Active Member
true!...I HIGHLY recommend you read your own damn post a few times, Jesus, you just made yourself look like a total idiot.
yadda fucking yadda fucking yadda
ok mr lemon king big bsalled peakachu god like grower from the planet egonia. you are judging everyone who questiosn your methods which you have nothing real to back up your claims with yet. go research the name "subcool".
then tell us what you think of his skills experince and knowledge. because with NO solid pictures evidence your annoying im right im right im a fucking kid in a primary class and im fucking right posts. are pretty fucking annoying. now if you come back claiming subcool is clueless an his methods of growing are not wortht he effort, then il pay for a ticket so you can fuck off back to egonia with your methods. if i was anoob an i opened your thread i wouldnt bother properly reading it fully because you have dropped an essay an expect a noob to understand what the fuck you talking about. when noobs are the ones who are starting to grow from nothing to something.
OR hcop your crap current grow and get these side by side grows up and running NOW then you can sbhut every single poster who questiosn your BS method because pictures show the truth.
i dont give a monkeys nutsack if i dont make sence but shift your ass ver to google an subcool search, then shut your gob over your mwethod is the best dam thing since adam opened eves legs ana the world got populated you plank.
sorry for the eccessive Fs above admin/mods but imma lil tipsy and reading lemon nutsacks method is jarring my head so he would kill noobs with his exccessive BS.