All the trimmings


Well-Known Member
haha i guess that answers that one. leaves and stuff other than buds don't contain thc


Well-Known Member
thats not true you can use the leaves to make hash or some butter, just search around here for directions


Well-Known Member
there is a fair amount of thc on the leaves they get crystally as hell and the crystally stuff is thc


Well-Known Member
These leaves look pretty sticky icky.... my fingers are still stuck together from the crystals rubbing off.


Active Member
You can make tea from the leaves - this leaves you with a lovely all day all round feeling - just happy - and you can make your grnadma a cup of tea when she comes over to visit - you will make her day!!!! she will ove you for it and she wont even know why.........

i once made a chocolate cake from the leaves ( heaps ofleaves) - i had a party and the next morning i had 30 bodies on the floor all over my house from backyard to front yard - all of them had had the chocolate cake !!!


Well-Known Member
You can make tea from the leaves - this leaves you with a lovely all day all round feeling - just happy - and you can make your grnadma a cup of tea when she comes over to visit - you will make her day!!!! she will ove you for it and she wont even know why.........

i once made a chocolate cake from the leaves ( heaps ofleaves) - i had a party and the next morning i had 30 bodies on the floor all over my house from backyard to front yard - all of them had had the chocolate cake !!!

lol u got that grandma and drinkin tea thing off that movie grandmas boy, damn that shit was fucking hilarious.


Well-Known Member
haha i know. grandma's boy is the fuckin best. i love watching that movie and 'joining' them for a smoke whenever alex goes to dante's for a bag. haha!

also, that weed tea idea is really intriguing... how many dried leaves do you need to brew yourself a pot?


New Member
if you have to smoke leaves, then you are hurtin 4 certain. you'll need lots of leaves to get anything out of it. but...if you like minute amounts of hash, heaven is on the way.


Well-Known Member
Your best bet is to take the trimmings and make weed butter or perhaps hash oil. Search the forum for 'cannabutter' and then just use that butter in some reciepe. It is a lot better than just grinding up weed into stuff.

ablazed blunt

Well-Known Member
Your best bet is to take the trimmings and make weed butter or perhaps hash oil. Search the forum for 'cannabutter' and then just use that butter in some reciepe. It is a lot better than just grinding up weed into stuff.
Thanks for the help MightyBuddha,


Active Member
You boil a heap of leaves - you use this boiled water to put in the choclate cake instead of milk - - then the same leaves you boiled are put in a blender - make them all small and mushy - do not dry them out use them wet. Buy a chocolate cake mix from shop ( for the boys - the ladies willknow how to make one from scratch.) Mix the cake mix addd the boiled water as liquid and just throw in the leaves - add extra sugar for taste ... because let me tell you it does tast revolting so you need the sugar and more grated choclate in it. Then bake until ready - will need to be baked for about 1 hour so the leaves are all dried up in the cake. Then WALLLLA !!! you have a delightful afrodesiak!! that will satisfy you in everyway possible to human kind!! Once you eat the cake - only eat in small amounts maybe an inch cube in size - i ate about three inches long by about one inch wide peice and i was tripping for 4 days - seriously tripping.....digestive stoned has different affects on have been warned!!


Well-Known Member
haha wow that cake recipe is cool, thanks lexi! tripping for four days seems kinda intense though haha. wow. must have been insane.


Well-Known Member
ha, leaves have no thc. ha, headache. ha, garbage. jk

check it out. pack that crap up and send it to me. in fact, could everybody please send me their trim.

it turns into this..........................


:peace: :joint: :joint: