All YOUR privacy is in the Smart Meter.


Well-Known Member
well if you were really clever you could shield it for a day then take it off, then the next day shield it for a couple of hours, you know fuck with them,
you got a better idea then, other than not letting them fit it.?

have an automated timer in sync with your lights cover it when your lights are on and remove it during the dark period.


New Member
Some Ol' Bullshit! I've suspected this for some time. Privacy is an illusion these days. Welcome to the "brave new world".
Alot of people like to bury they're heads in the sand on issues like this and people tell me I worry too much. But, if you understand what age the world is moving into you know it is coming down to total control. The cashless society is right around the corner.
The "New world Order" was referenced in Jewish texts 2500 years ago, hard times are coming.
If you give a rip check out and educate yourself.
"are you gonna go my way?"


Well-Known Member
they already bust people using electric company records even before the advent of smart meters.

it works the same now. if they have enough other evidence, they can get your information from the electric company to build their case, same as before.

they can't just get everyone's records and thumb through them to make a case, they have to already have some sort of a case to get those records.

i could be wrong.