Allergy to growing weed indoors.


Well-Known Member
Just wondering if anyone has had sinus or allergy or headache issues while growing cannabis indoors.

Last year I had a grow going in my bedroom. I started having really bad feverish headaches. This lasted for months. I went to doctor and he said I looked ok, but I felt terrible. The doctor told me I was grinding my jaw at night so I sought treatment for TMJ. I can't tell if this really helped or not.

What I recently noticed is that I haven't had any symptoms at all since my last harvest 4 months ago. It could be coincidence, but I suspect it may have been an allergic reaction to something in the soil or the plant itself.

My friend also noticed that he had bad sinus problems and since his last harvest the symptoms have ceased.

Just wondering if anyone has had a similar experience.
I'm not allergic to plants in general but have noticed the odd strain will irritate my sinuses and cause sneezing. I think it's strain specific, MJ plants have a lot of terps and certain one's could easily trigger allergic reactions. An example for me with a common plant is Lilacs, there's something in that fragrance that gets me irritated immediately, yet a rose won't even though they smell quite strong. You should try to record anything specific when you do get reactions to eventually nail it down, I got rid of that strain that got me irritated and haven't come across any others since.
It's much more likely that your body wasn't used to, and didn't like, your new environment. For instance it's been dry here, I've woken up feeling shitty the past couple days with slight headaches and a little congestion... These other people are allergic for sure though haha
Try a small autoflower grow in coco or dwc as a test

if it proves true move it to your buddies place?
I'm allergic to just about everything green. I sneeze every time I'm in the grow room. I wear a dust mask when trimming, it helps alot.
of course you can be allergic to cannabis. in the same way some people cant have "real" christmas trees or other flowers, perfumes etc. there are alot of compounds in cannabis that could potentially cause reaction.
i am allergic.
break out in hives(on my arms when they touch the leaves , I have had nose bleeds when trimming fresh harvest, burning itchy eyes.
Some strains I am much more allergic then others.