom of rampant racism on your part that you don't even see it when you do. Your anger at people pointing this out to you is another symptom.

I'm only playing by your rulebook. If you go back, I never brought up any of this until you thought it was ok to be racist against whites because they deserve it.

That's the same excuse the proud boys use, but you rally against. No matter which side says racist garbage, makes it racist. Using racism as revenge is every bit as racist as doing it because you perceive another from taking away, encroaching on your territory, or just because you plain don't like them.

What's not racist is calling out both sides for their racist scumbag behavior. My wish is for both sides to equally pound eachother until everyone in the pathetic racist versus racist war your two sides is waging realize attrition gets you no where.

The only way to heal is for you and them to knock it off with the insanity and do like this only sane protestor did.

Just give them a fucking a hug and say I LOVE YOU.

"I imagine in the whole history, nobody's changed their mind because they got punched in the face. Because it now makes them the victim." Christian Picolini, former neo-Nazi skinhead.

I'm only playing by your rulebook. If you go back, I never brought up any of this until you thought it was ok to be racist against whites because they deserve it.

That's the same excuse the proud boys use, but you rally against. No matter which side says racist garbage, makes it racist. Using racism as revenge is every bit as racist as doing it because you perceive another from taking away, encroaching on your territory, or just because you plain don't like them.

What's not racist is calling out both sides for their racist scumbag behavior. My wish is for both sides to equally pound eachother until everyone in the pathetic racist versus racist war your two sides is waging realize attrition gets you no where.

The only way to heal is for you and them to knock it off with the insanity and do like this only sane protestor did.

Just give them a fucking a hug and say I LOVE YOU.

"I imagine in the whole history, nobody's changed their mind because they got punched in the face. Because it now makes them the victim." Christian Picolini, former neo-Nazi skinhead.

Excellent video, those are some real heros that are actually making a difference in this world.
Racist rabbit is going full meltdown because of white privilege

Why do you lie about your white privilege by over 35%? Did someone put a gun to your head and force you to live in an area with such a high rate of white supremacy in your hood?
Why do you lie about your white privilege by over 35%? Did someone put a gun to your head and force you to live in an area with such a high rate of white supremacy in your hood?
We’re you aware that black people are 4x more likely to be arrested for cannabis offenses despite having the same usage rates as whites?

That’s white privilege

Is that a conspiracy theory, canna sylvan?
We’re you aware that black people are 4x more likely to be arrested for cannabis offenses despite having the same usage rates as whites?

That’s white privilege

Is that a conspiracy theory, canna sylvan?
What would you know about how bad black people have it considering you rarely if ever run into one in your "hood."

Is it a conspiracy you chose an area that has 39.4% proportionally more whites than the national average, and has only 33.7% your already lily white America state of Colorado of blacks has?

Naw, you're just practical.

  1. White people weren’t racist, they were just practical: They weren’t running from minorities, they just liked neighborhoods with good schools and low crime. Oftentimes, minorities reverse-gentrify neighborhoods because whites move to the suburbs to get away from urban thugs and schools with no golf team."
Reading and experiencing are two different things.

Even Vox, a hyper Marxist rag, says you're full of it, shits on floors.

"Stop thinking nonviolent drug offenders are better than people who committed other crimes"
WTF does that link have to do with anything? 20% of the total population is in for drugs but that’s all it says, sooo ok say 5% of those are violent offenders, that leaves 15% (seeings how the link is just throwing numbers out as well) incarcerated for non-violent drug crimes? I assume the majority are non-white but haven’t looked, don’t really think it’s neccesary. And your conclusion being? This will be good lol. And yes white privilege exists, light skin privilege exists, social privilege exists, it just depends on where you are as to what kind it is, and the extent.
WTF does that link have to do with anything? 20% of the total population is in for drugs but that’s all it says, sooo ok say 5% of those are violent offenders, that leaves 15% (seeings how the link is just throwing numbers out as well) incarcerated for non-violent drug crimes? I assume the majority are non-white but haven’t looked, don’t really think it’s neccesary. And your conclusion being? This will be good lol. And yes white privilege exists, light skin privilege exists, social privilege exists, it just depends on where you are as to what kind it is, and the extent.

If you get rid of the drug charges, a majority would still be in jail. Most of the time people go to jail for doing things other than drugs.

Even if it's just trafficking, that's an illegal activity. Without the incentive of money, a person will pick some other illegal activity, because the reward to effort is easier.

Drugs are a reward system enabler in people who have flaws in their impulse drive. The addict is morally flawed, and without their fix will resort to questionable behavior.

Most of us here aren't true addicts, and are instead only doing a habbit.

Like the article says the majority of non-violent drug offenders are addicts. But if they were truly so innocent, they wouldn't be incarcerated in the first place. The reason they're there is they brought attention to themself. Practically no one is in prison for being a user did so on the down low.
Reading and experiencing are two different things.

Even Vox, a hyper Marxist rag, says you're full of it, shits on floors.

"Stop thinking nonviolent drug offenders are better than people who committed other crimes"
That link has nothing to do with the fact that black people are 4x more likely to be arrested for cannabis despite similar usage rates as whites, but calling a magazine a “Marxist rag” really reinforces that you are indeed a neo nazi now, canna sylvan
If you get rid of the drug charges, a majority would still be in jail. Most of the time people go to jail for doing things other than drugs.

Even if it's just trafficking, that's an illegal activity. Without the incentive of money, a person will pick some other illegal activity, because the reward to effort is easier.

Drugs are a reward system enabler in people who have flaws in their impulse drive. The addict is morally flawed, and without their fix will resort to questionable behavior.

Most of us here aren't true addicts, and are instead only doing a habbit.

Like the article says the majority of non-violent drug offenders are addicts. But if they were truly so innocent, they wouldn't be incarcerated in the first place. The reason they're there is they brought attention to themself. Practically no one is in prison for being a user did so on the down low.
Ya they brought attention to themselves in most cases by their color I would guess. Where are you getting your data? I’m assuming your pulling it out of your ass because You haven’t produced anything relevant? Morally flawed, that’s a good one :(.
That link has nothing to do with the fact that black people are 4x more likely to be arrested for cannabis despite similar usage rates as whites, but calling a magazine a “Marxist rag” really reinforces that you are indeed a neo nazi now, canna sylvan

How is Vox not Marxist? They believe in a morally bankrupt version of atheism that advocates the state should be the one more responsible than letting parents determine how to raise their own children. That's the values of a person who's been poisoned by reading the writings of the amoralist corrupt anti-semite who went by the name Karl Marx.

Neither Marxists nor Neo-Nazis are socialist. They're both authoritian bigots whose only difference is more global versus a more nationalistic style of the state dictating what you can and can't do.

I believe in neither. People should be free to associate with whomever they want. Both forcing you to interact like Marxists do, and forcing you to not interact like Neo-Nazis are wrong thinking.

If you don't think so. How about we make laws where you're forced to have your kid interact with a known pedophile? Anyone who isn't a pedophile or completely mentally retarded won't agree and will fight with all their might to keep that sick fuck away from their child.

Just because I don't believe the state should have my morals, and enforces them others who don't, doesn't make me a Nazi. But the fact you believe such makes you a Neo-Marxist.