You guys took my "work with us" comment out of context, it wasn't a threat.... the whole fight for the 25 mile rule was to preserve the at home grower, I'm just as for the at home grower as everyone here, neither me nor anybody in my organization would ever call the cops on anyone regarding a plant. That's just not who we are... compassion club, patient, home grower, snitches get stitches, that's always how its been.
And of course you guys are right about the feds, but until they break ground here in AZ nobody knows what they are going to do. You wont find me trying to get a variance to put a dispensary closer to a school than allowed, that's for sure. I can only follow state law to a T, and hope for the best. Is it a gamble? of course it it... but nothing ventured, nothing gained. Some day I'd like to find a strain that will heal my daughters crohns, someday I'd like to have enough R&D and money backing testing, that we can actually find scientific reasoning behind WHY this magical plant works so well. Until then were just a bunch of crazies screaming cannabis cures cancer.. what a bunch of fuckin loons..