All Natural----> No Artificial Nutes For This Guy

Senior Smoke

Well-Known Member
I Make My own soil...

- Organic Homemade compost
- Peat moss
- Manure
- Earth worm castings
- Perlite
- Mushroom compost
- Chop up 6-8 Banana peels, mix in soil when transplanting. ( You can soak bananas in water for 48 hours prior to chopping up for banana soup and feed the soup to your little friends as well. They fuckin' love it!

- Feedind------> Keep a five gallon bucket with holes full of dirt somewhere (backyard hopefully) and all your fruits and veggies you eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner get thrown in it. It will compost and provide you with ALL the nutrients your girls need. when your plants need watering simply put a catch tray under your bucket and add water. the water run-off that drains into your catch tray is full of nutrients. No need to worry about over feeding because its all natural.

Happy Growing Guys and Gals!
I like organics. Building up a nice rich soil full of microorganisms and nutrients. The fact that I don't have to be measuring up nutes. Just add plain ol water- and the odd bokashi/worm bin feed. Organics isn't all that hard to do either. Not only that. But you can apply organics to just about any kind of plant you wish to grow.
Hell yeah, I've got my first super soil going this summer and love it. The simplicity of just watering and walk away is what makes it so nice. That and knowing there isn't a bunch of chemicals in my harvest. Tits.
I use pee as my fert of choice in veg. It's 11-2-1. Hard to beat and it's free. Also make my own soil. Several kinds of composts, some bought, some made on the farm. I do use just a touch of time release. The organic fets are too smelly for cultivar de gorille.
I like organics. Building up a nice rich soil full of microorganisms and nutrients. The fact that I don't have to be measuring up nutes. Just add plain ol water- and the odd bokashi/worm bin feed. Organics isn't all that hard to do either. Not only that. But you can apply organics to just about any kind of plant you wish to grow.
I tried Artificial nutrients but always had problems with too much or too little. Nute burn, stunted growth, lock-out, Ph levels outta spec... Not to mention bad tasting buds.
Hell yeah, I've got my first super soil going this summer and love it. The simplicity of just watering and walk away is what makes it so nice. That and knowing there isn't a bunch of chemicals in my harvest. Tits.
I agree. It really is the simple natural to do things.
I use pee as my fert of choice in veg. It's 11-2-1. Hard to beat and it's free. Also make my own soil. Several kinds of composts, some bought, some made on the farm. I do use just a touch of time release. The organic fets are too smelly for cultivar de gorille.
Does pee change the flavor at all? seems weird but I know there's nutrients in urine.
Just because you can feed a plant lab made "nutrients". Doesn't mean I'm going to. I'd rather feed the microheard and let them manage all the nutrients and pH levels.

Nature did it first. And has been for billions of years. What makes us think we can do it better?
Does pee change the flavor at all? seems weird but I know there's nutrients in urine.
No. I use a couple cups per 5 gallon bucket. Folks in Africa use a lot more than that on their corn and whatnot. I heard 1-20 is commonly used in farming.

In 1944 my dad took a walking tour across France into Germany. He said all the farmhouses had a pisseory in the basement. They kept the livestock on the ground floor with grates in the floor so the pee could be collected in big tanks. The people lived upstairs where the heat from the livestock helped heat them

I camp couple nights a week, and don't really like getting out of the tent to go pee. Especially if it rainy or cold. So I just pee in a cup and pour it into a jug. It needs to be sealed tight so nothing can evaporate. I haven't bought veg food in years.
I saw a video on You Tube by a guy who mixes hardwood ashes with pee and lets it sit for a couple months. Then he adds a few things to it, and uses it in his garden. If it wasn't to damn hot to have a fire, I would give that a try too.
I saw a video on You Tube by a guy who mixes hardwood ashes with pee and lets it sit for a couple months. Then he adds a few things to it, and uses it in his garden. If it wasn't to damn hot to have a fire, I would give that a try too.
Seems legit. thats good info on the farms back in the day. They knew what they were doing thats for sure.
I Make My own soil...

- Organic Homemade compost
- Peat moss
- Manure
- Earth worm castings
- Perlite
- Mushroom compost
- Chop up 6-8 Banana peels, mix in soil when transplanting. ( You can soak bananas in water for 48 hours prior to chopping up for banana soup and feed the soup to your little friends as well. They fuckin' love it!

- Feedind------> Keep a five gallon bucket with holes full of dirt somewhere (backyard hopefully) and all your fruits and veggies you eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner get thrown in it. It will compost and provide you with ALL the nutrients your girls need. when your plants need watering simply put a catch tray under your bucket and add water. the water run-off that drains into your catch tray is full of nutrients. No need to worry about over feeding because its all natural.

Happy Growing Guys and Gals!
Careful using mushroom compost, from my experience it is a sub-par product. Good luck and happy growing.
Careful using mushroom compost, from my experience it is a sub-par product. Good luck and happy growing.
I use a goodly amount of mushroom compost. It is 15 bucks a truck load, so I can work around the edges to make a pretty good soil and still be on the cheap.

My Adult Tomato soil mix might look something like this: {It changes according to what I have on hand}

10 gal mushroom composts
10 gal peat moss
10 gal Sungro metro mix potting soil
5 gal cow manure compost
5 gal cotton composts
5 gal Black Magic or other cheap potting soil

20 cup coffee ground compost
8 cups perlite
4 cups Epson salts
4 cups organic ferts
2 cups lime crushed
2 cups lime pellets
2 cup vermiculite

I add 2-3 cups of time release for my weed mix.