Allahu Akbar


Well-Known Member
Why do Muslims say this during battle?

I've seen dozens and dozens of clips from war zones, this is said constantly before, during and after an attack. Roughly translated, "God is Great".

What kind of brainwashed retard would think "God is Great" during a moment of explicit violence?

It pisses me off more than anything. It tells you they're not thinking for themselves, but for their own sick ass religion.

If any god exists, every one of these dummies to praise Allah for someones death, it would be sick to its stomach.

Could you imagine the same thing being said by Christians in war zones during battle? Not just once, if you watch these clips, it's all they say.. "God is Great!" "God is Great!", it's repeated over and over and over again.. I've even heard it during beheadings and executions. Disgusting.

What kind of disconnect must these people have? I have a difficult time understanding how someone could think a god that would support such insane bullshit would be a god worth worshiping, or worth believing in.

Is the Middle East (or other Muslim countries) like the United States before the enlightenment? Before questioning was punishable by death?

I guess so, right? Questioning (blasphemy) is punishable by death in most Middle Eastern countries today, right?

Is there anything we can do about that shit, can the UN pass resolutions against that? Can the international community do anything about it? Why hasn't the US come out and publicly stated any country that suppresses the American 1st amendment gets fucked up via military engagement? The 1st amendment should be global, fuck your beliefs. I'd wager to say the 1st amendment would win a heavy majority if it were voted on globally. That's something we shouldn't need a vote on, something we should enforce with force globally.

God, is definitely not fuckin' great if he endorses murdering innocent people like so many of these Islamic fundamentalist fucktards do, and being forced to believe it is bullshit we need to put a stop to. Education and free access to internet should be available to all, especially in the 21st century. The free transfer of education in the grand scheme of things is a tiny tool to combat terrorism. Informed individuals don't blow up buildings and kill 3,000 people. Dummies under the manipulation of ancient philosophies who know no better, do.
Why do Muslims say this during battle?

I've seen dozens and dozens of clips from war zones, this is said constantly before, during and after an attack. Roughly translated, "God is Great".

What kind of brainwashed retard would think "God is Great" during a moment of explicit violence?

It pisses me off more than anything. It tells you they're not thinking for themselves, but for their own sick ass religion.

If any god exists, every one of these dummies to praise Allah for someones death, it would be sick to its stomach.

Could you imagine the same thing being said by Christians in war zones during battle? Not just once, if you watch these clips, it's all they say.. "God is Great!" "God is Great!", it's repeated over and over and over again.. I've even heard it during beheadings and executions. Disgusting.

What kind of disconnect must these people have? I have a difficult time understanding how someone could think a god that would support such insane bullshit would be a god worth worshiping, or worth believing in.

Is the Middle East (or other Muslim countries) like the United States before the enlightenment? Before questioning was punishable by death?

I guess so, right? Questioning (blasphemy) is punishable by death in most Middle Eastern countries today, right?

Is there anything we can do about that shit, can the UN pass resolutions against that? Can the international community do anything about it?
Why hasn't the US come out and publicly stated any country that suppresses the American 1st amendment gets fucked up via military engagement? The 1st amendment should be global, fuck your beliefs. I'd wager to say the 1st amendment would win a heavy majority if it were voted on globally. That's something we shouldn't need a vote on, something we should enforce with force globally.

God, is definitely not fuckin' great if he endorses murdering innocent people like so many of these Islamic fundamentalist fucktards do, and being forced to believe it is bullshit we need to put a stop to. Education and free access to internet should be available to all, especially in the 21st century. The free transfer of education in the grand scheme of things is a tiny tool to combat terrorism. Informed individuals don't blow up buildings and kill 3,000 people. Dummies under the manipulation of ancient philosophies who know no better, do.

To the red: That is not our job, and I do not recommend we try. That would be naked imperialism. cn
So be it. It should be a universal right, would you agree? (the 1st Amendment)

I would think self-government to have an edge on that, no? I am immediately leery of any claim toward a moral absolute. I am doubly leery of doing a wrong to achieve a right. End justifying the means is not a good precedent imo. cn
I would think self-government to have an edge on that, no? I am immediately leery of any claim toward a moral absolute. I am doubly leery of doing a wrong to achieve a right. End justifying the means is not a good precedent imo. cn

What do you mean by 'self-government'?

Do you believe in any universal rights?

How would it be wrong to guarantee all people the right of free speech, of religion, and of the right to assemble?
I was just watching a TV show about mind control.
They said it was started by the Nazi's. After the war ended the US would grant citizenship to German scientists to come and tell their secrets.
Massive doeses of lsd and other drugs were used.
I had to laugh when I heard MK Ultra mentioned. A code word for one of the programs.
They also were/are trying sound waves to microchips for mass mind control.
I think the Muslims are doing the same thing to their troops.
Mind control and the chant puts them in a hypnotic state where they feel no pain or think rationally.
What I mean by self-government means knowing that the country next to mine does not get to tell mine what is and isn't law. I place this ahead of any call to a single world government, which your idea requires as a preliminary accomplishment before your program can be begun. And that is something that I would oppose, violently if necessary. cn
What do you mean by 'self-government'?

Do you believe in any universal rights?

How would it be wrong to guarantee all people the right of free speech, of religion, and of the right to assemble?
And the right to redress government. I believe all people are born with these rights. Oppression makes it not so. Many more birthrights are so innate and obvious they are not enumerated.
Maybe not during the moment of violence but before a bad shit storm I bet a lot of soldiers from the USA have uttered pleas and prayers to their believed maker. I think it is due to facing their mortality. And that to me seems different than what you relate. God is great-off with their heads.
Who knows the Koran? I don't. Just hearsay. Death to infidels! Is that true, I mean their taught and held belief? Allahu Akbar becomes understandable in light of that.
So be it. It should be a universal right, would you agree? (the 1st Amendment)

Any person is entitled to these rights, in my opinion. However, it is not my place as an American to send troops to ensure that China is properly providing freedom of speech to it's people. If a Chinese man wants more freedom, it is his prerogative to organize and fight for it. I am not opposed to aid for people fighting oppressive governments, but we don't need an empire.