Alleged Acid Trip


Well-Known Member
Last night at 7pm I split 3 hits of 'acid' with a friend. He had done a single blotter hit from this batch a few weeks before and said it was quite strong. I wanted to go way down the rabbit hole but was hesitant because I didn't know the strength of the hits, and my friend is also much larger than me, so I decided to go with the 1.5 and see how I felt in an hour.

The blotters tasted horrible. I've done many lsd blotters and have never tasted anything before. The best way I could describe the taste would be metallic condom nastiness. Much hash was then smoked as is typical for all my trips.

One hour later and nothing. I was skeptical but my buddy assured me we'd get fucked. After about 90 minutes I felt the come up feelings. Confusion, disorientation, music sounding awesome and extreme lethargy. The come up lasted at least 3 hours before peaking. This was the weirdest trip I've ever had in all my acid or mushroom experiences. The body load was horrible. Attempting to jam was a total fail, and most of the trip we were either lying down, or attempting to get up and do something then giving up and getting floored again. It was not at all like the nice body high and subsequent flooring of a high mushroom dose. It was very jittery and uncomfortable. For most of the peak I struggled to even keep my eyes open as I was constantly on the verge of passing out.

The trip itself was VERY abstract and auditory. The visual aspect of the trip was very disappointing. There was at best some color enhancement and slight flowing of objects, with closed eye visuals or darkroom visuals (this was a night trip btw) limited to little specs of swirling neon light that I really had to concentrate to see. Regardless, my frame of mind was so abstracted that with eyes open I failed to make sense of anything. There was no spiritual or 'God' feeling, and there was no emotional overload, just non-sense and absurdity. As I lay around random parts of the apartment with my eyes half open there were just indescribable sounds and my existence expanding into random puzzles and paradoxes. I was trapped in a vast, dark void of absurdity. Even the sounds of familiar songs had disintegrated into the abstract and were unrecognizable, lyrics incoherent. The unforgiving body load was pushing my trip into a dark place, but the sheer absurdity would pull me into what can only be described as an expanse where good and bad, fear and ecstasy, pleasure and pain all manifest themselves simultaneously.
It was at that point in the trip that my friend pulled me out of the void by repeatedly saying ‘this is so weird’, and then telling me to play atom heart mother by Pink Floyd. Getting to my iPod and trying to change the song was a herculean task, luckily atom heart mother was the first song on the playlist so I managed. This was the most intense part of the trip, perhaps of any trip I’ve ever experienced. It literally lasted an eternity. Sometimes I was a factory, sometimes I was a coal mine, sometimes I was a house floating up on a cloud towards a nuclear reactor. I was train tracks, I was a virus, I was mathematical equations. When Gilmour kicked in with the bluesy solo we erupted in a fit of manic laughter, and the room tilted in efforts to roll us off the edge of the bed and out the window. After that song ended the power went out (I live in Pakistan). Both of us heard a series of ambient noises that intensified and finally culminated into a dreadful religious hymn about Prophets that was so loud it had become unbearable. It was like having 100 people yelling their lungs out inside my ear hole. This ended as soon as the generators kicked in and restored the electric functions of the dwelling. It was then around 1am and I needed to piss really bad because of the constant watering of the hellish cotton mouth. It was a horrid dark smelly piss of evil, but so cleansing at the same time. Just long enough to ground myself for a while and feel ‘normal’ before spiraling into insanity a few more times. The trip really dragged on, and we were crushed by the end of it, physically and mentally. I had belly cramps and was coming down till 7am, and maybe got an hour of sleep this morning. I still feel a lingering trippyness and it’s been almost 24 hours.
All in all it wasn’t a bad trip, but it wasn’t a ‘fun’ trip either. It was interesting, but the physical beating was not something I am willing to endure again. It definitely was not an acid trip. My friend and I both agree that it was too abstract, and for us entirely meaningless.
Any thoughts on what the mystery chemical might be?


Well-Known Member
I'm not laughing about living in PK. I'm just laughing in general. Especially after reading that long ass post. That was quite a trip report. Try doubling the dosage and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
I have never tasted condom before. Just for reference would you further classify
if it was used or not? that may help someone else to corroborate your findings. :shock:


Well-Known Member
Lol...I will not be eating anymore of those blotters, I feel like I've been in a fight and I still am not able to sleep. And the condom thing...i've never tasted one, but there is this particular rubberyish smell some of em give off, and thats what I tried to describe.


Well-Known Member
All in all it wasn’t a bad trip, but it wasn’t a ‘fun’ trip either. It was interesting, but the physical beating was not something I am willing to endure again. It definitely was not an acid trip. My friend and I both agree that it was too abstract, and for us entirely meaningless.
Any thoughts on what the mystery chemical might be?

i have found that with improperly stored tabs the lsd can degrade. the tab still have an effect on you but the body load increase and it can be a much more confusing trip especially as your trying to work out whats wrong. i've experienced this a couple of times where i had taken some of same batch before and after it spoilt.

the time's you give are pretty similar too so my bets on spolied lsd rather than another drug


Well-Known Member
Bad taste, long come-up, and long duration all point to a DOx...

But I'm just guessing.
That they do. The foul smelling urine is making me wonder though. Drugs with a sulfur group that undergoes metabolic attack often cause nasty smelling urine. Anyone who has ever taken Provigil or Nuvigil knows what I mean here. I used to be embarrassed to go into a public bathroom that wasn't empty.


Well-Known Member
I always get the metalic taste thing, I can generaly not even bite a piece of printer paper, the teeth lock reaction is so severe just the thought of it, clams my mouth shut.

Certainly sounds like some of the mad days I've spend on DOx


Well-Known Member
Yeah, after reading many DOx trip reports I think what I got was DOB or something, but I'll never know for sure. I want someodat good ol LSD!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah it was definitely not acid lol. If it has any taste at all its not lsd.

I know those blotters too Ive eaten them a couple of times. Two of them had me unable to see my hand in front of my face. Then I took one more.. Jesus the shit was strong.
It was not a DOx though in my opinion its a phenthylamine for sure what I ate. Lasted roughly 4-6 hours.. Did the blotters happen to have smiley faces, or strawberries on them?


Well-Known Member
Sounds like DOI or something. I've been given "acid" that wasn't L a few times. Always an uncomfortable, ugly, and super-long lasting experience. Always a metallic taste too