All My Bud Got Soaked![What do I do?]


So last night I was out with my plants in the woods, I was going to a friends house and staying the night so I put the rest of my weed and bowl in a like fabric bag and put it by a tree. I noticed we got heavy rains over night. When I went back I noticed the forest was almost flooded. I walked through the water to get my weed. When I got there the fabric bag was sitting in water. My weed was soaked. I had a good 4-5 grams left of dank hydro. I squeezed out the water and let my bud sit. The bud is still damp, still smoke-able and I did get pretty high. How do I get my bud dry again? The nugs where hard as a rock now they are all fluffy and big.


New Member
There is little way to get the density to come back, though it could be possible. Did you try putting it out in the sun? I've found putting it in an envelope and in a windshield of a car works in a pinch.


Well-Known Member
I don't know anything about water curing, and if you can do that with already cured buds, but is sounds like something to look into. Please don't take this as valuable info, simply something to consider?


New Member
I've done that actually ^ its not bad, but if you like the funk in terms of smell and bouquet then its not for you.


My friend ended up buying it all for $30 and I just bought some dank sour purp. So in the end it all worked out. I mean you could still get high from it.