So you're willing to commit murder over a few plants? Damn dude, you're a piece of work.Well I had a lil idea cuz I've got trespassers too but I'm gonna dig bout a 3 ft hole and build a little structure with hand carved wooden steaks and they are gonna be pointing bout like a porcupine... In my opinion if my grow gets busted I'm fucked anyways so might as well take the extra precautions and fuck this hermit that lives in the woods up...
A few years ago went to harvest only to find local sheriff business card in a baggie stuck on a stick with a note to give them a call if i would like to claim the plants really nice of them.........
Iv never had any of my plants stolen cos Im not an idiot...This wasnt on public property it was privately owned by a family friend of whom's permission I have to be out there.I had a second plot that was ravaged by deer leaving 1 plot. And your also have the IQ of a dolt. I clearly posted above that this is solid brush for 3mi with no trails there would not be any reason (besides ripping) for anybody but me or the land owner being out there.I may not have a thousand plants but the 11 I did have would have made me a couple thousand and if somebody takes money out of my pocket I get revenge.And youve obviosly never had your hard earned plants stolen from you cause its a heartwrenching feeling knowing you worked for someone else all summer, for free. So go eat a dick and some rocks
It is very hard having plants ripped or other wise destroyed, but outdoors off your property is just a gamble. If I set a plant out in the 'wild', I do not expect it will make it to harvest. I hope it will, but know that the odds are not that great.
You went to great lengths to have this harvest come off and it is surprising it did not. I would say someone knew you were growing out there. By word of mouth or saw you taking stuff out there. You say you told no one, but sometimes we just say a few words to someone we 'know' will keep quiet.
All that "Veteran Smoker" stuff is just based on your posts,and after what,3-4 years on here Iv posted a bit,so what?Alright "brother", I don't know what about guerilla growing leads you to beleive I have no life or job, but it only further reinstates how fucking stupid you sound. I go to college full time as well as work 30hrs a week.As far as you never getting ripped then you haven't been growing enough, so when it happens see if you don't get angry or as you refer to it as "EMO". I do this as a hobby when I can, your a "Vetran Smoker" on RIU, and I have no life? Rightt.
I'm stayin on guard as well... gonna be staying up till 3:30-4AM every night till harvest. naps are your best friend.
sorry for your loss, luckilly I haven't seen any thief threads yet since I posted up that sticky... if any of you see anyone posting about thieving plants in the outdoor section send me a PM and I will take care of it immediately if I am online.
Well if it's on public land I cut them down every time. Fuck you guys who grow on public lands where many of us hunt and fish, it makes it a risk to those of us who are out to enjoy ourselves. Best patch I ever found was over a 100 strong in late September 2 years ago, cut everyone of them down and left them there to die. I've found over a dozen patches in the past couple years most being 20 or less, knocked them all down.
It's not just theives and cops, it's people who DON'T FUCKING WANT YOU GROWING ON PUBLIC LANDS that also have a problem with your ass. Grow in your house or on your land, or fuck off. Maybe I should start calling the cops and helping them bust some of your asses for this shit instead of just cutting them down.
Thats fucking ridiculous how are pot plants stopping you from FISHING? or HUNTING? are the deer eating the weed, getting lazy and not coming around you as much? lol do the fish SMELL it and get spooked? You are just an asshole.