All noobs read this before switching your light on please.


Active Member
I HIGHLY recommend you read your own damn post a few times, Jesus, you just made yourself look like a total idiot.

yadda fucking yadda fucking yadda

ok mr lemon king big bsalled peakachu god like grower from the planet egonia. you are judging everyone who questiosn your methods which you have nothing real to back up your claims with yet. go research the name "subcool".

then tell us what you think of his skills experince and knowledge. because with NO solid pictures evidence your annoying im right im right im a fucking kid in a primary class and im fucking right posts. are pretty fucking annoying. now if you come back claiming subcool is clueless an his methods of growing are not wortht he effort, then il pay for a ticket so you can fuck off back to egonia with your methods. if i was anoob an i opened your thread i wouldnt bother properly reading it fully because you have dropped an essay an expect a noob to understand what the fuck you talking about. when noobs are the ones who are starting to grow from nothing to something.

OR hcop your crap current grow and get these side by side grows up and running NOW then you can sbhut every single poster who questiosn your BS method because pictures show the truth.

i dont give a monkeys nutsack if i dont make sence but shift your ass ver to google an subcool search, then shut your gob over your mwethod is the best dam thing since adam opened eves legs ana the world got populated you plank.

sorry for the eccessive Fs above admin/mods but imma lil tipsy and reading lemon nutsacks method is jarring my head so he would kill noobs with his exccessive BS.


Well-Known Member
I dont know if the method is as debunked as the OP, but the delivery is certainly wrong. I think the lead up is all wrong and the advantages are mis-represented. That said, there may be something to it, there may not.

Personally I think it is worth some testing and both the veg and flower portions of GLR (also know as 12-1) warrant some consideration, even if the user posting it doesn't present it with justice.

I guess I am saying is don't throw the baby out with the bath water. Or maybe I just need to put down the pipe and quit playing devils advocate :)

Kite High

Well-Known Member
It is a practice by horticultural greenhouses that propagate plants for sale to nurseries for the public. It was adopted solely to save on energy costs as they run hundreds and some thousands of lights at usually the 1000 watt size so the savings are quite enormous for them. Basically it works but even the companies who employ it openly state it is not optimum for the plants but gets the job done well enough to get them by. It will not out grow more universal light timings but this person with an obvious lack of knowledge is promoting it as the best thing since sliced bread because he doesn't know any better.

joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
The knowitall OP lost ALL credibility when they said nowhere in nature will you find an 18 hour day of constant light. Anything said after that is purely preference. That honestly made me quit reading the post without finishing.

joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
I would say that is untrue given a growers location. Some places are naturally more cloudy or proned to foggy conditions. In those areas I'd hookup my light and guarantee my plants get light as opposed to waiting on the sun to appear.
I said it earlier, no bulb can compare to the sun


Well-Known Member
With a real stable batch of genetics (many strains these days are polyhybrids and extremely prone to hermaphrodism) and a large scale grow this technique might be useful for Veg. I would never give my plants less than 11 hours of light in flower though.


New Member
This is in the noob section, but new grows should stick with tried and proven methods until the grows are dialed-in. Experimenting with advanced techniques while trying to learn how to just grow weed will only fuck shit up.


Well-Known Member
SUPER LEMON HAZE, clue would be in the HAZE!

anyways mate i thought you were gone. lets not bump heads, this method aint for you but just maybe a handfull of growers might try it and be better of eh!

(oh an when it catches on fast like curry through a piss head, you can try and bully some noob into it by acting like this is your forum and any ideas you do not like must be total bollox or you could go away and work on your pruning skills so you do not need to under light / light your girls with a million watts to get "bat colas", let the big boys have a real discussion while you be a good boy an go tug your pipe in the corner

Catches on fast like curry??.... You do realize this wasnt developed yesterday. This light cycle has been around for years.

The above poster nailed it....

If you are running 10s of thousands of watts of light this saves A LOT of electricity and is worth the trade off in their minds.

If you are growing buds and want the best available, you throw that light cycle out of the window and pretend you never heard of it.


Active Member
This is in the noob section, but new grows should stick with tried and proven methods until the grows are dialed-in. Experimenting with advanced techniques while trying to learn how to just grow weed will only fuck shit up.

you forget that the OP is RIUs very first prodical god in his own nobody else on the fourm matches his ego, so it seems we all must bow to this prodical assclown. lol

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
i understand i am newish to this site, and maybe i should put pics up of my trees and said oi every one look i can grow weed, to try to earn some of your respect, however im not that type of man and it was not the point of the op!!
Yes, it's rather obvious that you are not the type of man to try to earn respect, as you think you deserve it just because you have grown a few plants.

You will not earn much respect by being a pompous ass towards so many well established growers.

I'm not saying your method won't work, but to recommend for rookies...I don't think so.

Personally, I have a hard time giving anyone respect that is too lazy to use capitals and punctuation, then to give excuses why you can' lame

So now you need to retaliate against my post to prove just how smart you really is


Well-Known Member
Seems to me like crap honestly. Your interrupted light cycle would seem to cause more issues and hermies then it would otherwise. You have yet to establish credibility for this method. And preaching it to new growers is just wrong. Btw there are plenty of places that have might then you mentioned..

trying to over complicate things that don't need to be. This lovely plant is a weed after all and is a weed for a reason it grows just about anywhere. However, your light cycle is contradicting if your trying to produce a good healthy plant with the most trichomes you can.

Btw flushing is not necessary. Only for those who used all those bottled nutes that are crap. If you want good tasting and smelling buds then try growing with organic soil and just water. Getting rid of those bottled nutes is what will save you money.btw yield doesnt mean shit if your end product is shit, doesn't taste or smell like it should. Just my two cents. maybe you need to go back to school and re-learn plant biology.


Well-Known Member
I don't know enough about this method,and am definitely not backing anyone up but,I did get interested and found this.Hes gas lighting(he says) obviously there is no proof but the plants look fairly healthy to me.I don't see any difference between these and a well taken care of plant under 18/6,but I also don't see any drawbacks.He has more vids of the same crop flowering but he doesn't specify if he stuck to gas light all the way through.[video=youtube;1DtoKfjB_TQ][/video]


Well-Known Member
can't do gaslight in flower...flower will not occur then
Okay makes more sense now,I thought the method was involving the gradual decrease in light during flower as well.Probably why I can't find any info on flowering with this technique.Thanks Kite.


Well-Known Member
GLR does have a flowering schedule that includes gradually reducing lights (30min a week I think) down until you are only giving 9 hours of light per day.

Kite High

Well-Known Member
GLR does have a flowering schedule that includes gradually reducing lights (30min a week I think) down until you are only giving 9 hours of light per day.
that is not glr it is merely trying to emulate the natural reduction of light hours of the Connel quote showed 10 or more lighting hours are necessary for adequate thc cannabinoid production
The Diminishing Lighting Schedule is added to the glr but it is not the same


i agree with this KD -im quite new 2 the ganja growing game (3rd grow ) and im doin the same light routine as u posted, not because of research coz i never looked in2 it, 1- it saves me elecy bills 2- it made sense ,, im in wk 5 now using 13.5 / 10.5 and plant seem 2 like it,, as they r yielding hugely,,so obviously it aint wrong ,, peeace man..:) i also like 2 save $ whenever possible!