All pro growers look at this.

Okay Kinda in a hurry, and trying to grow weed FASTT, but tell me is this too fast?

Today im gonna go buy the seeds, and put em in tissue papers today.

Until roots appear, from there im gonna put em in clear cups, and wait till the roots hit the bottom.. trying to do this in less then 2weeks.
From there im gonna put the seeds in bigger pots, and flower em al till augest 15.. And for a week im gonna flower em all. Then harvest, and cure. August 30 is my birthday btw :P Tell me how to improve this, make it grow faster, or tell me if i need to slow it down. Thanks for your tips :)


Active Member
Dont use clear cups, use black ones. Roots love darkness. Co2 speeds up flowering. but its expensive. Just switch to flowering 12/12 light cycle early and ull get buds faster. ;D and use proper nutes


bud bootlegger
so wait, your only going to flower them for a week? your not going to have any kind of bud going on in just a week i hate to break it to you.. most mj plant take around a minimum of like 50 days or so to flower.. in a week, your hardly going to be able to sex the plants, yet alone have any smokeable buds..
htmh.. good point :p Changing it a little now. July 20 Buy seeds, and tissue em. When the roots show up, put em in black cups. For one week. Now its July 30, and im gonna put them in bigger pots and start flowering them for 3weeks, its now august 21, and now im gonna harvest/cure till august 30 :) Sorry im a noob XD


Active Member
3 weeks will work, butt you probs want atleast 6 weeks . If u dont have time to dry, just put them in the oven on lowest heat for a few mins. Its not the best way, but it does the job.

And unless you have the right lights e.g. HPS or just heaps of lumens, it probs wont work.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
After 3 weeks you iwll not have any bud for your effort. Read a book on how marijuana is actually grown and maybe you'll see how silly you sound :lol:

A typical Flowering period for cannabis is 8 weeks. Even harvesting at 5/6 weeks is gonna be a crap smoke.

I also agree that most likely this is some 15yr old


bud bootlegger
yeah.. three weeks is still no where not near enough time to grow bud.. i keep telling you.. even a good indica strain needs a good 50 days.. and thats a really quick flowering indica.. some can go for more like 8 or 9 weeks no problem.. and if you have a sativa, forget about it... were talking 10 good weeks of flowering minimum..
i say grow it till its ready, and celebrate your b'day a lil later...


Active Member
How about you buy MJ from a dealer for your Birthday, and grow your plant to its full potential and smoke it later, you'll tank yourself after its harvested ;D


bud bootlegger
its all good .. its just that when dealing with nature, theres not really much that you can do to hurry her along.. i mean, there are a few things that one can do to cut down the overall time of a grow by maybe a week or so, but most people like to veg a mj plant for atleast a month or so, and than they have to flower for like i was saying, around atleast 50 days mimimum for some plants, and that is a fast one..